Good grief. Granted the 82 Scarface was a remake of the 30s version with an Italian lead but this was before everything was a reboot/remake. Also I’m sure in this remake there will be a woman who is much better at being a criminal mastermind
Neapolitan. It's not really mutually intelligible with northern Italian.
You have to remember that Italy has only been a unified nation state since the 19th century. Before that, the northern principalities were alternately sovereign, or ruled by The Holy Roman Empire or by France. Central Italy was ruled directly by the Papacy, and the south was the Kingdom of Naples, alternately sovereign or run by the Spanish or the French. The peninsula hadn't been unified since the fall of Rome, and 1500 years of divergent histories produced divergent languages.
That saying is from my Grandma. She is a pretty dark Italian lady, although a lot of it is from spending her whole life in the California sun. Thus some people say I am a nigger. She gets pissed when people mistake her for Hispanic. Hilariously I have horrible skin. It's pale white from my Norwegian side -- that's not the problem. I just get all kinds of skin ailments, and you can see every blemish because I'm so fucking pale. Two of my sisters got the Olive Italian skin and are very beautiful. Better that than the other way around, I suppose.
He’s a decent actor but not really for a role like this. I actually don’t care if he’s black, I just want someone better suited to the role. And more than that I’d rather they just made a new fucking movie. All this remake nonsense. Just make a new fucking movie!
Hmm.. I guess Scarface doesn't need to be of any particular race, especially if you were to modernize the story. Then again, Scarface doesn't need a remake. It's the same pattern as Breaking Bad. It's been done. Make something new.
Dead in 2 minutes, maybe before the credits. Goes unsolved unless he had a few songs to promote, then his mother and grandmother will be all over the news for the rest of the movie talking about how he was a good boy while spending his royalties.
Good grief. Granted the 82 Scarface was a remake of the 30s version with an Italian lead but this was before everything was a reboot/remake. Also I’m sure in this remake there will be a woman who is much better at being a criminal mastermind
And she'll end up living. Ooh, I know! She'll fire the killing shot at Tony Montana. It'll be symbolic
Shhhh. Don’t give them ideas. But honestly I could totally see that happening
What is Sylvester Stallone? Spain begins at Naples anyways.
He is Italian. Never been to Spain or Naples but would love to go. I speak Spanish and am trying to learn Italian so perfect excuse
They don't speak Italian in Naples.
What do they speak? Wow I just assumed Italian
Neapolitan. It's not really mutually intelligible with northern Italian.
You have to remember that Italy has only been a unified nation state since the 19th century. Before that, the northern principalities were alternately sovereign, or ruled by The Holy Roman Empire or by France. Central Italy was ruled directly by the Papacy, and the south was the Kingdom of Naples, alternately sovereign or run by the Spanish or the French. The peninsula hadn't been unified since the fall of Rome, and 1500 years of divergent histories produced divergent languages.
To be clear they can speak Italian, the official national language, but it's not their local language.
Gotcha. Thanks! Still very interesting
That saying is from my Grandma. She is a pretty dark Italian lady, although a lot of it is from spending her whole life in the California sun. Thus some people say I am a nigger. She gets pissed when people mistake her for Hispanic. Hilariously I have horrible skin. It's pale white from my Norwegian side -- that's not the problem. I just get all kinds of skin ailments, and you can see every blemish because I'm so fucking pale. Two of my sisters got the Olive Italian skin and are very beautiful. Better that than the other way around, I suppose.
This guy has as much charisma, talent, and masculinity as Pacino's left toe during his prime.
He’s a decent actor but not really for a role like this. I actually don’t care if he’s black, I just want someone better suited to the role. And more than that I’d rather they just made a new fucking movie. All this remake nonsense. Just make a new fucking movie!
Stunning and brave.
Will be changed into a Haitian "refugee"?
I'm not surprised "MyMixtapez" hires people with a middle-school grasp of English.
That swarthy latin actor Michael Jordan.
He's such a fucking good actor, I had no idea he was Cuban or similar.
Hmm.. I guess Scarface doesn't need to be of any particular race, especially if you were to modernize the story. Then again, Scarface doesn't need a remake. It's the same pattern as Breaking Bad. It's been done. Make something new.
Dead in 2 minutes, maybe before the credits. Goes unsolved unless he had a few songs to promote, then his mother and grandmother will be all over the news for the rest of the movie talking about how he was a good boy while spending his royalties.
This is sexist and racist. Are they saying women cant be crimimals? Are they saying if you are a criminal you arr black?
I'm saying you're a dumb faggot
Shut up nigger