The company said that the speech recognition models that power the voice-to-text feature might show words with some phonetic overlap.
That's the most BS explanation in the history of BS explanations. There is no phonetic overlap between Trump and Racist, even if you are one of the retards who think that spelling it tRump is somehow owning the fascists.
I would have believed it more if they had said: "The speech recognition system is based off of training data that associates sounds with words. Due to us using college students in data sciences, most of the students were just accepting "Trump" and "Racist" as the same word".
It also said that other words that have an “r” consonant were also erroneously triggering the bug.
When software behaves in the exact way it was written to, it isn't a "bug". This was hard coded in, and it's insulting that they think we are stupid enough to believe that they weren't being malicious.
That's the most BS explanation in the history of BS explanations. There is no phonetic overlap between Trump and Racist, even if you are one of the retards who think that spelling it tRump is somehow owning the fascists.
This was 100% intentionally done.
I would have believed it more if they had said: "The speech recognition system is based off of training data that associates sounds with words. Due to us using college students in data sciences, most of the students were just accepting "Trump" and "Racist" as the same word".
Probably an engineer put it in because he's addicted to Reddit.
But that speaks more to quality control at Apple that this slipped through.
When software behaves in the exact way it was written to, it isn't a "bug". This was hard coded in, and it's insulting that they think we are stupid enough to believe that they weren't being malicious.
Software errors just have a liberal bias, chud!
What was "Riggers" come back with?
Does this mean it has the right to say nigger?
Deliberate.. just like how it seems only ron paul gets microphone issues at debates or loss connection during a live interview lol.
Everything about "smart" phones is controlled and curated. Nothing is "random" or a "glitch."
Our news feeds, notifications, suggestions -- all of it is manipulated with an intention.
It's all fun and games until somebody retaliates by changing "transgender" to eunuch and "ally" to faggot
Grumpy Cat is now Racist Cat
Not even close to Apple and Siri’s most egregious action. Years ago, if you said “Hey Siri, Tar…” it would say “Heels!”
Some UNC basketball fan slipped that one in there.
Stop buying their products. They hate you.
Who said anything about buying anything
Plenty of people have IPhones. This was a PSA.
Now replace Retard with AOC.
Don't do that to retards, they're nowhere near as simple minded as 'ol Donkey Face.