"I hear what you're saying, but I'm just not sure there are enough retards in the federal work force. Short, gay, deaf retards. Not that I'm into that.. but for equity! That's the ticket!"
That’s the biggest takeaway from the last several days of budget revelations: UBI was already underway, but it was only for one side of the aisle. The federal government has ballooned beyond belief, and the problem is five times worse when you count leftist NGOs, grants, etc. Tens of millions of useless democrats are basically on the dole, occupying useless make-work positions and collecting insane salaries, benefits, and pensions, all paid for by our taxes. It’s grift on an industrial, country-wide scale.
We already suspected it, but this definitively answers the question 'Where do these leftist agitators get the time to go to all these protests, don't they have jobs?'. Even if they did, they were government jobs where you can't get fired for not showing up.
To be fair, I don't entirely blame a politician for trying to protect their fellow intellectually disableds.
Jokes aside, there's a reason these people are not put in these roles. No, they shouldn't be barred from work altogether or from society at large. But that doesn't mean you put them in key positions where their disabilities put people in serious risk.
It's the same reason you don't put someone in a wheelchair in the mines. Sure, they could technically do the job. But it would be less efficient, and far more importantly, far more dangerous to themselves and their co-workers. This kind of sympathy is what leads to serious injury, harm and injustice.
this is what pete buttstuff was up to while he was ignoring train derailments and pretending to bike to work
Excuse you, but that's Secretary Buttstuff, mister!
Sexual predators have an affinity for those with severe physical and mental problems, they are easy to intimidate and sexually abuse.
Buttfucker Pete can tell you all about it.
"I hear what you're saying, but I'm just not sure there are enough retards in the federal work force. Short, gay, deaf retards. Not that I'm into that.. but for equity! That's the ticket!"
Government jobs are basically UBI.
If not for government jobs then the majority of black women in America would need UBI as they cannot handle any other form of work.
That’s the biggest takeaway from the last several days of budget revelations: UBI was already underway, but it was only for one side of the aisle. The federal government has ballooned beyond belief, and the problem is five times worse when you count leftist NGOs, grants, etc. Tens of millions of useless democrats are basically on the dole, occupying useless make-work positions and collecting insane salaries, benefits, and pensions, all paid for by our taxes. It’s grift on an industrial, country-wide scale.
We already suspected it, but this definitively answers the question 'Where do these leftist agitators get the time to go to all these protests, don't they have jobs?'. Even if they did, they were government jobs where you can't get fired for not showing up.
Gee, and I wonder why our ATC was so fucking bad last year.
Watch full report.
Anyone else wonder if they just used government jobs as a form of universal basic income?
This has basically been confirmed over the last several days.
Maybe they’re on to something? I know I’d feel a lot safer with Gimli around.
"Best I can do is a short fat black woman with a beard."
It's really weird how much bullshit we get when we hire retards, schizos, and disabled people who can't do work.
Who could have seen this coming....
Blind psychopathic dementia patients, or, you know, dwarfs. Basically the same thing, same checklist.
We need all the inclusivity we can get. Find someone who checks all those boxes, and put they/them in charge!
To be fair, I don't entirely blame a politician for trying to protect their fellow intellectually disableds.
Jokes aside, there's a reason these people are not put in these roles. No, they shouldn't be barred from work altogether or from society at large. But that doesn't mean you put them in key positions where their disabilities put people in serious risk.
It's the same reason you don't put someone in a wheelchair in the mines. Sure, they could technically do the job. But it would be less efficient, and far more importantly, far more dangerous to themselves and their co-workers. This kind of sympathy is what leads to serious injury, harm and injustice.
Sounds like Howard Stern's old wack pack
I wonder if one of them was in charge of the DC control tower
"And here we have Corky. He presses the buttons to make sure planes dont crash." pan over to a quadruplegic wearing a helmet with a pen taped to it