Ah, it didn't take Shadist long to prove he's the flaming queen of the faggots no matter what site he's on. I'm glad to still have you guys no matter where we end up.
Their mods just couldn't resist getting into petty arguments with people in the T_D.win thread welcoming their site. Reminded me of one of the reasons I stopped going there.
yeah i went to their rules and about 4 minutes later i saw shadist shitting up the place i removed the bookmark. You'd think bane would be smart enough to know problem actors when he sees them.
still wish we couldve just been called something else than kia2 though. i mean its a legacy name but i feel some other names would fit the bill better.
Makes me curious about how the federated login would work in case of a boot from the network, but the idea of independent sites aggregated in a central repository with little external control is really exciting.
Hey everyone! I didn't know much about you guys before the move but I'm looking forward to finding out. In the mean time, enjoy the freedom!!
I'm serious. When we first came over from our dom, it felt like having a bag removed from our heads so we could breathe again. I hope you guys enjoy the same luxury.
In 1939, he published pamphlets as "chairman of the American Federation of Peace" that argued that Americans should be sterilized so that their children will no longer have to fight in foreign wars
The guy sounds nuttier than a fruitcake.
Hitler did nothing wrong.
Hitler destroyed Germany, ruined Charlie Chaplin's moustache for everybody and was a middling and amateurish painter at best.
But you have to hand it to him. He did kill Hitler, so there's that.
I would like to take some time to address a rumor floating around the fleet.
-Some of you have come to believe that I like var. I wish to dash these rumors! I do not like var.
-Through my life, I have discovered so many forms of var. You get up in ze morning, you get into your shitty car, und you see a rich CEO, who works half as hard as you do, drive down ze street in his Porsche. "Class Var."
-You make it to vork, und you find out that ze annual drug test is today, und you just so happened to take a puff of your one-hitter a couple nights ago before dinner with your wife's awful parents. "Drug Var."
-But zhen, you find out that ze only ones being called in for testing are your black and Hispanic co-workers. "Race Var."
-Then, you try und post about it on your Facebook, but zen all your friends start arguing about vhat's right und what's wrong. "Flame Var."
-You finally get home, und you decide to relax by vatching a program about: "Who gets ze box?" "What's in ze box?" "How much is vhat's in ze box worth?" "Storage Vars." (chuckles)
-What I am telling you, my Nazi army of one zhousand vampires, is that I am a purveyor of var. And with your help over ze years, ve are now at the precipice of our true goal.
-You see, I vant a simple var.
-No Class Vars, no Drug Vars, no Race Vars, no Flame Vars, und certainly, no Cold Vars!
-Blueballed for forty years.
-Vhat I vant is a var zhat only ve can bring.
-A true var!
I went down the Royal Family rabbit hole the other day on accident after wikipedia-ing one of them. Man am I glad we fought a war to not have to deal with those faggots anymore.
Britain was already in the death spiral. It makes no difference if you replace him. For example, the coal industry was killed by the Trade Disputes Act of 1906, but leftist cancer kills slowly.
Those homeowners could use some more firearm training, but they did what every American should do when people threaten your hearth, your family, and your legacy. Get those guns out and tell them to fuck right off. If they try anything then shoot them. Self-defense is a necessary right, and not enough people are exercising it, nor defending others' rights to do so.
I just want to comment here to say 'retard' without a bot deleting my message
Thank you
To be fair, the site isn't officially live yet. Things will be fleshed out when our faggot mods have the time.
Ah, it didn't take Shadist long to prove he's the flaming queen of the faggots no matter what site he's on. I'm glad to still have you guys no matter where we end up.
Their mods just couldn't resist getting into petty arguments with people in the T_D.win thread welcoming their site. Reminded me of one of the reasons I stopped going there.
yeah i went to their rules and about 4 minutes later i saw shadist shitting up the place i removed the bookmark. You'd think bane would be smart enough to know problem actors when he sees them.
still wish we couldve just been called something else than kia2 though. i mean its a legacy name but i feel some other names would fit the bill better.
I'm going to stay sub agnostic and just post on both.
I post more on KiA2 because there are more posts there that I'm interested in posting in but I'm not going to stop giving my opinion on KiA.
Well, well. Good to be here. And good to see that .win usernames are universal. I was really not looking forward to re-registering each time.
Makes me curious about how the federated login would work in case of a boot from the network, but the idea of independent sites aggregated in a central repository with little external control is really exciting.
Is there a self-hosting option?
I personally don’t know but you can contact Doggos, support@thedonald.win, or head on over to communities.win to ask!
It's universal for the sites listed on https://communitities.win
It would be a good practice, though. To create and shuffle new usernames on a regular basis.
Spez is a retarded tranny faggot sand nigger jigaboo.
Freedom of speech is yummy to have back
That's a faggy way of putting it, but yes
Wait, I'm finally allowed to call myself a faggot again! Hurrah!
Paraphrasing The Network here for the uninitiated.
Hey everyone! I didn't know much about you guys before the move but I'm looking forward to finding out. In the mean time, enjoy the freedom!!
I'm serious. When we first came over from our dom, it felt like having a bag removed from our heads so we could breathe again. I hope you guys enjoy the same luxury.
From our "dom". XD I've somehow never heard that before, but I love it. We ain't no subreddit. We the domreddit.
I’m generally a lurker but I have made my way over here from the shithole that Reddit has become. No more retarded admins to worry about.
This should be fun. Can breathe a little bit easier now.
Is this official? I’ll bookmark it if it is! :D
Bookmarked! Thanks Pepe!
Fuck yeah bois
Goodness, I'm tempted to just repost the comments I made that got purged on Reddit. Just because.
No one day ban for that shit here! At least, fucking hopefully.
Aww fuck yeah!
Damn straight
looks up to me
Finally, a place to drop the mask. I blame the German Jews. Theodore Kaufman was right. Hitler did nothing wrong.
The guy sounds nuttier than a fruitcake.
Hitler destroyed Germany, ruined Charlie Chaplin's moustache for everybody and was a middling and amateurish painter at best.
But you have to hand it to him. He did kill Hitler, so there's that.
I prefer his piece on Germany. I take both sides in race wars.
My position on War in general is a highly controversial one. Whether it be flame wars, race wars, total war, etc;
War is bad. I'm not a fan, generally speaking.
Your opinion is grossly unpopular. Look out the window.
Obviously you aren't an arms dealer.
I would like to take some time to address a rumor floating around the fleet.
-Some of you have come to believe that I like var. I wish to dash these rumors! I do not like var.
-Through my life, I have discovered so many forms of var. You get up in ze morning, you get into your shitty car, und you see a rich CEO, who works half as hard as you do, drive down ze street in his Porsche. "Class Var."
-You make it to vork, und you find out that ze annual drug test is today, und you just so happened to take a puff of your one-hitter a couple nights ago before dinner with your wife's awful parents. "Drug Var."
-But zhen, you find out that ze only ones being called in for testing are your black and Hispanic co-workers. "Race Var."
-Then, you try und post about it on your Facebook, but zen all your friends start arguing about vhat's right und what's wrong. "Flame Var."
-You finally get home, und you decide to relax by vatching a program about: "Who gets ze box?" "What's in ze box?" "How much is vhat's in ze box worth?" "Storage Vars." (chuckles)
-What I am telling you, my Nazi army of one zhousand vampires, is that I am a purveyor of var. And with your help over ze years, ve are now at the precipice of our true goal.
-You see, I vant a simple var.
-No Class Vars, no Drug Vars, no Race Vars, no Flame Vars, und certainly, no Cold Vars!
-Blueballed for forty years.
-Vhat I vant is a var zhat only ve can bring. -A true var!
-A German var!
-The sequel you've all been vaiting for!
On an individual level, yeah, they're bad. Most great human advancement comes through adversity and conflict, though.
Hitler lost. Churchill won and still ruined the British Empire.
That can be blamed on the royal family just as much as Churchill.
I went down the Royal Family rabbit hole the other day on accident after wikipedia-ing one of them. Man am I glad we fought a war to not have to deal with those faggots anymore.
Britain was already in the death spiral. It makes no difference if you replace him. For example, the coal industry was killed by the Trade Disputes Act of 1906, but leftist cancer kills slowly.
God dammit, let's at least get settled in a bit before discussing the lighter-than-air properties of hydrogen cyanide.
Free speech seems to be working.
Fuck, I saw your post then accidentally refreshed the page on my phone. Now it's gone. Did you pull it and what was in it?
Yeah, pulled it. Just fucking with shit for now. Animated gifs don't seem to work yet. Tried posting this lovely fellow.
Those homeowners could use some more firearm training, but they did what every American should do when people threaten your hearth, your family, and your legacy. Get those guns out and tell them to fuck right off. If they try anything then shoot them. Self-defense is a necessary right, and not enough people are exercising it, nor defending others' rights to do so.