Nick Fuentes broke this story weeks ago with the numbers. We need to be deporting 8,000/ per day, every day, for the next four years just to remove the 11 million that came in under Biden. Trump barely broke 1,500 in two weeks and DHS quit publishing the numbers a week ago.
It aint' gonna happen, fellas. Of course, Nick will still be called a "doomer," a "grifter," a "faggot" and a "Deep State shill" while remaining de-banked, banned and broadcasting from the fringes of Rumble. But, yeah, he's a "Deep State agent," all right. 🙄
We can't count on that, and I said that's just the one's that came in under Biden. What about the ones that came under Trump, Obama, Bush?
One the most self-defeating flaws of the Right is this "good enough" mindset. That's why you won't be getting mass deportations; because of guys like yourself. "Oh, gee. I hear lots are self-deporting. I guess that's good enough when you count the ones already deported." No! Add the phrase "Not good enough!" to your vocabulary and repeat it every time Trump tells you he did something.
"Not good enough!"
That's how and why Leftists accomplish so much — they NEVER get complacent. Why are you? No matter what Trump does: "Not good enough!" Don't let them think they can patronize you with two weeks of pony show deportations. "Not good enough!"
Deporting them is only a start, a better solution is actually enforcing the federal felonies on the books against people who employ and house illegals. It's a 10 year federal sentence.
Once you publicise a few business owner going to jail over hiring illegals it will end overnight. Then the deporting does itself because the jobs for illegals end, literally overnight.
Once you publicise a few business owner going to jail over hiring illegals it will end overnight.
Absolutely. They can find at least three in every state -- 150 people -- and perp walk them all on TV. The White House should talk about them for two weeks straight. Have the DoJ issue daily press releases. Have DHS post video of the raids/ arrests to YouTube/ Twitter. Make illegals "radioactive" by arresting the people who hire them instead.
Most recent immigration data uncovered 471,550 new permanent residents, 766,520 temporary foreign workers and 1,040,985 foreign students came to Canada in 2023.
That's an entire Toronto imported overnight.
And most of it not even counted in the official immigration totals.
"This is a society where people are being lulled into complacency. ... Trump got elected to destroy a corrupt political establishment that stole our sovereignty from us. That was the point of Trump in 2016. What Trump represents in 2024 is a wholly and fundamentally different proposition. People say, "Oh, some things changed a little bit." It fundamentally changed. In the first term it was about asserting American sovereignty over Globalism. In this term, it's about "cutting wasteful spending" and "making government efficient" or whatever. I want a free America, not just better living conditions. Or have we forgotten the whole point of America?" ~ @ 27:00
Honestly everyone with this attitude towards the only political party whose been trying to stop this trainwreck might as well cross the aisle, kiss Carney's ring and stop pretending they care because it's doing us no favors.
I'll never understand the response that those who aren't in total lockstep with you should go and deliberately support the open enemy. Me questioning the value of voting PPC is the same as me voting Liberal? I don't follow.
What is your response really meant to accomplish? I understand you're frustrated when other people don't see the issue exactly the way you do, but I think you should change your approach.
Just so we're clear, I voted PPC in the last federal election.
Literally yes, at this point it would be better for red tories to act as a tailor-MAID accelerant rather than hitting the brakes and damning us to a slow demise in this century initiative rope-a-dope we're locked in. Let's go, maybe once we hit rock bottom we'll be open to considering unthinkable measures like voting outside of the two same tired choices, at the very least a lot of people will be disincentive to stay without the handouts flowing.
Just so we're clear, I voted PPC in the last federal election.
I honestly don't get this in turn and I have to admit, your far from the only person I know saying this - so now PP's lukewarm promise is just to tempting not to pass up? I had very dim faith in the CPC before but this announcement just snuffed it entirely.
No, the issue is last time around if everyone who voted PPC had voted CPC, we wouldn't have had Trudeau this whole time. Hence my comment. I'm worried about getting Liberals or, heaven forbid, NDP as our federal party and I would take Poilievre over either, even with his milquetoast moderate act.
PPC winning is not a realistic outcome, and this country cannot afford open leftism at the helm any longer. You may want an accelerant, but unless all your holdings are in American dollars or gold etc. you'll be nothing but a worthless bum with nothing to your name at the end of any major crash or upheaval.
He offered an even crappier deal than PP is and would've never stuck to it with canadss head still firmly in the clouds at the time. I can respect the pragmatism in your views but I'm also fed up with it, these guys seem to have us cornered and unlikely ad it may be some kind of drastic political shift seems like the only outcome that'll make any meaningful changes.
Yeah the Conservative party is the one that "threw away" my vote when they kicked out Bernier. I want to normalize immigration as an issue, and anybody supporting heavy deportations.
“We were building about the same number of homes as we were adding people, so we had a housing surplus. I would bring in a simple mathematical formula: we cannot bring in people faster than we add houses,” he told Juno News.
They're all in on the real estate-immigration pyramid scheme. Drive up the real estate prices by opening up the borders is happening in the US, Australia, New Zealand, UK, Ireland, Netherlands -- and I'm sure, in a lot more European countries influenced by the anglosphere and global market.
This is highly instructive. Dude only wants to slow down the invasion slightly, and they still call him a nazi. Learn the lesson, “conservatives”.
One day the magic spell will fade.
Nick Fuentes broke this story weeks ago with the numbers. We need to be deporting 8,000/ per day, every day, for the next four years just to remove the 11 million that came in under Biden. Trump barely broke 1,500 in two weeks and DHS quit publishing the numbers a week ago.
It aint' gonna happen, fellas. Of course, Nick will still be called a "doomer," a "grifter," a "faggot" and a "Deep State shill" while remaining de-banked, banned and broadcasting from the fringes of Rumble. But, yeah, he's a "Deep State agent," all right. 🙄
Minus the number that self-deport, and there's been a ton of traffic in the southbound lanes at the border.
We can't count on that, and I said that's just the one's that came in under Biden. What about the ones that came under Trump, Obama, Bush?
One the most self-defeating flaws of the Right is this "good enough" mindset. That's why you won't be getting mass deportations; because of guys like yourself. "Oh, gee. I hear lots are self-deporting. I guess that's good enough when you count the ones already deported." No! Add the phrase "Not good enough!" to your vocabulary and repeat it every time Trump tells you he did something.
"Not good enough!"
That's how and why Leftists accomplish so much — they NEVER get complacent. Why are you? No matter what Trump does: "Not good enough!" Don't let them think they can patronize you with two weeks of pony show deportations. "Not good enough!"
Deporting them is only a start, a better solution is actually enforcing the federal felonies on the books against people who employ and house illegals. It's a 10 year federal sentence.
Once you publicise a few business owner going to jail over hiring illegals it will end overnight. Then the deporting does itself because the jobs for illegals end, literally overnight.
Absolutely. They can find at least three in every state -- 150 people -- and perp walk them all on TV. The White House should talk about them for two weeks straight. Have the DoJ issue daily press releases. Have DHS post video of the raids/ arrests to YouTube/ Twitter. Make illegals "radioactive" by arresting the people who hire them instead.
He's just some "goy from the prairie" as he put it.
Still the population of a city.
Mass. Deportations. Now.
That's an entire Toronto imported overnight.
And most of it not even counted in the official immigration totals.
Not gonna happen. It was a farce. A fiction. A fabrication pushed on us all to manufacture our consent. There will be no mass deportations.
ICE is even releasing some they catch because they don't have the facilities to hold them. Did you know that?
WATCH: The Deportation Numbers Are Already Falling
Report: Donald Trump on H-1B visa: "I don’t want to stop; need competent people"
Report: Trump Proposes Handing Out Green Cards to Millions of Migrants, College Grads
Cuckservative ''as long as we can build enough houses'' Great Replacement plans.
The housing talking points are so retardedly astroturfed.
Prior to 2 years ago, no one even considered the possibility that the government should build them a house.
Then even Redditors got tired of infinity Indians, and the best Millhouse can do is promise to grease the developer wheels.
And all of them are going to squat in Ontario, which is just what this place needs: more assholes who don't know how to fucking drive.
So do I vote for this to prevent an openly leftist party from winning, or do I throw my vote away on PPC because it somewhat represents what I want?
Honestly everyone with this attitude towards the only political party whose been trying to stop this trainwreck might as well cross the aisle, kiss Carney's ring and stop pretending they care because it's doing us no favors.
I'll never understand the response that those who aren't in total lockstep with you should go and deliberately support the open enemy. Me questioning the value of voting PPC is the same as me voting Liberal? I don't follow.
What is your response really meant to accomplish? I understand you're frustrated when other people don't see the issue exactly the way you do, but I think you should change your approach.
Just so we're clear, I voted PPC in the last federal election.
Literally yes, at this point it would be better for red tories to act as a tailor-MAID accelerant rather than hitting the brakes and damning us to a slow demise in this century initiative rope-a-dope we're locked in. Let's go, maybe once we hit rock bottom we'll be open to considering unthinkable measures like voting outside of the two same tired choices, at the very least a lot of people will be disincentive to stay without the handouts flowing.
I honestly don't get this in turn and I have to admit, your far from the only person I know saying this - so now PP's lukewarm promise is just to tempting not to pass up? I had very dim faith in the CPC before but this announcement just snuffed it entirely.
No, the issue is last time around if everyone who voted PPC had voted CPC, we wouldn't have had Trudeau this whole time. Hence my comment. I'm worried about getting Liberals or, heaven forbid, NDP as our federal party and I would take Poilievre over either, even with his milquetoast moderate act.
PPC winning is not a realistic outcome, and this country cannot afford open leftism at the helm any longer. You may want an accelerant, but unless all your holdings are in American dollars or gold etc. you'll be nothing but a worthless bum with nothing to your name at the end of any major crash or upheaval.
Erin o toole would've saved us? This guy?
He offered an even crappier deal than PP is and would've never stuck to it with canadss head still firmly in the clouds at the time. I can respect the pragmatism in your views but I'm also fed up with it, these guys seem to have us cornered and unlikely ad it may be some kind of drastic political shift seems like the only outcome that'll make any meaningful changes.
Yeah the Conservative party is the one that "threw away" my vote when they kicked out Bernier. I want to normalize immigration as an issue, and anybody supporting heavy deportations.
People put way too much value on voting for the winning team when your individual vote doesn't actually mean shit.
I'm still voting for Pierre, not the PPC as that'd be a waste.
PPC is the only correct option.
So I was wondering what "Juno News" was that Rebel News was referencing in the article.
Turns out Candice Malcolm from True North and Keean Bexte of The Countersignal have merged their outfits to create a paywalled Conservative Party-friendly outlet.
Harrison Faulkner, who was rapidly becoming redpilled is out. Unclear about Rachel Parker/Emmanuel.
Cosmin Dzurdza, Lindsay Shepherd's husband, has changed his Twitter bio to Juno News, so presumably he's still aboard.
Andrew Lawton left True North months ago to run for Poilievre in London, ON.
They're all in on the real estate-immigration pyramid scheme. Drive up the real estate prices by opening up the borders is happening in the US, Australia, New Zealand, UK, Ireland, Netherlands -- and I'm sure, in a lot more European countries influenced by the anglosphere and global market.
There are a lot of countries that need someone on the level of Trump all at the same time.