Ah, I'm of the opinion that Chaim Hirschel Mordechai's Marxism, (sponsored by the Rothschild gang's prominent figures of that time) is the root cause behind every socialist-flavored movement of today. This is why I have no issue with calling the commies for what they are - leeches upon the very existence of mankind itself.
Wikipedia works hard to cover up who is and isn’t a jew nowadays…..there was a time when like 2 specific editors made thousands of early life’s on jews in our world, they did great things for our movement, opened a lot of eyes, but those editors were removed and now, unless it’s a well known fact that the person of interest is actually a jew, as in it’s been published publicly at least 3 times, they will not include that info on Wikipedia. That change happened back in like 2021 or some shit, I can’t remember exactly when. Even with the changes to Wikipedia’s early life’s policy, I’m guessing that any jew who is exposed on Wikipedia can have that info removed even if it is public, just to make it a little more difficult for the goyim to prove it’s “every single time”.
Wikipedia works hard to cover up who is and isn’t a jew nowadays…..
After citing Wikipedia for years, the Stormfags now get upset that there are people whom they hate who aren't Jewish... so their obvious conclusion is that Wikipedia is covering it up.
unless it’s a well known fact that the person of interest is actually a jew, as in it’s been published publicly at least 3 times, they will not include that info on Wikipedia.
As opposed to when you don't like someone?
just to make it a little more difficult for the goyim to prove it’s “every single time”.
Stormfags making a total fool of themselves 'every single time'.
Cry harder….if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, it’s probably a duck. That’s why I said he’s probably a jew, but it’s entirely possible he’s just a dumb fuck who has an affinity for jews like several million brainwashed boomers who don’t know any better…it’s also possible he’s an influencer being paid by JIDF or some other jewish group to shill in their favor, that’s certainly not unheard of. What I said about Wikipedia’s early life policy is 100% true, here’s the article where the policy is discussed:
Wikipedia had a nice article about cultural marxism for quite a while, well researched and provides excellent sources. It was covered up and relabeled a 'conspiracy theory'. Or, remember that time when the paki rape gangs were called a 'moral panic' by the current wikipedia editors? So yes, wikipedia is covering up information. Information that would be inconvenient to your owners.
Your gaslighting is meaningless. Do you know why? Because wikipedia itself held records of this alteration, and the original article is still publicly available via multiple backups.
Why are you trying to divert attention from the censoring of nu-wikipedia? What are you so scared of?
Wikipedia had a nice article about cultural marxism for quite a while, well researched
And how do precisely do you judge 'well researched'?
It was covered up and relabeled a 'conspiracy theory', like how you attack community members on this site as '9/11 truthers',
So you are a truther. It's OK, I don't mind.
Why are you trying to divert attention from the actions of nu-wikipedia's censorship?
I mean, the Nazi who commented earlier literally complained that he can't go around labeling everyone he doesn't like a Jew because it has to be 'well-documented'.
And how do precisely do you judge 'well researched'?
Just go read the original article's sources. It was quite informative.
So you are a truther. It's OK, I don't mind.
Oh look, its the party of Trust the $cience demanding that I obey the "fact$" or else I'll be labeled a 'truther'.
Scary, scary.
I mean, the Nazi who commented earlier literally complained that he can't go around labeling everyone he doesn't like a Jew because it has to be 'well-documented'.
You label everyone who doesn't parrot your opinions to you a nazi or a truther or something, then you complain about people who want to make sure they're not about to make a mistake?
I know you're stupid, but this really does exceed my expectations.
There's another X account, eigenrobot, pretty amusing, but one day posted that the triumphalism on the Right is now disturbing him just as the Left's triumphalism did. He's the same.
Whereas I, an old-time classical Liberal, realized that society only moves by lurches to the Left and Right, accompanied by howls of both triumph and despair, and that the GOP leadership will screw us in the end.
So James flipped out that the "woke right" (I howl) was posting images of Archangel Michael, and I tried to tell him that when you import 30m Catholics, they will shit up your feed with Michael icons, regardless of how "national socialist" Trump is going to be.
And btw, I love Trump 2.0, I wish him victory over the GOPe, and YES! I voted for exactly this.
Whereas I, an old-time classical Liberal, realized that society only moves by lurches to the Left and Right, accompanied by howls of both triumph and despair, and that the GOP leadership will screw us in the end.
What a gross, grifting sellout. Pro-Tip: It's never time to stop attacking communism.
how small is his hat and how small is his penis?
...why don't we cut out the middleman and go after socialism in general?
All these commies look the same to me.
that's what i'm saying though. communism is just one branch... as is fascism, as is nazism, socialism is the root.
Ah, I'm of the opinion that Chaim Hirschel Mordechai's Marxism, (sponsored by the Rothschild gang's prominent figures of that time) is the root cause behind every socialist-flavored movement of today. This is why I have no issue with calling the commies for what they are - leeches upon the very existence of mankind itself.
A good American attacks both, Jew
What a fucking faggot
Is he jewish? Seems like it to me, but maybe he’s just owned by the jew
Wikipedia doesn't give him their gold star.
They're pretty good at sniffin' them out since they think it's a badge of honor.
Wikipedia works hard to cover up who is and isn’t a jew nowadays…..there was a time when like 2 specific editors made thousands of early life’s on jews in our world, they did great things for our movement, opened a lot of eyes, but those editors were removed and now, unless it’s a well known fact that the person of interest is actually a jew, as in it’s been published publicly at least 3 times, they will not include that info on Wikipedia. That change happened back in like 2021 or some shit, I can’t remember exactly when. Even with the changes to Wikipedia’s early life’s policy, I’m guessing that any jew who is exposed on Wikipedia can have that info removed even if it is public, just to make it a little more difficult for the goyim to prove it’s “every single time”.
After citing Wikipedia for years, the Stormfags now get upset that there are people whom they hate who aren't Jewish... so their obvious conclusion is that Wikipedia is covering it up.
As opposed to when you don't like someone?
Stormfags making a total fool of themselves 'every single time'.
Cry harder….if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, it’s probably a duck. That’s why I said he’s probably a jew, but it’s entirely possible he’s just a dumb fuck who has an affinity for jews like several million brainwashed boomers who don’t know any better…it’s also possible he’s an influencer being paid by JIDF or some other jewish group to shill in their favor, that’s certainly not unheard of. What I said about Wikipedia’s early life policy is 100% true, here’s the article where the policy is discussed: https://www.commentary.org/articles/edward-kosner/jew-tagging-wikipedia/
Crying from laughing at your stupid, worthless ass?
If me no like this guy, he's a JOOOOO!
It's entirely possible that he's just... not a Nazi? Wow, someone give you a medal for that amazing revelation.
Oh, you sure have it figured out. Alternatively, maybe he just has a brain, and thus doesn't like Nazis.
It's rather revealing that you're admitting that your fellow Nazis were rewriting Wikipedia. All the more reason to point out that Wikipedia is trash.
I’d put money on your early life being jewish also.
Antonio is an Arab who doesn’t practice Islam.
Yes (((Arab)))
Wow, no kidding, a Nazi thinks that everyone who isn't a Nazi is a Jew!
You'd embarrass yourself slightly less if you heil Hitler'ed yourself to actually finding out who Antonio Of Venice was...
Had to check the username twice to make sure this wasn't gozortnik or Grumman. GG
It's shocking that 'theaustrianpainter' has no substantive response.
Wikipedia had a nice article about cultural marxism for quite a while, well researched and provides excellent sources. It was covered up and relabeled a 'conspiracy theory'. Or, remember that time when the paki rape gangs were called a 'moral panic' by the current wikipedia editors? So yes, wikipedia is covering up information. Information that would be inconvenient to your owners.
Your gaslighting is meaningless. Do you know why? Because wikipedia itself held records of this alteration, and the original article is still publicly available via multiple backups.
Why are you trying to divert attention from the censoring of nu-wikipedia? What are you so scared of?
And how do precisely do you judge 'well researched'?
So you are a truther. It's OK, I don't mind.
I mean, the Nazi who commented earlier literally complained that he can't go around labeling everyone he doesn't like a Jew because it has to be 'well-documented'.
Just go read the original article's sources. It was quite informative.
Oh look, its the party of Trust the $cience demanding that I obey the "fact$" or else I'll be labeled a 'truther'.
Scary, scary.
You label everyone who doesn't parrot your opinions to you a nazi or a truther or something, then you complain about people who want to make sure they're not about to make a mistake?
I know you're stupid, but this really does exceed my expectations.
But how do you judge the quality of those sources?
I am? Who knew? And party? You're very confused, but that's OK.
Whatever you want to call it. You denied thinking that Mosad did it.
Again, this is just confusion. That's what the Nazi was complaining about.
Glad to outperform.
Only good way to look at communists is from 6ft above.
they're the same picture
Fascism is Communism!
The largest, most extreme Fascist nation today is China as run by the CCP!
WTF James?
Why not both?
James is a f--king radical centrist.
There's another X account, eigenrobot, pretty amusing, but one day posted that the triumphalism on the Right is now disturbing him just as the Left's triumphalism did. He's the same.
Whereas I, an old-time classical Liberal, realized that society only moves by lurches to the Left and Right, accompanied by howls of both triumph and despair, and that the GOP leadership will screw us in the end.
So James flipped out that the "woke right" (I howl) was posting images of Archangel Michael, and I tried to tell him that when you import 30m Catholics, they will shit up your feed with Michael icons, regardless of how "national socialist" Trump is going to be.
And btw, I love Trump 2.0, I wish him victory over the GOPe, and YES! I voted for exactly this.
Yes, very good point.