0pressinator 7 points ago +7 / -0

The chick troonpers get their chests butchered and the skin torn off their limbs for a skin appendage, it's grotesque what they do to girls bodies in the name of their religion.

0pressinator 12 points ago +12 / -0

Actual journalistic service. I'd forgotten what those clique obsessed high school losers paraded around as their sour opinions instead of journalism. You don't hate "journalists" enough, in part because they ruined journalism.

0pressinator 25 points ago +25 / -0

"Are you one of those mothers that don't have your sons in therapy at age 3? Here's why your screaming crotchfruit needs to be handed over to state trained spinsters for daily sessions of verbal abuse instead of running around in the grass with his friends."

0pressinator 22 points ago +22 / -0

There has been an untold amount of research on how to convince autists to yield to outside pressure. That research is being used to get autists to betray their interests and one part of it is to fuck the autist up enough that going back from it is dangerous. "Castrate yourself to join our group" is a tool of demons.

0pressinator 15 points ago +15 / -0

Trump had a 2 hour long live interview that people poured over because "he sounded like he had a little lisp". In the 2 hour interview he dropped truth bomb after truth bomb and showed how effortlessly he could converse with everyone pouring over every word with no gaffes.

Kamala Walz, in response, are having a pre recorded & edited interview with a puff piece journalist. Their phony, incompetent natures compared to the "weird" authentic Trump Vance act is so apparent.

0pressinator 10 points ago +10 / -0

"Donald Trump goes into hysterics for a medic at rally-" because he saw an old person have a medical emergency. They wouldn't be lying so hard if their position wasn't fucked.

0pressinator 6 points ago +7 / -1

In South America Europeans tried to send a few Elites to populate their countries with the local wombs and it failed spectacularly. In North America Europeans funneled the lowest among them to the land, bypassing the low iq hippies, and America and Canada became world powers made up of potato eating Catholics, French hicks, and the retards of the German states. The experiment of North and South America proved without a doubt the superior way to create world powers, and as a result they decided to turn the whole world into crossbreeds.

0pressinator 4 points ago +4 / -0

While the 1907 Hague Convention (IV) on Land Warfare made war rape a war crime in international armed conflicts, the judges at the Nuremberg trials in 1946 stated "the laws and customs of war apply between belligerents, but not...among allies."[14] Such statement was reinforced by the 1949 Fourth Geneva Convention under Article 4, which excludes allied nationals from the list of protected persons as long their state maintains diplomatic relations with a belligerent power.[15] At the time of Marocchinate, Italy was a co-belligerent with the Allies, having declared war on its former Axis partner Nazi Germany on 13 October 1943.[16]

As a result, the war rape of Italian women in Italy by French colonial troops fell under the purview of both French military and Italian civilian law instead of international humanitarian law.

They executed the spooks, but sending the spooks in at the first place was the point, they didn't execute they leaders. This is how they treat those who turned against the axis, useful goys to satisfy a primal urge to devastate the shared psyche of Whites. Europeans, Christians, sane citizens of the world should be aware that submitting to they's will is just 'a little bit of rape' and 'only a few children groomed for sacrifice'. Any submission to the Beast is complete submission, stupid and traitorous.

0pressinator 12 points ago +12 / -0

The real conspiracy would be the conspiracy needed for endless coincidences to be just that, coincidences. Is every one of the tribe in it, no, but you get enough tribe members together with enough of a shield from noticing and enough money and enough demonic energy and the world begins to bend.

0pressinator 5 points ago +5 / -0

They want you dead, your children molested, your cities in ruins, your history subverted, and they find it funny.

0pressinator 7 points ago +7 / -0

Self defense extends beyond immediate threat to life. A threat to the peace of mind in your home, a threat to the safety of a family member or person in a community (both physical as well as from a sexual predator), a threat to the well being of others are all a threat that is worth righteous anger and self defense.

0pressinator 17 points ago +17 / -0

The destruction of the family unit is one of the most important tool of these Marxists. China cranked the family betrayal all the way, since then it's become a more subtle game. "Your racist uncle at Thanksgiving" is a popular 5 minute hate target for a reason, just enough to appear like not a big deal while training kids to seek reasons to betray family members for slights.

0pressinator 1 point ago +1 / -0

There is a foreign agency that spends all of its time and resources researching the most psychologically damaging terror attacks that can be inflicted on Western conscious. Repeating the truck attacks would become empty noise.

0pressinator 7 points ago +7 / -0

German city is known for weapons and tools for centuries, and within a decade of the immigration bombing runs anything tougher than a square knife is outlawed. You can throw the dredge of genetic waste into Western Civilization but only the people responsible for it can exist in these societies. Their experiment is the most costly failure of anything since the Tower of Babel.

0pressinator 2 points ago +2 / -0

Maybe The Matrix was correct in saying the 1990's was the peak of human civilization. No matter how advanced automatic computing and global manufacturing can get, these people have zero ability to innovate and maintain the systems in place, as shit gets globally worse the bridges start to erode from no repairs no proper replacement and failure to teach non-Europeans how to navigate the waters.

0pressinator 7 points ago +8 / -1

Who do you think "We" means in this context? The US Military from above decided to de-prioritize red blooded European-American Men and wanted a spic force and nigger navy. Well, the nigs and the japs and the wops and the towel heads and dot foreheads didn't show up, they bred a class of servant golems that won't lift a finger to protect their trades, a global parasite force with zero loyalty once the foodstamps are in the mail slot. The next great war will be fought against more drones and AI MG Dogs than human soldiers. Making the technology fail is the Achilles heel of their future army.

0pressinator 2 points ago +2 / -0

She's a fatty. A gross obese motorscooter riding tub of lard. I didn't know they still made fat germans I thought they all died in the war, she looks like Dr Robotnik in a dress and wig.

0pressinator 5 points ago +5 / -0

The German government is more focused on policing incredibly mild bantz than "southern looking" people stabbing a dozen bystanders in the neck. You'd think they'd be monitoring the waves for "new germans" praising the ramadan worshiper but nope this is who they need to name and shame.

0pressinator 5 points ago +7 / -2

It was a decade ago that Cheerios was applauded for introducing mutts to TV commercials. I don't watch live TV anymore now that every ad is the same mixed race globohomo shoved everywhere, it reminds me these people want my kind exterminated like anudda Holodomor

0pressinator 8 points ago +10 / -2

Biden turned his family of Irish Catholics into judeochristians for a whiff of power, and for all of his might he will go down remembered as a cuck who bumbled around while the "greatest orator of America" muttered into the mic that his son would be a gangbanger, and that he rotted in office helplessly as the invasion of America kicked up a gear.

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