Hey so I'm giving away codes again. This time though, you gotta comment on this win thread. I'm hoping to get more people on win since reddit's policies have gotten ever worse on censorship and I thought this would be a fine way to do it.
Comments (44)
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Well, I'm here. So long as accepting free stuff isn't communism.
Everyone's gotta be involved here and post content to help us escape from Reddit.
Edit: People commenting in the hope of free stuff and not engaging with anyone. No one upvoting anything or engaging. What a shame.
Get involved, people. Decentralised sites like this are the future.
I think the primary issue that alternatives are facing is that many people who have decided to leave places like reddit are spending more time offline, rather than looking for a similar site to replace it.
That's a fair point.
Good point upvotes all round (for what it's worth). I'm usually a lurker but I'll try to make an effort to engage here more.
This is really nice of you to share with the community. I play console though, so don't give me anything.
Mods can vouch for me if you think it's a scam
Very kind. Big respect.
Well, then I just say "Hello" (was time to get here anyway)
Good of you kind sir
Give people hentai games so their friends find out how pervy they are. Don't give me one... also I don't play on console. :) Cheers homie, you're doing good.
This is evil, but I love it.
just for giggles if i get picked send it to some youtuber/streamer instead welp back to lurking
I'm a good boy and doing what I'm told. ;)
Hope its not scrub games. Better be something good OP!
I suggest this man be the recipient of an obese furry VN to display proudly in their steam library, so everyone knows he's no scrub.
Or the anime girl Hitler game.
Tar and feather the commie politicians like the old days, and then pocket what money they had.
I'm here albeit I lurk more than engage.
Blood Ravens, today is the day we reclaim these lost relic... steam codes for our chapter.
You got me to register. Even though I should have during the potential purge -- oh well. Thanks for the giveaway chance, man.
Eh, why not.
Heh, I've had a dry spell on new games for a while now, count me in.
And three cheers to you for the community building efforts. ?
Good idea!
Hello, there.
Oh fuck. The Steam grifters have found this place.
On /b/ these always, always turn in to begathons. "Yo, I'm really poor. Could some kind person gift me games [that I can then sell.]"
Free stuff is free stuff, so i am in.
On another note, i didn't knew how similar this was to reddit. Good stuff, still, there is a lot of hobby groups in reddit that i still like, the underground stuff that wasn't tained by the Reddit stupidity
Also, if there was a mobile version of .win it could be more popular
Can I win on two sites?
I'm already here exclusively anyway, ha.
Steam for PC mustard race!
I'm here