Not really, most prisoners in German jails are West Asian or North African knife artists! Of course they tell us they are all mentally ill or suffered from PTSD. Rapefugees don’t go to jail at all. This leaves the question if this is the consequence of their religion!
They also arrested another muslim who planned a terror attack on an Israeli embassy the other day.
Meanwhile the central committee of jews in Germany doesn't get tired of agitating against the right and for open borders. A prominent jew also left the CDU (globalist "conservatives") a couple of weeks ago because they dared to ask for stricter immigration.
Karma is working overtime but people are too slow to wake up.
I'm just saying there'd be no 3rd world Muslim "refugees" if we just left them alone to their own devices instead of destabilizing their countries one after another for our greatest ally.
I posted months ago about a black woman stabbing a white baby, and your response there's no proof it was racially motivated. So here we are at the other foot and here's the other shoe.
There's no proof that this is anything but one crazy person.
They are also investigating whether the suspect is suffering from mental illness.
Of course you and the cops are the only one offering a religious or ethnic motivation
The suspect was carrying a prayer rug, a copy of the Quran, and the suspected weapon in his backpack, "suggesting a religious motivation", police said.
I posted months ago about a black woman stabbing a white baby, and your response there's no proof it was racially motivated. So here we are at the other foot and here's the other shoe.
We are? Where are you seeing the claim that it's "racially motivated"? My argument is that this person should not be here.
There's no proof that this is anything but one crazy person.
We aren't talking about the media. We are talking about me and you. You said, in my interpretation, that I was assuming racial animus without proof because of my bias. I am now saying you are applying a animus based on a bias of yours.
I tried to give you a way out that made you look less foolish. It would be slightly less stupid if you were arguing "I'm saying this because the media would say this if the roles were reversed".
You said, in my interpretation, that I was assuming racial animus without proof because of my bias. I am knowing saying you are applying a animus based on a bias of yours.
Nowhere did I assert animus. Do you even hear yourself?
I tried to give you a way out that made you look less foolish. It would be slightly less stupid if you were arguing "I'm saying this because the media would say this if the roles were reversed".
You're peacocking.
Nowhere did I assert animus. Do you even hear yourself?
It's implied, or you just pointed out his religion, and ethnicity for the fun of it
I'm embarrassed for you. You're not normally retarded, and you're one of the least unpleasant people here, but you decided to make peak retardation the hill to die on. Very well then.
It's implied
It's nowhere implied.
or you just pointed out his religion
I didn't point out his religion.
and ethnicity for the fun of it
I pointed out his ethnicity because idiot German politicians led phony 'refugees' from this phony non-country into Germany, and by doing that, they have wrecked the place. It's got nothing to do with animus.
Tomorrow there is election in Germany. Rapefugees and knife artists do their best to wake up some voters! Some tell me they just want to show us what is going to happen if Germany is going the US (Trump) way…
Do Germans have any native criminals beyond SPEECH infractions?
Not really, most prisoners in German jails are West Asian or North African knife artists! Of course they tell us they are all mentally ill or suffered from PTSD. Rapefugees don’t go to jail at all. This leaves the question if this is the consequence of their religion!
They also arrested another muslim who planned a terror attack on an Israeli embassy the other day.
Meanwhile the central committee of jews in Germany doesn't get tired of agitating against the right and for open borders. A prominent jew also left the CDU (globalist "conservatives") a couple of weeks ago because they dared to ask for stricter immigration.
Karma is working overtime but people are too slow to wake up.
I'm just saying there'd be no 3rd world Muslim "refugees" if we just left them alone to their own devices instead of destabilizing their countries one after another for our greatest ally.
You aren't familiar with the 1,400 year history of Islam are you
I posted months ago about a black woman stabbing a white baby, and your response there's no proof it was racially motivated. So here we are at the other foot and here's the other shoe.
There's no proof that this is anything but one crazy person.
Of course you and the cops are the only one offering a religious or ethnic motivation
We are? Where are you seeing the claim that it's "racially motivated"? My argument is that this person should not be here.
One crazy person who should not be here.
They shouldn't be there based on their ethnicity. It's the samething.
Whether or not they should be there says nothing about your claim that the reason for the stabbing was 'racial animus'.
If you had pointed out that had the roles been reversed, the media would be crying racism, you'd be right. But now, no.
We aren't talking about the media. We are talking about me and you. You said, in my interpretation, that I was assuming racial animus without proof because of my bias. I am now saying you are applying a animus based on a bias of yours.
I tried to give you a way out that made you look less foolish. It would be slightly less stupid if you were arguing "I'm saying this because the media would say this if the roles were reversed".
Nowhere did I assert animus. Do you even hear yourself?
You're peacocking.
It's implied, or you just pointed out his religion, and ethnicity for the fun of it
I'm embarrassed for you. You're not normally retarded, and you're one of the least unpleasant people here, but you decided to make peak retardation the hill to die on. Very well then.
It's nowhere implied.
I didn't point out his religion.
I pointed out his ethnicity because idiot German politicians led phony 'refugees' from this phony non-country into Germany, and by doing that, they have wrecked the place. It's got nothing to do with animus.
Where can native Europeans find refuge from these 'refugees'?
Basically in America. Unfortunately that door closed a century ago.
You get the 12/60 problem here though.
In Siria…
Assad was an example of a good Syrian asylum seeker . And guess what , he didn't get asylum in the West he had to go to Russia to get asylum.
He's apparently plans to open an ophthalmology shop there (his training because his predeceased older brother was supposed to take over).
The one Syrian doctor and he goes to Russia.
If only there was some pattern we could notice about this. If only...
Tomorrow there is election in Germany. Rapefugees and knife artists do their best to wake up some voters! Some tell me they just want to show us what is going to happen if Germany is going the US (Trump) way…
The chosen ones have already been selected...
If elections could change a thing, they would have been forbidden since long!
It’s not important who is voting but who is counting the votes!
The Knife did it!