Your argument would only apply if the secretary was explicitly employed as both a secretary and a sex worker. Because you can't order your employees to perform unrelated duties without getting various forms of pushback, especially when that duty is providing fringe benefits for the boss personally and not for the business. Landscaping is real work, but you couldn't order the secretary to mow your lawn.
Not because the sex was good or the people were attractive, but because the man on camera huffing and puffing his way to an orgasm is someone who actively thinks they could be a United States Congressman. That or he just really wanted to bang Nicole Sage, which seems more likely.
Eh, having looked up Nicole Sage, I'd say he really wanted to be a Congressman.
Race to the bottom. Twerking bwap-hogs, braindead zombies and now this?
I see what you did there...
If sex work is real work, what is wrong with a boss ordering a blow job from his secretary the same way he would get a coffee? It's just work.
Your argument would only apply if the secretary was explicitly employed as both a secretary and a sex worker. Because you can't order your employees to perform unrelated duties without getting various forms of pushback, especially when that duty is providing fringe benefits for the boss personally and not for the business. Landscaping is real work, but you couldn't order the secretary to mow your lawn.
Just have HR write it into everyone's duties. Anyone higher in the company can use anyone below.
Eh, having looked up Nicole Sage, I'd say he really wanted to be a Congressman.
lol. "Vote for me, I fucked a hard 7." Okay, coombrain.
I mean, its certainly a way to get your name to stand out above your competition.
And its not like a Congressman is somehow better or less sleazy than a whore, so its not even that debasing.
Combining the world’s oldest and second oldest professions.
Anyone who votes for this guy is too dumb to know porn is free and fake compared to reality.
It's New York? That explains the pitch...
Still better than Nadler.
He can do a scat video with Amber Heard.