posted ago by Lethn ago by Lethn +30 / -0

I'm getting that foreboding feeling I've been getting awhile before the whole shitshow recently happened again. We've seen that they're willing to jail their opposition, if they can get away with it they'll ban them outright, we've seen how they'll organise intelligence agencies to help an assassination against their opposition if none of that works.

Who's to say they won't just turn around after seeing polling and say nah, you're not getting in to Trump? They could end up doing it during the election itself if they think he's going to win. Who would fucking stop them? Most people are total larpers, the normies would cheer it on because orange man bad and I wouldn't be surprised if they went as far as to have Kamala simply sworn in then and there with the media all celebrating it. I think they might try and do this even if he managed to score a landslide despite their cheating which given how thoroughly unpopular Harris is even among leftists is entirely possible.

Again, it's not as if they wouldn't pull this sort of shit and rub it in everyone's faces, they've done far worse publicly.