So this comic is monthly rather than weekly or fortnightly or whatever, so issue #2 only came out yesterday. Don't worry though, it wasn't worth the wait.
Basic premise is: Bishop ends up in some alternate universe, or dream, where the X-Men are black.
Yes, it's precisely as dumb as it sounds, and the art is dogshit.
Now with this being a return to the original setting that of course means Angel, Iceman, and Beast will be present too. So I'm sure you're all desperately wondering how someone will draw Beast, who is generally covered in blue fur, as black without it being that badly done it comes off as racist.
Well, the answer is: you don't, because you fail regardless.
Iceman and Angel are both background dressing so nothing gets brought up whether Black Bobby bobs for boys. Given how prevalent homophobia is within black communities I don't see it ever being touched in this comic.
Anyway, back to whatever plot might be happening, the main timeline version of Bishop ends up meeting... himself. And since this is a raceswapped story some might expect him to be white. And you'd be wrong.
How and why he even exists hasn't been brought up yet since Bishop is from the future where he was a cop that hunted down other mutants. So maybe this ends up being a version of him that isn't such a twat but given his appearance in that panel the decision has been made to "nerd" him out with an appearance very different from anything so far printed.
We now return you to our blonde, blue eyed, literal children of nazi villains, because who else would be the bad guys in a comic where all the heroes are black?
The girl with wings and the blackfro is dating whatever the fuck the blue skinned elf is. The third character in the first panel is meant to be Karma, a Vietnamese lesbian.
Middle panel involves those 3 again, with some kind of androgenous dude on the far left [huehuehue], and a blue danger haired Japanese girl whose only prior romance history I can remember was with a black dude that's now gay so that's a good track record there.
Given these are pages of "young, hip, adults" talking it's evidently time for "THE MESSAGE" from the writers so there are two entire pages devoted to this boring chat which ends after the Nazi twins stumble across the group.
So to sum up, fuck all actually happened in this comic except the "children" being morons in the caves getting metaphorically curbstomped because they were arguing loudly when literal nazis were looking for them.
So stupid. I guess me not reading modern day comics continues to be a smart move. I don’t get it. Bishop wasn’t a bad character and he is original. Why screw him up? Also I’ll be so glad when worthless writers get over this “make everyone black” trend. I miss Stan, Jack, and Steve
That ain't Bishop. That's Bitchshit. Bishop was damn badass. Fighting and surviving againt Apocalypse all those damn years, I loved his character. My first introduction to him and the X-men cartoon series was him traveling back to stop the plague.
Yea, that’s the Bishop I remember. My local comic book store used to make the majority of its money on new releases. That was almost 15 years ago. Now the new release section is tiny and there is a massive section for back issues, a decent size manga section, and a huge tabletop gaming section. Sometimes the back issues section is so crowded that they put a time limit on people
Probably to bfw expected with characters of similar powers and monikers, it's certainly a mix up I've made before but then I'm just a comic reader and not an editor working for Marvel comics. 🙄
This way, when they race-swap X-men for the movies they can say "BUt It'S fRoM tHe CoMiCs ThOuGh". Just like they did with Ironheart, Ms. Marvel, Thor, etc.
I salute you for reading this trash for our entertainment though.
Yes, that title is 100% intentional on my part given the significant blackwashing going on.
Last time, on BlaX-Men!
So this comic is monthly rather than weekly or fortnightly or whatever, so issue #2 only came out yesterday. Don't worry though, it wasn't worth the wait.
Basic premise is: Bishop ends up in some alternate universe, or dream, where the X-Men are black.
Yes, it's precisely as dumb as it sounds, and the art is dogshit.
Behold, the X-Men... but black.
Ofc Jean has a massive afro, so much so if it rains she's dead weight even with her TK powers.
Now, it wouldn't be a black cast piece without appropriate language choices, and activities...
Which leads to the usual "fight first, ask questions maybe later" that comics are infamous for.
Aw, shieeet.
No, really.
Now with this being a return to the original setting that of course means Angel, Iceman, and Beast will be present too. So I'm sure you're all desperately wondering how someone will draw Beast, who is generally covered in blue fur, as black without it being that badly done it comes off as racist.
Well, the answer is: you don't, because you fail regardless.
Beast. But with dreads. 'Sup.
Iceman and Angel are both background dressing so nothing gets brought up whether Black Bobby bobs for boys. Given how prevalent homophobia is within black communities I don't see it ever being touched in this comic.
Anyway, back to whatever plot might be happening, the main timeline version of Bishop ends up meeting... himself. And since this is a raceswapped story some might expect him to be white. And you'd be wrong.
How and why he even exists hasn't been brought up yet since Bishop is from the future where he was a cop that hunted down other mutants. So maybe this ends up being a version of him that isn't such a twat but given his appearance in that panel the decision has been made to "nerd" him out with an appearance very different from anything so far printed.
We now return you to our blonde, blue eyed, literal children of nazi villains, because who else would be the bad guys in a comic where all the heroes are black?
Ofc the children mentioned in that chat are diverse in all the correct ways.
The girl with wings and the blackfro is dating whatever the fuck the blue skinned elf is. The third character in the first panel is meant to be Karma, a Vietnamese lesbian.
Middle panel involves those 3 again, with some kind of androgenous dude on the far left [huehuehue], and a blue danger haired Japanese girl whose only prior romance history I can remember was with a black dude that's now gay so that's a good track record there.
Given these are pages of "young, hip, adults" talking it's evidently time for "THE MESSAGE" from the writers so there are two entire pages devoted to this boring chat which ends after the Nazi twins stumble across the group.
Then promptly wipe the floor with them in one go.
But never fear! The elf thing is awake, and must avenge his blackfro pixie partner! Elf thing attack!
And then the comic ends, not with a whimper, but with a bang. Literally.
So to sum up, fuck all actually happened in this comic except the "children" being morons in the caves getting metaphorically curbstomped because they were arguing loudly when literal nazis were looking for them.
So stupid. I guess me not reading modern day comics continues to be a smart move. I don’t get it. Bishop wasn’t a bad character and he is original. Why screw him up? Also I’ll be so glad when worthless writers get over this “make everyone black” trend. I miss Stan, Jack, and Steve
That ain't Bishop. That's Bitchshit. Bishop was damn badass. Fighting and surviving againt Apocalypse all those damn years, I loved his character. My first introduction to him and the X-men cartoon series was him traveling back to stop the plague.
Yea, that’s the Bishop I remember. My local comic book store used to make the majority of its money on new releases. That was almost 15 years ago. Now the new release section is tiny and there is a massive section for back issues, a decent size manga section, and a huge tabletop gaming section. Sometimes the back issues section is so crowded that they put a time limit on people
Yep. When Bishop was a badass. Now he looks like an aging crack addict
Don't forget the editorial fuck up where Amass names the wrong character.
Cover page character in gold is Tempo, a mutant with time powers. The blurb page even names her twice,
Yet later on Amass names Tempus, a different mutant with time powers.
Probably to bfw expected with characters of similar powers and monikers, it's certainly a mix up I've made before but then I'm just a comic reader and not an editor working for Marvel comics. 🙄
Why do both Jean Grey and Cyclops look like Obama? What kind of message is this 'artist' trying to convey?
Just wait for the next series, The Ex-Men
It's gonna be dry without 40% of the characters.
This way, when they race-swap X-men for the movies they can say "BUt It'S fRoM tHe CoMiCs ThOuGh". Just like they did with Ironheart, Ms. Marvel, Thor, etc.
I salute you for reading this trash for our entertainment though.
ApRiL WaS oRiGiNaLlY BlAcK
buck breaking protocols engaged
Pretty much. Along with the accusations of it being porn.