State-controlled troonery
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Knowing China it is a roach motel, troonies go in but they don't come out.
Common sense tranny control.
Tranny Control Clinic.
It's either a prison asylum, a deconversion clinic or a slaughterhouse.
What a shame, died in the operation but hey, organ donor.
Good, let China get corrupted by the tranny virus that's infested the rest of the world.
Assuming, of course, this clinic isn't just a front for some other sinister project for the CCP. Like a viral laboratory, torture center for political dissidents, organ harvester, drug lab, or anything along those lines. Or maybe it's just a trap to lure alphabet activists in so that they can be arrested and processed.
Think of all the fungal and bacterial infectious samples they can collect from the crotch-wound of mutilated trannies.
This is very sinister. I'd like to know who their clients will be and how many. It reeks of propaganda.
Promoting troonery is a sure way to hasten the demise of the West.
Citizen, not loving the state is womanly behaviour- we will "help" you accustom to your new gender. To improve your social credit score, we have booked your dick removal surgery for you.
Global Times:
Also a peasant who can't get himself a Russian bride may still get some bussy.
The TikTok mind virus chickens coming home to roost?
if this wasn't China, I would unronically consider this to be something healthy. A clinic to help those who suffer actual real gender dysphoria, without the environment of trans groomers around every corner, means that the people who show up will be the people who actually need that kind of treatment. And one for an entire country seems about right.
Not one, the first.