It's going to be an interesting few decades. BRICS nations will just trade amongst themselves, and the rent-seeking financial faggots in NYC and London will be flying blind. They can't manipulate the price of commodities without every single futures contract being denominated in US Dollars.
Russia basically came-out stronger from the ''sanctions''.
Trump warned European countries they should not make themselves so energy-dependant from Russia, and the EU leaders laughed at him.
Reminds me of the sweet syrup sold as ''honey'' by China. Well hurr durr we'll ban imports from China and that fixes it, right?
But if you want to ban fake Chinese ''honey'', you have to ban ''honey'' from every single country that dosen't have strict ban on Chinese ''honey'', or it just ships through there.
And you still might get fraudulent shipping documents circumventing that.
Best option is to ban all imports of honey and produce the damn thing locally. Each country needs to be as self-sufficient as possible so that when something, somewhere goes to shit, it's not a world crisis.
I do wonder what could have been. if NATO were dissolved, there'd be less incentive for Russia to play the geopolitical games they do. Ukraine would not have a NATO puppet, which means Russia would have less of an incentive to install their own.
Putin was one such puppet. They thought he was a quiet, unassuming bureaucrat that would simply do what he was told—better than the drunken embarrassment that was Yeltsin.
Too bad the puppet cut his own strings, and the Big GAE has been big mad ever since.
Oh really? I know he's former KGB and he wins elections that tally up to more than 100%. this is the first I've heard of Putin being a NATO puppet though, where does this come from?
What's funnier is that all the EU bigwigs and media parroting the correct opinions, all of them were pointing their fingers at the Huns and Serbs for being Putin's puppets and not willing to go along with the sanctions. Lo and behold, if those numbers are accurate, they can't hold a candle to what the Germans and Italians are spending! Hell, even Lithuania forked over some serious cash.
Consumer goods is always gonna be more valuable than natural resources alone, even in small quantities. Such chart would ruin the narrative as Russia import more than they export. They have the natural resources but sucks at production. Most Russians aren't happy with the cheap Chinese trash flooding their markets as it's hard to import quality products from EU countries.
People, mostly soylent redditor types, didn't believe two years ago when I said Russia was going to be just fine. There has been incessant cope since then:
"Just two more weeks to stop the (Russian) spread!"
"It's so over for Russia!"
"Russian soldiers are abandoning the military in droves, and they're struggling to recruit!"
"Russia has resorted to hiring mercenaries, who are now on their way to assault Moscow!"
Once you realize that the sanctions are not intended to keep Russians out, but us in, it all starts to make more sense.
And, with this, you can see the sanctions don't even really work all that well to do that.
It's going to be an interesting few decades. BRICS nations will just trade amongst themselves, and the rent-seeking financial faggots in NYC and London will be flying blind. They can't manipulate the price of commodities without every single futures contract being denominated in US Dollars.
Russia basically came-out stronger from the ''sanctions''.
Trump warned European countries they should not make themselves so energy-dependant from Russia, and the EU leaders laughed at him.
Reminds me of the sweet syrup sold as ''honey'' by China. Well hurr durr we'll ban imports from China and that fixes it, right?
But if you want to ban fake Chinese ''honey'', you have to ban ''honey'' from every single country that dosen't have strict ban on Chinese ''honey'', or it just ships through there.
And you still might get fraudulent shipping documents circumventing that.
Best option is to ban all imports of honey and produce the damn thing locally. Each country needs to be as self-sufficient as possible so that when something, somewhere goes to shit, it's not a world crisis.
The sanctions might have worked had the US stepped up energy production for export. Instead, we crushed energy production down.
Skyrocketing energy prices and bans against ''excessively warm homes in Winter'' for Europe sure showed Putin who's the boss.
sounds like NATO doesn't even respect the point of NATO. Trump was right, they're all a bunch of freeloaders.
NATO should've been dissolved in 1991.
I do wonder what could have been. if NATO were dissolved, there'd be less incentive for Russia to play the geopolitical games they do. Ukraine would not have a NATO puppet, which means Russia would have less of an incentive to install their own.
Putin was one such puppet. They thought he was a quiet, unassuming bureaucrat that would simply do what he was told—better than the drunken embarrassment that was Yeltsin.
Too bad the puppet cut his own strings, and the Big GAE has been big mad ever since.
Oh really? I know he's former KGB and he wins elections that tally up to more than 100%. this is the first I've heard of Putin being a NATO puppet though, where does this come from?
What's funnier is that all the EU bigwigs and media parroting the correct opinions, all of them were pointing their fingers at the Huns and Serbs for being Putin's puppets and not willing to go along with the sanctions. Lo and behold, if those numbers are accurate, they can't hold a candle to what the Germans and Italians are spending! Hell, even Lithuania forked over some serious cash.
Can we get Imports/Exports with Russia on the same charts? That would be interesting, wouldn't it?
Consumer goods is always gonna be more valuable than natural resources alone, even in small quantities. Such chart would ruin the narrative as Russia import more than they export. They have the natural resources but sucks at production. Most Russians aren't happy with the cheap Chinese trash flooding their markets as it's hard to import quality products from EU countries.
The right thing was not to impose sanctions but I doubt that is what he means.
People, mostly soylent redditor types, didn't believe two years ago when I said Russia was going to be just fine. There has been incessant cope since then:
Two years of this, and what happened? Nothing.
Maybe those euro countries can use all that money to fund the war in their own backyards themselves.
to average western inner-city dweller these sanctions are near end-of-the-world scenario
to us it's just another "things got pricier and harder to get, time to tighten the belt a bit more" moment
sanctions are fake and gay, and so is ukraine. nobody should have to suffer for a fake country that started shit and got hit.