“Star Trek Embarrasses And Degrades Itself With Star Trek: Lower Decks Orgy Scene”
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More evidence the SJWs, leftists, and globalists are hedonists obsessed with sex and perversion, with one side being brainwashed idiots who believe in it and willingly push it, and on the other malicious Moloch worshippers trying to subvert and destroy people as much as possible.
I grew up watching Star Trek TNG. Thinking back to episodes like Measure of a Man, Tapestry, Chain of Command, or The Inner Light, and looking at modern Star Trek, is sad and maddening. I've gone back and watched the original series and Deep Space 9, and they too have a great many good stories. These sick fucks have ruined one of the best science fiction IPs, and they won't stop until they've ruined and perverted everything that is good in this world.
Not sure what you're talking about. They turned off the lights after Enterprise, and even that wasn't very good. Good old Star Trek, I wonder if we'll ever see it again?
Joking aside, I wonder if Lower Decks pulled this shit because of idiots ranting how The Orville was better Trek, and it's full of perverted degeneracy.
What perversions are in the Orville? Have they forced the cast to take the vacc in-universe yet?
Have you even seen the show?
My interpretation on how this came about:
Writer 1: Let's do a homosexual propaganda episode!
Writer 2: How do we disguise it?
W1: We'll do it as a holodeck thing!
W2: Won't that be out of character for almost all of the cast?
W1: We'll do that sex virus thing from TNG. The episode where Data was fully functional.
W2: How will we make that work? It'll be forced for sure.
W1: It'll be a test thing. For the stunning and brave black female lead as a command thing or whatever.
W2: How are we going to have a conclusion that isn't a disaster?
W1: We'll play it off as that Kirk thing, Kobiashi Maru. The lose-lose situation where it's supposed to show your character.
W2: But Kirk beat that by cheating so if we don't have our stunning and brave black female win people will point out that a white male succeeded where a stunning and brave black female lost.
W1: If anyone points that out we'll just call them racist because it's current year!
And my biggest error in all of this is thinking they had a discussion at all instead of just going with an already written fan fiction posted somewhere on the Internet.
As much as I like your first idea, yeah it was just someone's fanfic they ripped or had saved personally that they wrote.
The novel of the original timeline had such a better solution for Kirk solving that. He was that sure of how awesome he's be he reprogrammed the test to reflect how infamous he'd be in the future and solved the unsolvable test by hailing the attacking ships and going "I'm Kirk, gtfo!"
reported :)
that family guy style is such bland animation. it really shows you how bad a show will be before you even tune in.
“Star Trek Embarrasses And Degrades Itself With Every Scene"
Star Trek went from being a hopeful vision of what the future could be, to the aftermath of catching a desperate disease from a sexual hooker who's had one too many johns cum in her anus. ST:Discovery became not only the first Trek to make a wholly unlikable captain as their new cast choice, but a premonition of the feeling of what all ST fans would feel in the future, after watching CBS's disneyfied startrek. (Like they needed a good sexual cleansing to steam nuStarTrek's STD out of their privates.)
It's like they chose STD as the abbreviation on purpose.
This is in canon!? WTF.
It's like a bad rick and morty skit, but even more degenerate somehow.
It is a shitty version of Rick and Morty (so shit’s shit.) The head writer is Mike McMahan who does write when Dan starts crying about his divorce and Justin is high on blow.
I just... I've never heard of this show, but do have a favorable opinion about Star Trek in general. I just don't see how that could get to requiring a black barred spread eagle man being in canon. Were the rights just sold or something?
Reminds me of that fucked up pedophile show "Big Mouth". Comparing the casts I didn't find any obvious matches, but it feels like the same stew.
nothing after voyager matters
Nothing after season 3 of Voyager matters.
Except for the Captain Proton episodes. And I'll admit that Shran was pretty awesome; too bad he wasn't in DS9 instead.
honestly i'd probably cut voyager entirely, but it IS concurrent with ds9.
I uploaded the clip from this show if you want to see it for yourselves.
I was chuckling for about 2 seconds before they put full nudity in Star Trek Canon. Even when youre trying to be entertained, this shit is so cringey that it make Gene come back from the grave just to kill the fuckers who are making a mockery of his vision.
All I want at this point from this dead franchise is DS9 on Blu Ray.
Can I just ask, when did they decide it's better to have an insufferable protagonist is better than a boring one? There was some other scifi show on Netflix with the same problem, the main character is just a run-on of verbal diaherra exprsssing their every inner thought aloud that just grates against my last nerve.