She gives the example of an image of Tate surrounded by flashy cars, while smoking a cigar - Ms Carson and fellow teachers find it a "joke", almost a "cartoon" of "pathetic insecurity" - but some of her pupils want to defend everything he stands for.
What exactly is insecure about smoking a cigar and showing off your cars?
What exactly is insecure about smoking a cigar and showing off your cars?
Success is bad ok?
The stereotypical answer is 'he's compensating for something.' They say with most any man who tries to signal wealth or a macho image.
Women who have no shot with a rich confident alpha: he’s compensating for his tiny dick lol
Women who do have a shot: nice car…
Projection. Feminists are basically collections of hyper-cultivated insecurities and inferiority complexes.
And why would anyone in the world care about what a 46 year old spinster teacher thinks is a joke?
A motivated teacher can put Tate into anything. Here let us do it to mathematics.
ironically this is what "generative learning" is, a key aspect of fierrian marxist teaching.