Good grief these idiots see Nazis in their breakfast each morning. Reminds me I need to buy the bond books. I’ll see if Amazon has a complete set like I did for Wheel of Time
Careful, I heard a year or so ago that they were planning to remove "objectionable stereotypes" in the representation of blacks when he's in the Caribbean, and probably other things too. Make sure you get copies that predate this. I also heard something about only being able to get all of the books in Canada due to some copyright stuff in Europe and America. Worth looking into.
Ok. I take it any publishing date prior to 2016 should be good? I’ll also look for used copies. Thanks for the heads up. Actually to support small business I should check with my local used bookstore.
Good grief these idiots see Nazis in their breakfast each morning. Reminds me I need to buy the bond books. I’ll see if Amazon has a complete set like I did for Wheel of Time
*Looks at Cap'n Crunch nervously*
Hey I still enjoy crunch berries on occasion
Crunchberries is one of the few cereals that still taste like it did when I was kid
Since I try to eat better now it’s a once in a blue moon treat
Haven’t you seen. Cap’n Crunch is WHITE! Basically a Nazi.
Count Chocula and Frankenberry's less popular spinoff, Der Obergrapenfuhrer
Now I wanna use AI to make a mock commercial for Nazi breakfast cereal...
"Der obersturmfuhrer sagt dass Energiebits teil einer ausgewogenen ernahrung fur heranwachsende Arier sind!"
🎶🎵 Hearts, stars, and swastikas, daggers and Sig runes!
🎶🎵 Heaps of gypsy corpses, gold teeth and shoes!
Der Völkischly delicious!
Careful, I heard a year or so ago that they were planning to remove "objectionable stereotypes" in the representation of blacks when he's in the Caribbean, and probably other things too. Make sure you get copies that predate this. I also heard something about only being able to get all of the books in Canada due to some copyright stuff in Europe and America. Worth looking into.
Ok. I take it any publishing date prior to 2016 should be good? I’ll also look for used copies. Thanks for the heads up. Actually to support small business I should check with my local used bookstore.
Looks like the article talking about it was from 2023, so you should be good:
I recall Thunderball being a good read several decades ago but I couldn't tell you what it was about now. Might be time to revisit some old cinema.
Must have been a good book they made it a movie twice
It's Swatilicious!👍