Literally yes, at this point it would be better for red tories to act as a tailor-MAID accelerant rather than hitting the brakes and damning us to a slow demise in this century initiative rope-a-dope we're locked in. Let's go, maybe once we hit rock bottom we'll be open to considering unthinkable measures like voting outside of the two same tired choices, at the very least a lot of people will be disincentive to stay without the handouts flowing.
Just so we're clear, I voted PPC in the last federal election.
I honestly don't get this in turn and I have to admit, your far from the only person I know saying this - so now PP's lukewarm promise is just to tempting not to pass up? I had very dim faith in the CPC before but this announcement just snuffed it entirely.
No, the issue is last time around if everyone who voted PPC had voted CPC, we wouldn't have had Trudeau this whole time. Hence my comment. I'm worried about getting Liberals or, heaven forbid, NDP as our federal party and I would take Poilievre over either, even with his milquetoast moderate act.
PPC winning is not a realistic outcome, and this country cannot afford open leftism at the helm any longer. You may want an accelerant, but unless all your holdings are in American dollars or gold etc. you'll be nothing but a worthless bum with nothing to your name at the end of any major crash or upheaval.
He offered an even crappier deal than PP is and would've never stuck to it with canadss head still firmly in the clouds at the time. I can respect the pragmatism in your views but I'm also fed up with it, these guys seem to have us cornered and unlikely ad it may be some kind of drastic political shift seems like the only outcome that'll make any meaningful changes.
Literally yes, at this point it would be better for red tories to act as a tailor-MAID accelerant rather than hitting the brakes and damning us to a slow demise in this century initiative rope-a-dope we're locked in. Let's go, maybe once we hit rock bottom we'll be open to considering unthinkable measures like voting outside of the two same tired choices, at the very least a lot of people will be disincentive to stay without the handouts flowing.
I honestly don't get this in turn and I have to admit, your far from the only person I know saying this - so now PP's lukewarm promise is just to tempting not to pass up? I had very dim faith in the CPC before but this announcement just snuffed it entirely.
No, the issue is last time around if everyone who voted PPC had voted CPC, we wouldn't have had Trudeau this whole time. Hence my comment. I'm worried about getting Liberals or, heaven forbid, NDP as our federal party and I would take Poilievre over either, even with his milquetoast moderate act.
PPC winning is not a realistic outcome, and this country cannot afford open leftism at the helm any longer. You may want an accelerant, but unless all your holdings are in American dollars or gold etc. you'll be nothing but a worthless bum with nothing to your name at the end of any major crash or upheaval.
Erin o toole would've saved us? This guy?
He offered an even crappier deal than PP is and would've never stuck to it with canadss head still firmly in the clouds at the time. I can respect the pragmatism in your views but I'm also fed up with it, these guys seem to have us cornered and unlikely ad it may be some kind of drastic political shift seems like the only outcome that'll make any meaningful changes.