The more I hear about Britain, the more I understand what was going on with Air Strip 1, and my belief grows that Oceania was just the coverup for Britain being the lone isolated holdout of a group of power hungry maniacs.
Before we make assumptions about this particular rag, the Telegraph is a center-right newspaper in the UK. I mean, it's still to the left of the US, but it's a step up compared to all the other publications out there that are some flavor of leftist trash.
Don't know what that says about this particular writer though, is she a Tory?
I see your problem here. Traitors don't deserve respect. They deserve [redacted - rule 2]. When someone is trying to destroy you, fighting back typically works much better than kissing their ass.
Because that's where they originated in their current form, as part of the enforcment of English common law. They were generally community leaders and standouts to begin with.
Democratizing and increasing population makes that model unviable, but we've still kept the system in place
People love to bash on 'democracy', perhaps justifiably, but do you think people want this? Do you think people want the rulers to bring in rapists and stabbers of 10-year-old girls?
"Excuse me, excuse me. This was all fine when it was happening to people I don't like, but now it happened to me, your better. And now it's a sad time in a sad reality."
UK police are not police, they are faggots who should exile themselves from living, in total shame and humiliation. 1773, just saying, those brits could really learn a thing from, that.
nineteen something?
The more I hear about Britain, the more I understand what was going on with Air Strip 1, and my belief grows that Oceania was just the coverup for Britain being the lone isolated holdout of a group of power hungry maniacs.
They don't read Kafka either.
Does anyone want to tell her?
Before we make assumptions about this particular rag, the Telegraph is a center-right newspaper in the UK. I mean, it's still to the left of the US, but it's a step up compared to all the other publications out there that are some flavor of leftist trash.
Don't know what that says about this particular writer though, is she a Tory?
I see your problem here. Traitors don't deserve respect. They deserve [redacted - rule 2]. When someone is trying to destroy you, fighting back typically works much better than kissing their ass.
Police are such a mixed bag worldwide. Not sure how in the US & UK they became sacrosanct.
Because that's where they originated in their current form, as part of the enforcment of English common law. They were generally community leaders and standouts to begin with.
Democratizing and increasing population makes that model unviable, but we've still kept the system in place
People love to bash on 'democracy', perhaps justifiably, but do you think people want this? Do you think people want the rulers to bring in rapists and stabbers of 10-year-old girls?
What the fuck are you even talking about.
"Excuse me, excuse me. This was all fine when it was happening to people I don't like, but now it happened to me, your better. And now it's a sad time in a sad reality."
Fuck off with this shit.
The UK is nothing near a free society. Never has been. Never will be.
Title credit and further info/reaction from PJW's site.
Not fedposting in response to this is a real challenge.
Damn, I was going to link to that comic, but I can't seem to find it anymore.
Edit: Took a while, but finally managed to track it down.
It's basically reddit mods but in real life.
very likely because she said something about crossdressers reddit mods would not like...
Is The Telegraph left wing?
its mostly conservative
although that can mean pretty left wing these days...
Good to know. Thank you
It's nickname is 'the torygraph', the tories being their 'conservative' party.
Higher class (as compared to tabloids and gossip rags) 'right wing'(barely and not always) stuff. 'Respectable republican' kind of content.
Wikipedia says no. It sounded like this writer was respected by the people at GB News as well.
UK police are not police, they are faggots who should exile themselves from living, in total shame and humiliation. 1773, just saying, those brits could really learn a thing from, that.