Does Democracy mean government acting according to the will of the people or does Democracy mean globohomo communist faggotry and its attendant pet ideological dogmas in this report? Because I'm gonna go ahead and bet an irresponsible amount of money that it's the latter.
Does Democracy mean government acting according to the will of the people or does Democracy mean globohomo communist faggotry and its attendant pet ideological dogmas in this report?
But don't waste your time. The fruitcake just made shit up. For instance, he says USAID was created by congress. No, it wasn't. Shitwipe can't even be bothered to check the simplest facts.
Does Democracy mean government acting according to the will of the people or does Democracy mean globohomo communist faggotry and its attendant pet ideological dogmas in this report? Because I'm gonna go ahead and bet an irresponsible amount of money that it's the latter.
Democracy™. The trademark is important.
It's based on polling "experts", so it must be legit...
It’s “our democracy” so it’s the Globohomo version.
because we're not paying for infinite gibs to undeserving and irrelevant shitholes?
I keep getting confused and thinking we were always a republic for some reason.
Do they still call Romania a democracy?
And israel.
When they say Democracy they really mean Democratcracy: the rule of the people who call themselves Democrats. Nothing loftier than that.
Pffft cbc, come back with your opinions on freezing bank accounts in canada
Who gives a fuck what globalist morons say or think?
"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america, and to the republic for which it stands."
I wonder why they took it out of schools...
They're always self projecting, accussing others of doing what they are doing themselves.
I mean it's 5 years too late, but yeah, so should Canada and the UK too.
That the popularly chosen president just got back in power in the US was more by fluke than by design.
I love statements that can just be answered with "Okay... and?"
Can someone post a non archive link? I have google blocked so it’s a pain to access
But don't waste your time. The fruitcake just made shit up. For instance, he says USAID was created by congress. No, it wasn't. Shitwipe can't even be bothered to check the simplest facts.