The closest analogues are child beauty pageants, and hooters.
The difference, of course, is that virtually everyone agrees child beauty pageants are fucking creepy and you will have no trouble finding conservatives who will denounce them as fucked up.
And while a restaurant ostensibly named 'boobs' where the waitresses are selected for attractiveness and work in booty shorts and tight tank tops has an inappropriate nudge-nudge wink-wink subtext to it, the actual reality of what is going on inside the restaurant is quite innocuous, and to compare it to children interacting with topless strippers is ridiculous.
To be clear, I think anyone taking a child to Hooters has poor judgement, but on the scale of terrible parenting that's pretty fucking minor.
I feel like this whole drag show thing is a way to draw fire away from the actual thing pushing kids to be trans, by pushing forward something that is so unjustifiable that it swallows up the entire discourse.
Conservatives don't bring their children to strip clubs. There pos need a woodchipper
The closest analogues are child beauty pageants, and hooters.
The difference, of course, is that virtually everyone agrees child beauty pageants are fucking creepy and you will have no trouble finding conservatives who will denounce them as fucked up.
And while a restaurant ostensibly named 'boobs' where the waitresses are selected for attractiveness and work in booty shorts and tight tank tops has an inappropriate nudge-nudge wink-wink subtext to it, the actual reality of what is going on inside the restaurant is quite innocuous, and to compare it to children interacting with topless strippers is ridiculous.
To be clear, I think anyone taking a child to Hooters has poor judgement, but on the scale of terrible parenting that's pretty fucking minor.
hooters is just a normal restaurant with a visual gimmick.
Correct, but thottery isn't exactly a gimmick you should want around your children.
women have breasts, my guy.
Don't be disingenuous my guy
You know, harbor freight is having some wonderful deals on woodchippers this time of year. I highly recommend the "Predator Shredder" ™.
Build the pyres.
Yes I am lost. Anyways, death to pedos.
"Nothing happened!"
There's a video of something happening.
"Nothing happened, bigots!"
I feel like this whole drag show thing is a way to draw fire away from the actual thing pushing kids to be trans, by pushing forward something that is so unjustifiable that it swallows up the entire discourse.
wall wall wall wall wall.
putin is in the right. hes stopping ukraine from being made into pedo trafficking central.
everything good and sane in the world gets compared to fascism and natsoc germany... one has to wonder, right?