This would be more meaningful if we didn't all know what sort of measurements the ADL used for "antisemitism."
Hahaha, I knew it. These questions are wild.
Alternative title: Some People Feel About Jews What Everyone is Encouraged to Feel About White People.
Too much power in business, media, government, etc. Start all the wars. Prioritize the interest of their own kind. Think they're better than everyone else. It's basically a checklist of "white supremacy" tropes that is totally acceptable to apply to all those evil white people, but is amazingly antisemitic if you believe it about Jews.
Also, aside from the moral judgement of "too much," some are just true. If "too much" just means "vastly disproportionate compared to population," Jews clearly do have "too much" power in business, media, and government.
Found this from Times of Israel while looking for more info on this survey.
Antisemitism was most prevalent in the West Bank and Gaza at 97%
Geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, I wonder why. They must just hate Jews a ton, those bigots.
"Oh, no, people don't know about our genocide, and that's terrible and something that must be rectified." No, that's just how things work sometimes, suck it up.
It would also be like saying if you're not familiar with the slave trade you hate black people, or something. Although I don't think holocaust knowledge was their main metric of antisemitism, but still.
Not familiar with the Holodomor? You hate Ukrainians!
I think the funniest part is that a child can disprove Lysenkoism fairly easily. It was a doctrine that only was ever professed by someonewith a gun pointed at them. I doubt that even the early Soviets actually believed it.
The holohoax is the source of their power because it makes them the ultimate victim and thus an excuse to get away with anything. Without it, they might be held accountable for their actions. All must be made aware, even those in countries that weren't involved in WW2.
"You bastard! Like the negro, I too suffer from inherited resentment and inferiority complex. Don't you know the pain I suffer knowing what happened to my great, great grandparents? Oy, vey! Perhaps if you made a donation ..."
Sorry to be a downer, but the majority of the 46% is in Muslim countries. There is a long way to go in the western world. Although, I don't know how the Chinese score.
The Chinese generally disregard anyone that isn't Han Chinese, and even then they don't treat their own so kindly, so I highly doubt your average chingchonger cares about some fucking jews.
Chingchongers have no guilt, they committed atrocities and killed 10s of millions of one another in very recent history, yet they don't guilt trip their kids and instead teach them to be proud chingchongers, every one of them I've met is proud to be Chinese and will identify as such regardless of where they are. So while jews aren't relevant at all to a chinese, since barely any historical ties, I don't really think they care about them, I can imagine a lot of them would naturally be antisemitic, the life of an average chink is working all day, smoking and getting drunk in the free time and hating non Han minorities.
....and why should they?? For something that supposedly happened in a faraway place and time long ago, why would it be relevant to anyone that lives say in asia, africa, pacific islands, etc. They would have other tragedies that is closer and far more relevant to their culture and country and even more recent to contend with compared to the jew's which is growing closer to a century now.
Yeah, everyone needs to know that a pile of shoes in Poland means they can do whatever they want. And don't dare ask why there aren't any piles of skulls like in Cambodia.
don't forget. its 46% even with all the insane censorship of criticisms about jews and propaganda depicting jews as the victim, imagine how much more if people were allowed to speak freely and honestly about them.
You're witnessing the propaganda machine fail in real time. The Boomers are dying out, DEI is sucking up resources that would otherwise go to Holocaust propaganda, and the internet is exposing how flimsy a lot of these previously "untouchable" narratives are. It's no coincidence that these conversations are finally out in the open now.
This number would be a lot higher if India didn't hold the jews in such high regard. This is why the focus on mass immigration has shifted to Indians, by the way.
A 90-second read will catch you up on what this whole thing is really all about: the keys to the Kingdom. This is what they've been kvetching about for 2,000 years. That and killing Christ. You should see what they wrote in their unholy talmud about Him.
He performed sorcery and caused people to commit idolatry (praying with/to the Cross that they put Him on), so they wrote about Him boiling in a vat of feces and/or semen in hell.
[only] 23% in Sub-Saharan Africa recognize the historical accuracy of the Holocaust.
That’s insane! Some missionaries or something are going to bumfuck Africa and preaching to the tribesmen who live in mud huts about muh holocaust, to the point that one in five of them “recognize the historical accuracy of” this story about a group of people they’ve never met in a region they’ve never been to? And the problem is that that’s still not enough?
Don't worry, everyone with a brain sees the forum sliding by you retards. Unfortunately, you've shit up this place to stop it from being an effective right wing space.
This would be more meaningful if we didn't all know what sort of measurements the ADL used for "antisemitism."
Hahaha, I knew it. These questions are wild.
Alternative title: Some People Feel About Jews What Everyone is Encouraged to Feel About White People.
Too much power in business, media, government, etc. Start all the wars. Prioritize the interest of their own kind. Think they're better than everyone else. It's basically a checklist of "white supremacy" tropes that is totally acceptable to apply to all those evil white people, but is amazingly antisemitic if you believe it about Jews.
Also, aside from the moral judgement of "too much," some are just true. If "too much" just means "vastly disproportionate compared to population," Jews clearly do have "too much" power in business, media, and government.
Found this from Times of Israel while looking for more info on this survey.
Geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, I wonder why. They must just hate Jews a ton, those bigots.
You hit the nail on the head. White supremacy, white privilege, white fragility, all that bullshit is projection of the jewish paradigm.
For those who won't look it up, DARVO is an acronym for a pattern of behaviors used to deflect blame and responsibility for bad behavior.
Deny: The offender denies doing what they are being blamed for;
Attack: The offender attacks the person who blamed them, trying to make them look bad;
Reverse Victim and Offender: The offender pretends they are the victim and that the real victim is the one causing trouble.
The jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.
It's a standard behavior of domestic abusers. The fact it's also how jews operate tells you all you need to know about them.
Literally the core tenet of the "chosen people's" religion. But of course it's antisemitic to realize they look down on all us "goyim".
One in five haven't heard of the holocaust huh?
Now do the holodomor and the great leap forward.
"Oh, no, people don't know about our genocide, and that's terrible and something that must be rectified." No, that's just how things work sometimes, suck it up.
It would also be like saying if you're not familiar with the slave trade you hate black people, or something. Although I don't think holocaust knowledge was their main metric of antisemitism, but still.
Not familiar with the Holodomor? You hate Ukrainians!
Everything I was ever raised to believe being a lie stopped being funny a long time ago.
Hell I DO hate the Ukraine and I still know about the time the Soviets starved half of them to death in the name of teaching plants to share.
That was an accident. The soviets thought they could teach plants to share.
I think the funniest part is that a child can disprove Lysenkoism fairly easily. It was a doctrine that only was ever professed by someonewith a gun pointed at them. I doubt that even the early Soviets actually believed it.
The holohoax is the source of their power because it makes them the ultimate victim and thus an excuse to get away with anything. Without it, they might be held accountable for their actions. All must be made aware, even those in countries that weren't involved in WW2.
Ugh, yeah! They really, really, really do!
Only 46%? Surely we can do better.
Sorry to be a downer, but the majority of the 46% is in Muslim countries. There is a long way to go in the western world. Although, I don't know how the Chinese score.
The Chinese generally disregard anyone that isn't Han Chinese, and even then they don't treat their own so kindly, so I highly doubt your average chingchonger cares about some fucking jews.
So you are saying they are antisemites too? That 46% seems rather low now.
Chingchongers have no guilt, they committed atrocities and killed 10s of millions of one another in very recent history, yet they don't guilt trip their kids and instead teach them to be proud chingchongers, every one of them I've met is proud to be Chinese and will identify as such regardless of where they are. So while jews aren't relevant at all to a chinese, since barely any historical ties, I don't really think they care about them, I can imagine a lot of them would naturally be antisemitic, the life of an average chink is working all day, smoking and getting drunk in the free time and hating non Han minorities.
....and why should they?? For something that supposedly happened in a faraway place and time long ago, why would it be relevant to anyone that lives say in asia, africa, pacific islands, etc. They would have other tragedies that is closer and far more relevant to their culture and country and even more recent to contend with compared to the jew's which is growing closer to a century now.
How else are they going to feel sorry for the jews and let them invite more shitskins into their countries
Yeah, everyone needs to know that a pile of shoes in Poland means they can do whatever they want. And don't dare ask why there aren't any piles of skulls like in Cambodia.
"We'll make people hate us less by having the government make criticism of us illegal."
Brilliant idea kikes.
If 46% of the world is incompatible with you, then maybe the problem is YOU.
don't forget. its 46% even with all the insane censorship of criticisms about jews and propaganda depicting jews as the victim, imagine how much more if people were allowed to speak freely and honestly about them.
You're witnessing the propaganda machine fail in real time. The Boomers are dying out, DEI is sucking up resources that would otherwise go to Holocaust propaganda, and the internet is exposing how flimsy a lot of these previously "untouchable" narratives are. It's no coincidence that these conversations are finally out in the open now.
We keep suppressing anti-Semitism but the percentage keeps going up? We just need to ruin more people's lives. That will endear people to our cause.
Rookie numbers 🤣
This number would be a lot higher if India didn't hold the jews in such high regard. This is why the focus on mass immigration has shifted to Indians, by the way.
It also be a lot lower if not for the caliphate.
... quit noticing, okay?
They're probably calling all Christians antisemitic by default.
Have you seen what is in our Book?
A 90-second read will catch you up on what this whole thing is really all about: the keys to the Kingdom. This is what they've been kvetching about for 2,000 years. That and killing Christ. You should see what they wrote in their unholy talmud about Him.
He performed sorcery and caused people to commit idolatry (praying with/to the Cross that they put Him on), so they wrote about Him boiling in a vat of feces and/or semen in hell.
2,000 year-old "Cope".
I wonder what could causing all this extra antisemitism?
That’s insane! Some missionaries or something are going to bumfuck Africa and preaching to the tribesmen who live in mud huts about muh holocaust, to the point that one in five of them “recognize the historical accuracy of” this story about a group of people they’ve never met in a region they’ve never been to? And the problem is that that’s still not enough?
Biased, though I would love it to be broken down by country as the Islamic world is likely the highest.
Hey look, more endless screeching about the jews.
Go fuck yourselves stormfags.
👆 🤓 aktually it's called kvetching
Yeah, it's weird how the stormfags act exactly like they think the jews do. Really activates the almonds.
what's a stormfag
Anybody who disagrees with ghostfox1 (or gizortnik).
You guys sure are
Maybe you should join ADL if you don't like it.
Overruled. The noticing shall continue! 🐸
Don't worry, everyone with a brain sees the forum sliding by you retards. Unfortunately, you've shit up this place to stop it from being an effective right wing space.