How much does Trump have to continually and non-conditionally support before people like you even consider the idea that Trump isn't actually playing some massive 4D chess game and simply does in fact support these things?
I mean really, you people do know that shit like Qanon is, and probably always was, a psyop to encourage the very same passivity that Bloodguard is referring to with the GOP? Just stand by and do nothing, trust that there's actually a Master Plan™ that's all taking place behind the scenes and it's all perfectly orchestrated.
Trump is better than the alternative. That doesn't make Trump perfect, and this pseudo idolatry of him solely because he's stood against some of the bullshit of the left is insane, ESPECIALLY when his politics hasn't actually shifted over the decades, AKA he is and remains to be a 90s Democrat.
Stop worshipping politicians. They are not, and never will be, on your side. The best you can hope for is the enemy of my enemy.
Yes, Trump actually does believe in supporting Israel. However he doesn't want Israel to manipulate him like a puppet, hence his moratorium on foreign wars.
I'm OK with this to a certain extent. I'm not a river to the sea person.
He has said Israel needs to "wrap up the war fast" which is basically another way of saying stop dragging this out and bombing people. Bag terrorist leadership and go home.
You can support Trump without making him out to be some god-tier master manipulator that simply knows every move possible and is outplaying everyone. He's not. He's just another politician.
No, it's like bloodguard said, we need a real opposition party because those people you called RINOs are in fact a genuine representation of the Republican party.
Early life and education
Kristol was born in Brooklyn, New York, the son of non-observant Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe, Bessie (Mailman) and Joseph Kristol. [snip] In college he was a member of the Young People's Socialist League and was part of a small but vocal group of Trotskyist anti-Soviets who later became known as the New York Intellectuals. It was at these meetings that Kristol met historian Gertrude Himmelfarb, whom he married in 1942. They had two children, Elizabeth Nelson and Bill Kristol. [snip]
The Wiki power editors bickering over whether to keep this type of information in the articles of certain individuals kind of ironic, in a way.
What do you think they spent so much time setting up in the Ukraine for? They were looking for a new ship to jump on since they've sunk the United States.
of all the places to run away to when shit goes south, they picked Central Europe? the place that gets roflstomped at least twice in every Eurasian conflict?
The enemy is deceitful and excels at corrupting and colluding. Doesn't make them smart.
It's why they don't get along with the Chinese anymore. Because the chinks are even more low trust than they are, so their usual bullshit doesn't work.
Part of the "Ukraine project" is to depopulate a lot of areas there to create a "2nd homeland" as well. One much further away from hostile Arabs. But those are for the more long term minded, they will always steal easy money from taxpayers as long as they can too.
Trump won't rebel against his masters, he basically sold his family into that group too. They are probably worried about an "Augustus" coming up and being far more aggressive though.
All talk. No action.
The GOP have been a litter of sad yippy little purse dogs for the last couple decades. We need a real opposition party.
I think Trump helped a lot, but it turns out the swamp is pretty much an ocean at this point
The same Trump that ALSO sucks Israel's cock? Trump isn't any better than the rest of them.
Trump is more savvy than people think. He wouldn't have gone so hard after neocons if he was your typical Israel stooge.
Without pro-Israel rhetoric the Jewish elite will not let him get elected. It would be impossible.
How much does Trump have to continually and non-conditionally support before people like you even consider the idea that Trump isn't actually playing some massive 4D chess game and simply does in fact support these things?
I mean really, you people do know that shit like Qanon is, and probably always was, a psyop to encourage the very same passivity that Bloodguard is referring to with the GOP? Just stand by and do nothing, trust that there's actually a Master Plan™ that's all taking place behind the scenes and it's all perfectly orchestrated.
Trump is better than the alternative. That doesn't make Trump perfect, and this pseudo idolatry of him solely because he's stood against some of the bullshit of the left is insane, ESPECIALLY when his politics hasn't actually shifted over the decades, AKA he is and remains to be a 90s Democrat.
Stop worshipping politicians. They are not, and never will be, on your side. The best you can hope for is the enemy of my enemy.
Yes, Trump actually does believe in supporting Israel. However he doesn't want Israel to manipulate him like a puppet, hence his moratorium on foreign wars.
I'm OK with this to a certain extent. I'm not a river to the sea person.
He has said Israel needs to "wrap up the war fast" which is basically another way of saying stop dragging this out and bombing people. Bag terrorist leadership and go home.
Who is your better option?
Oh look, completely missing the entire point.
You can support Trump without making him out to be some god-tier master manipulator that simply knows every move possible and is outplaying everyone. He's not. He's just another politician.
Idolatry is never going to benefit you.
The GOP is compromised and full of craven uniparty RINOs.
No, it's like bloodguard said, we need a real opposition party because those people you called RINOs are in fact a genuine representation of the Republican party.
Because they were infiltrated and subverted by neoconservatives, which were started by a group of trotskyists led by a guy named Irving Krystal.
Guys, we got ourselves another one.
The Wiki power editors bickering over whether to keep this type of information in the articles of certain individuals kind of ironic, in a way.
both parties, controlled by same ppl. GOP is set up as a false alternative to gatekeep real nationalists.
What do you think they spent so much time setting up in the Ukraine for? They were looking for a new ship to jump on since they've sunk the United States.
of all the places to run away to when shit goes south, they picked Central Europe? the place that gets roflstomped at least twice in every Eurasian conflict?
The enemy is deceitful and excels at corrupting and colluding. Doesn't make them smart.
It's why they don't get along with the Chinese anymore. Because the chinks are even more low trust than they are, so their usual bullshit doesn't work.
Part of the "Ukraine project" is to depopulate a lot of areas there to create a "2nd homeland" as well. One much further away from hostile Arabs. But those are for the more long term minded, they will always steal easy money from taxpayers as long as they can too.
Trump won't rebel against his masters, he basically sold his family into that group too. They are probably worried about an "Augustus" coming up and being far more aggressive though.
you can be friends, but sometimes friends try to take advantage of you.
Never knew he was a faggot, disappointing…
Ah, didn't notice the OP, though non-fren radar is picking him up lol