The New Global Warming?
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I will never understand this obsession with fear porn over things that we couldn't possibly hope to control. It must be some Boomer holdover: people brought up to believe that there is no aspect of reality beyond the influence of human science are apparently very easy to galvanize. Everything that happens in the universe is potentially the End Of The World and we have to change everything about the way we live our lives in order to do something about it!
Mix in a cultural loss of Christian faith (where the Lord does control reality) and I think you're on to something.
People want to pretend they live in a disaster movie.
Plus, the article explicitly says
But, of course, we nee an exaggerated headline to freak people out. We really need to get rid of all the presstitutes.
A recent "Triggernometry" has an interview with a guy who makes a really persuasive case for why this is so:
In short, it is the futile replacement of religious faith with a faith in technology to solve moral questions/problems. It doesn't/can't work.
Oh no, an entire 1.5 milliseconds. If we lose that much every year, we'd be looking at days an entire 1.5s shorter in only... [checks notes] 1000 years. How will timekeeping ever recover...
I wonder if it's the other way around: whatever is causing the increased spin is causing their precious "climate change".
Inb4 we have to change the earths rotation so a retarded Swedish girl can sleep at night
I think I know the reason for this: wind turbines.
What do you think “ethical abortion” is
Well like I said we are at ethical abortion, moms killing kids to “save” them. Parents intentionally butchering their kids genitals. It’s not a far stretch.
Anti natalists believe exactly that, unfortunately for some reason they dont start with themselves.