Made me chuckle
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Of the five judges overturning Roe, Clarence Thomas is receiving most hate on social media - even though Alito wrote the opinion.
If you're going to call anyone an Uncle Tom for opposing abortion, shouldn't you be attacking Barrett? I mean, it makes no sense, but it makes more sense than "THE BLACK GUY WAS NOT OBEDIENT ENOUGH, THAT UNCLE TOM"!
They always hated Clarence Thomas the most because he is a Black conservative.
The left thinks they own all minorities.
They are also seething that Clarence Thomas's concurrence in the Dobbs case talks about potentially re-assessing the gay marriage precedent(Obergefell v Hobbes) and unrestricted birth control precedent (Griswold v Connecticut ) and maybe even overturning them.
The overturning of those two cases sadly won't happen because Roberts, and Gorsuch won't ever go for it.
Gorsuch in the Bostock case shows us that he will never overturn when it comes to these two cases.
Roberts didn't even overturn Roe so he clearly won't be overturning Griswold or Obergefell.
Of course, but it surprised me how much hatred he got in this particular case. I would expect them to hate on Barrett more.
I was reading something about Thomas, which said something like "Clarence Thomas opposes affirmative action despite benefiting from it".
So if you 'benefit' from something you did not ask for, you have to do the radical left's bidding in perpetuity.
I'm so glad I have not received this poisoned chalice myself.
I'm trying to be optimistic. Gorsuch went full retard in that case, but that hinged on the application of the definition of 'sex' IIRC. It does not require him to say that either homosexual marriage or sodomy are protected by any right to 'privacy'.
Roberts was in the minority in the latter, so there is hope. As for the former, I don't think a case will come that will allow it to be overruled. So basically, it will remain as a zombie precedent that it thoroughly undermined, but without it being overruled entirely.
The fact that they claim Thomas "benefitted from affirmative action" shows how vile they are to begin with. They assume every black man in power is in their because they rigged the system for blacks. Thomas was fought tooth and nail at every turn by Former Vice President Joe Biden. during his confirmation.
Based and well written reply pilled
Those two cases are completely unconstitutional and the fact that the they were even allowed to pass at all shows that Thomas and Alito are the only ones who actually know what their job entails.
The other judges know exactly why they were appointed and it's NOT to uphold the constitution...
I'd go further than unconstitutional and call them outright anti-Constitutional. They turn the Constitution into a magic 8-ball held behind the backs of Supreme Court Justices. It's carte blanche to give whatever decision they want. All they have to do is say "WE MUST CONSULT THE ORACLE" then jabber about shadows and portents, and precedent automatically agrees, because precedent is the card from Parks & Recreation that says "I can do what I want."
It's interesting, right? A lot of them were saying nasty shit about RBG because she didn't step down under Obama, and I never once saw it get racial.
I think it goes to show that they think not using the words is them doing people a favor (as opposed to them just not wanting to use the words), and whenever they feel they aren't getting what they want in return (obedience) the first thing they do is use the words.
Its not that they're more angry at Thomas really, its that being called a nigger is his punishment for not being one of them.
You didn't see it get racial because any reference to her being a kike would get scoured off the face of the net in minutes. Calling Clarence Thomas a nigger dovetails with the left's belief that racism against blacks is everywhere, thereby justifying their vigorous "antiracism" schemes that are explicitly anti-White.
It's crazy how the "compassionate left" starts ripping into a black man for believing what he thinks is right. The same people who hold up MLK as a God will punch down on another black man for not agreeing with their believes. I hope more blacks see this and make up their minds on lefties.
You've reminded me to finally a nice flt and quiet keyboard for my desktop.
LOL, damn, couldn't see the bottom initially but did LOL when I saw it. Straight up truth.
black people
Literally any black person that gives dissenting or even questioning opinions to leftist narrative immediately get fed to the hidden racism grinder that motivates the Left.
The saddest part is how many black folk the white leftists have brainwashed into believing they care.
Don't get me wrong, no politician gives a fuck about black white or brown. But at the least everyone to the right of Mao doesn't pretend to.