The difference is that most of Europe have no balls. All those anti-lockdown protests did nothing, only protests that matter are BLM protests and pro-feminism, anti-right wing.
They will end up paying 7 times as much on heating but they will not do anything about it. Europeans will complain about gas prices and they will elect slightly different elites that are in fact no different then previous elites.
The West has an insanely powerful media. If anybody questioned the lockdown or theft of their freedoms they were instantly smeared by ALL news organizations as “ultra far right racist hitlers killing grandma”
Perhaps it is not just the government that needs to be afraid for there to be liberty, but also the media. They certainly act as an arm of the government at this point.
Any institution that elevates a human big toe like Brian Stelter to a place of power/influence is a corrupted institution.
The biggest reservoir of hope that I have is that these institutions are rotten and hollow, and will collapse under their own weight sooner rather than later.
They are 100% propped up by the billionaire globalist class and/or our corrupt governments. If our media were susceptible to market forces, virtually all of these outlets would already be gone.
It’s exceedingly effective. When someone calls you an alt right nazi reply, “ya so I guess I am. Now what are going to do about it?”. Then watch as their programming short circuits as they do not expect anyone to embrace it. They expect people to recoil in horror and submit.
Now it helps to be rich enough that they can’t really threaten you because usually the next retort is “where do you work I’ll call your boss…”
That doesn’t work with me at least because I can retort that rice and soybeans don’t give a fuck about your politics.
That’s why I got more involved in the last year in county politics and school board meetings, etc.. Many can’t stand up. I can.
Kazakhstan is ranked 155 out of 180 countries on the World Press Freedom Index, their authoritarian government has nothing to envy from the media in the West.
A protest in a non-violent demonstration to the government of violence to follow if the mob is not appeased. If they know no violence will follow, the protests are meaningless. They miss the entire point.
The difference is that most of Europe have no balls. All those anti-lockdown protests did nothing, only protests that matter are BLM protests and pro-feminism, anti-right wing.
They will end up paying 7 times as much on heating but they will not do anything about it. Europeans will complain about gas prices and they will elect slightly different elites that are in fact no different then previous elites.
The West has an insanely powerful media. If anybody questioned the lockdown or theft of their freedoms they were instantly smeared by ALL news organizations as “ultra far right racist hitlers killing grandma”
Perhaps it is not just the government that needs to be afraid for there to be liberty, but also the media. They certainly act as an arm of the government at this point.
Any institution that elevates a human big toe like Brian Stelter to a place of power/influence is a corrupted institution.
The biggest reservoir of hope that I have is that these institutions are rotten and hollow, and will collapse under their own weight sooner rather than later.
They are 100% propped up by the billionaire globalist class and/or our corrupt governments. If our media were susceptible to market forces, virtually all of these outlets would already be gone.
In the immortal words of the serial mass shooter Sam Hyde: Don't worry so much about money. Worry about if people start deciding to kill reporters.
Mainstream media are the propaganda arm of the globalist cabal. It's that simple. What are patriots supposed to do with that information?
I'd drop the qualifier of "capitalist", but yes.
Nothing says "capitalist" like strangling competition in the crib, right?
there needs to be a second january 6, to remind them of their place.
"Why yes, I am far right, and don't care if grandma dies. What are you going to do about it?"
It’s exceedingly effective. When someone calls you an alt right nazi reply, “ya so I guess I am. Now what are going to do about it?”. Then watch as their programming short circuits as they do not expect anyone to embrace it. They expect people to recoil in horror and submit.
Now it helps to be rich enough that they can’t really threaten you because usually the next retort is “where do you work I’ll call your boss…”
That doesn’t work with me at least because I can retort that rice and soybeans don’t give a fuck about your politics.
That’s why I got more involved in the last year in county politics and school board meetings, etc.. Many can’t stand up. I can.
It does not help if you fear for your job and have kids while those in their 20s are brainwashed
Kazakhstan is ranked 155 out of 180 countries on the World Press Freedom Index, their authoritarian government has nothing to envy from the media in the West.
Translation: The only protests that matter are the ones that are violent.
A protest in a non-violent demonstration to the government of violence to follow if the mob is not appeased. If they know no violence will follow, the protests are meaningless. They miss the entire point.
Non-violent protests only accomplish things if the opposition has a heart and will turn on the government for their evils.
No part of the Left or most Governments give a single shit about any Right type protesters getting hurt, they'd champion it even.