Freeland quietly scrubs WEF ties from the internet, deletes Instagram
Chrystia Freeland attempted to sweep ties to the globalist World Economic Forum under the rug by having them scrubbed from the internet days before announcing her bid to be the next Liberal leader.
The internet doesn't forget, you stupid bitch.
The sheer audacity of that lady, thinking she could lead Canadians as Prime Minister. I sincerely hope the conservatives crush the elections that are inevitably coming.
Even if they do, nothing will change. Poilievre is WEF light. He'll cut immigration in half and it will still be hundreds of thousands of people per year higher than it was before Trudeau.
Canada's only hope is a UK-like situation, where both major parties implode in such quick succession that voters actually start looking for a real alternative.
Meanwhile, the NDP: "Yeees, 'both' major parties, now bring us in, give us unlimited power!"
Not after the hit they've taken to their credibility by spending years propping up the most unpopular government in Canadian history.
I think this is still too optimistic.
Cutting immigration to the old pre-Trudeau Open Borders level is closer to the old Bernier PPC position than anything Poilievre has got close to.
Poilievre is catering to the ethnic vote in embarrassing garb daily and keeps advocating for direct flights from Canada to India.
So if Poilievre isn't the answer, who is? Who is there to vote for?
Maxime Bernier isn't perfect, but he's better than Poilievre.
Gotcha. I KNEW I was missing a name. Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good. If Poilievre is going to cut immigration only by half, but Bernier will cut it down by 85%, you don't just go fuck that's not enough and not vote for Bernier. You vote Bernier in to slow down the bleeding then advocate for a 100% stop.
She looks like Trudeau in a wig. Have they been seen in the same room together?
Her cankles in no way could ever be contained within his faggot patterned socks.
Someone needs to clue this brain damaged goose stepper that...
The internet is forever.
Joke's on her.
9 out of 10 Canadian politicians have ties to the WEF.
This is why we archive
is she one of ze penetrated cabinet?
Why the fuck did they pick a female version of that faggot.
If she wins, can I send both my Québec and Canadian tax reports and payments directly to Ukraine?
(Thankfully she won't win.)