Wow, I never would have expected that in the corporatist government.
I've heard of some being included in severance agreements, so essentially you're being let go and in order to get severance you can't work in the field you likely have the most experience for a year. It's evil.
You’ll see, this is going to blow up massively on us. The FTC is now allowing employee poaching which is what non competes were designed to stop in the first place. This is only going to benefit corporate socialism and the oligarchic regulatory structures.
this. and if you were a startup without the funds to up the ante, you can provide things like stock options to your employees. any startup worth their salts is planning on growing, so stock options in a startup have a lot of potential value. if the startup isn't planning on growing, then the employee should be abandoning ship anyway.
No start-up has the resources to offer employees the same deals they can get if a big corp wants to entice them. Especially if that same big corp is using their market clout to crush the start-up's profits.
As someone who's done both, there is no amount of money I can be paid to put up with megacorp red tape, bullshit, and having X - Sqrt(X) of my "fellow" employees being fucking leeches on productivity.
Communists talk about the owners of production being leeches, but the kind of lazy DEI dindu slobs that manage to hold on to their jobs for decades without ever doing anything worth any value to anyone are the true leeches.
That’s not how employee poaching works. You would have to double your R&D costs because any larger competitor will just keep upping the offer to clone the IP at a reduced price.
Wow, I never would have expected that in the corporatist government.
I've heard of some being included in severance agreements, so essentially you're being let go and in order to get severance you can't work in the field you likely have the most experience for a year. It's evil.
You’ll see, this is going to blow up massively on us. The FTC is now allowing employee poaching which is what non competes were designed to stop in the first place. This is only going to benefit corporate socialism and the oligarchic regulatory structures.
offer your best employees better and they'll stay.
this. and if you were a startup without the funds to up the ante, you can provide things like stock options to your employees. any startup worth their salts is planning on growing, so stock options in a startup have a lot of potential value. if the startup isn't planning on growing, then the employee should be abandoning ship anyway.
No start-up has the resources to offer employees the same deals they can get if a big corp wants to entice them. Especially if that same big corp is using their market clout to crush the start-up's profits.
As someone who's done both, there is no amount of money I can be paid to put up with megacorp red tape, bullshit, and having X - Sqrt(X) of my "fellow" employees being fucking leeches on productivity.
Communists talk about the owners of production being leeches, but the kind of lazy DEI dindu slobs that manage to hold on to their jobs for decades without ever doing anything worth any value to anyone are the true leeches.
Then give them stock options that get paid out if the company ever goes public. If the company doesn't make it, you owe them nothing.
That’s not how employee poaching works. You would have to double your R&D costs because any larger competitor will just keep upping the offer to clone the IP at a reduced price.