I don't think dancing is enough. Those with dogs should remember the site where this lowlife split hell wide open so the dogs can do their business there.
Ernby reportedly died at home, but others of her ilk took up hospital beds that may accordingly have been denied to others in great need of treatment for non-COVID conditions.
Reminder that the most prestigious award for journalists is named after the guy who invented yellow journalism and who used his media empire to openly attack anyone he didn't like.
Ads (at least in america) already run a wildly disproportionate number of ham planets. I swear if I see another land whale jumping around in Target underwear I'm going out into the woods to do some writing.
Every. Single. Time.
Early Life check out?
“Kids should take a vaccine if it allows me to keep eating cake and feel safer”
Oh good, I'll get my chacha heels when he dies soon and we can go grave dancing, since he thinks such things are necessary.
I don't think dancing is enough. Those with dogs should remember the site where this lowlife split hell wide open so the dogs can do their business there.
You’ve been much more “based”, lately, Tony…
What’s going on? Finally quit your Reddit habits, or..?
It’s almost disconcerting!
I haven't really changed my mind on anything. It's just that you can say some things here that you can't on Reddit.
Did anyone ever figure out what cha-cha heels are?
Now observe this 19-chinned sack of shit. I wonder what he would think when fat pieces of shit are treated in this way.
Also very stupid:
Three paragraphs later:
This piece of absolute trash has also justified people threatening Tucker Carlson.
He deserves his fatness bringing him a miserable, painful, prolonged death.
First thing in his twatter bio:
Reminder that the most prestigious award for journalists is named after the guy who invented yellow journalism and who used his media empire to openly attack anyone he didn't like.
I thought you're being hyperbolic, but https://thumbor.forbes.com/thumbor/960x0/https%3A%2F%2Fspecials-images.forbesimg.com%2Fimageserve%2F171520062%2F960x0.jpg%3Ffit%3Dscale
Deny healthcare to fatties.
Treating illegal alien drug-addicted gangbangers for free (on your taxpayer dime).
He has had over 2 years to lose weight to save his fat ass from covid.
Getting these rushed vaccines has caused lifelong health issues to some.
Losing weight probably has no adverse risk for him.
If he really tries, he might even reach the point where he can see his penis without a mirror.
Ngl, this comment is cursed…
BRB, going to wash my eyes out with soap…
Your 110% vs my near 0%, fatty. Let's go.
PSA: c/FatPeopleHate exist.
Australian media has literally been running “fat-positivity” stories every day, this last week…
Even saying obese girls should be models… 😑
What the fuck is going on?? Once again, it’s like some coordinated effort, after both the Joe Rohan thing, and the whole Nole debacle…
It really is very much like they’re all reading from a script.
Soon we'll start hearing about how heart attacks are perfectly normal in 5-11 year-old kids.
Ads (at least in america) already run a wildly disproportionate number of ham planets. I swear if I see another land whale jumping around in Target underwear I'm going out into the woods to do some writing.
Guess what I do to Ghouls in Fallout.
Go on, guess.
Fat hate is ghoulish. And hillarious.
The original title for this article was something like "Should We Dance On The Graves Of Anti-Vaxxers?"