RoscoePColtraine 5 points ago +5 / -0

I just bought the Blu Ray for "Nothing But Trouble" (1991) this week. In the recently-made behind the scenes interview with Dan Akroyd, he pats himself on the back over bringing in a hip hop group to prove his character wasn't racist (Digital Underground with TuPac). Very disgusting display of virtue signalling

RoscoePColtraine 11 points ago +11 / -0





RoscoePColtraine 10 points ago +10 / -0

Hugo Award winning

I think that's a symptom of the problem right there. The Hugo's had a HUGE fallout a few years back where merit was tossed out in favor of "Woke". The issue severely damaged the "brand", and I know a lot of people outwardly ignore anyone currently associated with the Hugo Awards. Your description of her writing sounds precisely like what we all knew would happen.

As for what you, and Drinker have said (watched the video yesterday), I'd say the exact same problem has infiltrated comics as well. I've been friends with several comic store owners who've seen their industry destroyed by these same simplistic hacks. And as Drinker stated, for those of us who grew up knowing better, we understand when we're served a plate full of shit, compared to these poor kids today (many who ignore comics, so I'm speaking in general too) who simply gobble up what's served to them. It's a very sad state of affairs.

It's as if an entire generation decided if they couldn't burn the books they would simply make them unreadable.

RoscoePColtraine 13 points ago +13 / -0

Chillingly accurate

RoscoePColtraine 26 points ago +26 / -0

a natural development for a company that started the way Image Comics did.

Not even close, since these "union" people are NOT the creative talent, they are support staff, and should not have the power to cancel anyone else's project based on their "moral judgment". This is quite literally the ANTITHESIS of what Image was founded on!

RoscoePColtraine 1 point ago +1 / -0

You're such an angry retard. Go fuck yourself. Not bothering to read anything more than you write. Screech louder you faggot.

RoscoePColtraine 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ohhh, look at the retard getting everything WRONG and still calling ME the waste of oxygen! Holy shit you're fucking deranged! Right to EMPLOYMENT is not the same as what you linked you faggot. Yours talks about right to PURSUE employment, not that it's granted to you. Holy fuck dude, you're just massively wrong AND a faggot at the same time about it!

RoscoePColtraine 1 point ago +1 / -0

Again, show me where you have the legal right to EMPLOYMENT. You're such an asshole as well as a drooling retard. As far as "thanking a troll" goes, he's the only one who's pointed out what fools you faggots are, and NONE of you can prove the original claim of "no legal right to employment", but you dipshits keep changing the goalposts

RoscoePColtraine -1 points ago +1 / -2

Thanks. Everyone wants to scream "muh rights" but are too stupid to actually look into what legal rights they actually have. Then they wonder when shit doesn't work out for them, and just attack the messenger instead. I wish these booger eaters would go back to reddit where they came from.

RoscoePColtraine -3 points ago +1 / -4

Don't move the goalposts to argue against me you faggot. I asked to provide legal fucking proof of the RIGHT to EMPLOYMENT. I wasn't talking "privacy" you fucking retard. You and the rest of you downvoting retards need to go back to reddit with that stupid shit. What is this, the forum for Special Needs? You people are fucking ridiculous.

RoscoePColtraine -3 points ago +1 / -4

Huurrrr durrr wikipedia!! Where's the legal fucking citation like I asked for, not your soy drinking navel gazing faggotry?

RoscoePColtraine -15 points ago +2 / -17

Where does it legally say we have a RIGHT to employment? I'm against mandates, but I'm not retarded enough to go around screaming I have a right to employment without being able to point to the appropriate law to back up my claim.

Also, why "settle"? If you're starving do you reject a sandwich because it doesn't have Grey Poupon? Fuck you "all or nothing" psychos.

by borga
RoscoePColtraine -2 points ago +2 / -4

the first slave in the US was owned by a black man. We know this because he challenged in court to change the law to keep the guy enslaved.

Idiot. The first slave was not owned by a black man, the first court case about keeping a man enslaved was brought by a black man. That black man was not the first person lined up to purchase his slave, and there's nothing to support your claim. Get your facts straight, you were so fucking close but ultimately wrong.

RoscoePColtraine 10 points ago +10 / -0

This is the correct answer for pretty much every new product today, from games to movies to shows. Retro is where it's at!

RoscoePColtraine 5 points ago +5 / -0

I'm sorry, but when has propaganddit ever stepped back from "full censorship mode" since they initialized it years ago??

RoscoePColtraine -18 points ago +7 / -25

Just because you want to say "she was asking for it" doesn't mean you're correct.

RoscoePColtraine -10 points ago +14 / -24

No, you don't know that, that's your cope of dealing with it. You just want to victim blame like an asshole without any actual knowledge of their political beliefs.

RoscoePColtraine 11 points ago +11 / -0

Yarrrrr, there be plenty of back issues on the High Seas, many digitally restored! I won't even read a modern comic for free!

RoscoePColtraine 1 point ago +1 / -0

What perversions are in the Orville?

Have you even seen the show?

RoscoePColtraine 7 points ago +7 / -0

All I want at this point from this dead franchise is DS9 on Blu Ray.

RoscoePColtraine 8 points ago +8 / -0

looking at modern Star Trek

Not sure what you're talking about. They turned off the lights after Enterprise, and even that wasn't very good. Good old Star Trek, I wonder if we'll ever see it again?

Joking aside, I wonder if Lower Decks pulled this shit because of idiots ranting how The Orville was better Trek, and it's full of perverted degeneracy.

RoscoePColtraine 1 point ago +1 / -0

It ain't gonna change the reality of the current "entertainment" industry...

Here's my point, I never said it would, and you're raging against something I didn't bring up and actually agree with what you said even if you sound like a moronic child in how you phrase it. Doubling down on your "fuck Hollywood" like you're bringing a new message is just stupid because I never disagreed.

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