if it was progress, every letter in the logo would be a different color, some rainbow colored, some would be on fire due to "peaceful arson". It would have G's that identify as K's and J's that identify as O's. Half the characters would be from non-Western alphabets to be inclusive
I looked up on paheal, but couldn't find any tasteful nudes. There's some tasteful pinups on sankaku and KYM, but they're all clothed to varying degrees.
Which got me thinking, ribbons as censorship would qualify under "nude". Go more extreme, ribbons as bondage, many would still classify it as "nude", even though less is shown than in a swimsuit. Which logically means a swimsuit is "nude". And of course, some swimsuits cover more than a crop top and short shorts, so normal clothes are also nude.
So I guess there are tasteful nudes out there, they just have convenient censoring of cloth draped or wrapped around them.
Or a browser plugin or desktop app something where I can test locally hosted files?
I can always try on two browsers, one desktop sized and one roughly mobile sized but again if someone who isn't a caveman at web stuff has advice let me know
Here is my S10 5G with a 412x869 screen. It's cropped, using night mode, and I added the red box. The biggest issue is the "Official Gamergate" button highlights the red box. Clicking in the frame with links and upvotes works like normal, as does Search, Username, Notifications, etc. Clicking "All Posts" or "Hot" takes me to "kotakuinaction2.win", but I can sort if I click the "H" that falls just outside the red line.
The good news is progress is being made on the design. Why do you hate progress? Something something right side of history.
if it was progress, every letter in the logo would be a different color, some rainbow colored, some would be on fire due to "peaceful arson". It would have G's that identify as K's and J's that identify as O's. Half the characters would be from non-Western alphabets to be inclusive
I really want someone to make this now.
While they are redesigning, they really should remove the "subreddit" title. We ain't owned by chicom scum.
I actually agree, but win communities don't have a name. What else could you put?
"The Gamergate Free Speech Zone"?
The Official Gamergate Safe Space
The Gamergate Autonomous Zone
Gamergate Autonomous Youth Zone (GAYZ)
Hug box.
I need a space safe from hugs.
we could call .win communities "wins". This one would be called 'a win for free speech'
The Official Gamergate Win
The Official Gamergate Dom
The Official Gamergate Pit
The Official Gamergate Death Camp
The Official Gamergate ReeeeeeEducation Camp
The Official Gamergate Conversion Camp
The Official Gamergate Electroshock Therapy
The Official Gamergate Helicopter Ride
The Official Gamergate Minivan
At least we have some color now. The white on white was killing me.
You got something against whites?
Yeah, daddy likes to colonize.
Your momma's so loose she can fit this whole joke in her.
White on black night mode ftw >.>
Now if I could only get those bloody scroll arrows the fuck away from the submit button on mobile.
The anti-white rhetoric finally got to you.
Why don't you switch to dark mode?
Literally didn't think to check. You got me, appreciate fixing my farting brain.
I still miss the color already.
I might try my hand at some of the CSS, I've got a little bit to work with.
I wouldn't say no to a little tasteful Vivian James image.
Tasteful Vivian James nude.
I looked up on paheal, but couldn't find any tasteful nudes. There's some tasteful pinups on sankaku and KYM, but they're all clothed to varying degrees.
Which got me thinking, ribbons as censorship would qualify under "nude". Go more extreme, ribbons as bondage, many would still classify it as "nude", even though less is shown than in a swimsuit. Which logically means a swimsuit is "nude". And of course, some swimsuits cover more than a crop top and short shorts, so normal clothes are also nude.
So I guess there are tasteful nudes out there, they just have convenient censoring of cloth draped or wrapped around them.
I don't know whether to be impressed or disappointed that you actually looked for them.
Both, I guess.
Yeah, I actually can't choose to sort by new instead of the default hot, because the banner's click area stretches down that far on my mobile
For now at least...
On pc - it looks skewed for me to.
I hope it's just a first draft because that does look pretty bad.
pls make a design, post an image link, I'll try to implement it
Sorry bro. I just make smoking pipes, that's completely beyond my skill level.
I'm pretty sure I can do whatever with the code, just need someone with an aesthetic sense to tell me how it needs to look.
Ban phoneposters
For me it’s not just the way it looks; the header is now blocking the sorting and filtering controls at the top of the page.
If you can rotate your phone so it goes into horizontal display and you’ll just barely be able to hit them.
Is there ever any doubt to the truth of this statement?
to people who know what the hell they are doing, is there a site like this?
Or a browser plugin or desktop app something where I can test locally hosted files?
I can always try on two browsers, one desktop sized and one roughly mobile sized but again if someone who isn't a caveman at web stuff has advice let me know
Text is skewed but he page is fine on my end.
roger that, will test on mobile for next iteration, any way you can post a screenshot?
Here is my S10 5G with a 412x869 screen. It's cropped, using night mode, and I added the red box. The biggest issue is the "Official Gamergate" button highlights the red box. Clicking in the frame with links and upvotes works like normal, as does Search, Username, Notifications, etc. Clicking "All Posts" or "Hot" takes me to "kotakuinaction2.win", but I can sort if I click the "H" that falls just outside the red line.
Yeeted. Apologies.
I can't switch to "new" posts on my phone unless I hold it in landscape mode
Dom needs to roll it back. It looks horrible and messes up functionality on mobile.