If you were to bet money on which would be released first between Elder Scrolls 6 and Winds of Winter, which would you out your money on?
2 years ago I still had hope for Winds of Winter but GRRM has shown he doesn’t care so Elder Scrolls 6
If you were to bet money on which would be released first between Elder Scrolls 6 and Winds of Winter, which would you out your money on?
2 years ago I still had hope for Winds of Winter but GRRM has shown he doesn’t care so Elder Scrolls 6
I expect GRRM to die with Winds of Winter unfinished.
So ES6.
And the fact he works on different projects constantly is pretty telling. I’d love for him to hire someone to finish or just admit he won’t finish
As someone who produces art and fiction, I'd agree. It's a dead giveaway that he's lost interest in it, or that he's hit a brick wall with it. Going back to a half-finished project is a nightmare. You have to re-familiarize yourself with a bunch of crap you've forgotten, and waste a ton of time just figuring out where you were. Decisions you made months (or years) ago seem nonsensical, so you change them, only to sink more work in and then realize that your original , seemingly stupid decision was made for a good reason.
Same with a software project but replace months with 2 days ago.
I wish he would just give his notes to someone to finish it or just tell his fans that he lost interest
Perhaps he cares enough about it to refuse to do so. A bad situation to be in: to not know how to finish a thing but care enough about it to feel compelled to do so yourself.
Brian Herbert and Kevin Anderson have entered the chat.
Holy hell you just described my cupboard and habits to a t.
There is a big chance that he does not know how to finish the book properly. He most likely told HBO how he planed to finish the books, so we already know the general direction he wanted the books to go and is not exciting at all.
The only reason to finish the books would be closure but if the closure sucks it ruins the entire series. Will he risk it? Song of ice and fire is his best work, what he is known for. Between risking his legacy and leaving it unfinish he may just decided it is not worth the gamble.
I expect Elder Scrolls 6 first (maybe 2024 or 2025?).
I don't have any interest in it anymore. Bethesda has gone downhill a lot in recent years, and I am quite concerned that the game will be woke.
I have never had any interest in GRRM's works apart from listening to and watching critical analysis, and I don't expect Winds of Winter to ever release. The TV series ended the IP on a very, very poor note.
I love Skyrim so much and still play it (heavily modded) so while it’s crazy I’m going to hope that they don’t get crazy and make it a fun as Skyrim times 1000.
Game of Thrones disaster finish came be blamed on 3 things for me:
Writers just rushing everything GRRM not finishing source material To a smaller extent they got caught up in the whole girl power movement
When adwd was released I observed that at this rate my children would be the same age I was when agof was released when ados is released. They'll be that age next year. So ES6.
I'll take the long odds on Winds of Winter. Really will depend on how Starfield does, but Starfield is late 2022, and a good amount of Bethesda's energy in 2023 is going to go to fixes and DLCs for that. So, we've probably got at least 3 years, likely more, before TES6 comes out. Maybe George will wake up by then.
Why not include Half-Life 3 in there? Anyway, I expect ES6.
I keep meaning to play half life but haven’t yet. Have they promised or teased a third game?
Valve is allergic to three is the joke.
The reality is more that the studio's flat management style means someone would have to step up to helm the project, and they've been hiring woke lately...
It's been so long I don't even remember what they said anymore. Half-Life 3 has been a meme for a long time.
It is an action shooter with a nice setting. I like Half-Life, they did a lot of things right but I do not plan on going back to replay it.
I have more found memories of Mafia then Half-Life.
TES 6. But given the current states of the games industry I fully expect it to be just as awful as Winds of Winter. Which will probably be awful.
I know Nerdrotic thinks that GRRM is delaying himself because he doesn’t want blowback from the woke mob but I just think he gave up
You should have said George RR Martin, and if I was him I would have writen whatever I wanted and prepared for mass defamation lawsuits against urinalists while issuing a public statement condeming the regressive left the second one of them slander's me.
Elder scrolls 6. Microsoft actually wants the series to continue.
At this point I’d respect him if he came out and said he didn’t want to finish. Although best case would be for him to give his notes to someone else and let them finish