PA state rep. I know it's not clear from the single tweet, but this is just a stunt being pulled because leftists don't like that Texas has banned abortion after a heartbeat is detected, so they're proposing a bunch of 'parody' bills that really just show how demented they are (along the lines of "abortion is a satanic riteand can't be prohibited under the 1st Amendment.")
I'd suggest you repost with the title corrected since as of yet I appear to be the only commenter, so we aren't losing much discussion.
I didn't call it a stunt to belittle it, I called it a stunt to belittle the person that pulled it. As I said these people are demented and have no business being public servants.
As an aside, I think that the pro-life movement is one of the few on the right that (by their nature) has had to not only take leftism seriously, but has had to accept and understand exactly how evil leftism is, and still goes about fighting it (often, if not always, successfully) through essentially entirely peaceful means. I don't know whether I'd consider that to be the best solution (after all, if abortion is murder, and you know who the murderers are, allowing them to continue to murder is morally questionable), but it is one of the few things that could possibly convince me that there is a political solution to our current societal problems, at least at some scale. You aren't going to reprogram the demented left overnight, or even in a generation, but you might be able to take away some of their institutional power, and perhaps convince others of their evil by forcing them to publicly state such demented positions.
They are trying to ridicule the Texas abortion bill. The difference is that the equivalent would be not to allow men to get vasectomies not force them to have one. It is one thing to force a medical procedure and a different thing to deny someone a medical procedure.
And there is also the small debate around the fetus being killed.
But Leftist think this is some kind of own.
The other difference is that men already have no legal reproductive rights, and have never had any reproductive rights. If you get a woman pregnant, she has total control of what happens next, but men sure as hell have legal responsibilities in the form of child support, which is commonly enforced even when the man cannot pay, resulting in prison time.
You'd think at some point thinking through "Hey, what would be the equivalent of men being unable to terminate a pregnancy?" they'd realize they already can't, and would avoid drawing attention to it, but I guess not.
The other difference is that men already have no legal reproductive rights, and have never had any reproductive rights.
This is the grand truth of it. If a pair get pregnant she can decide, without his consent, to kill the kid, and he'll never be the wiser if nobody tells him. If she decides to move away and have the kid, then give it up for adoption, he's shit out of luck if she doesn't name him as the father. If she decides to keep the kid, then he's on the hook for 18 years. His rights in regards to the unborn child? Jack shit. If she gets the right to try and kill the kid if she doesn't want it, then the least they could do is give the man the legal right to disown the bastard and sever all parental rights and responsibilities to it if he doesn't want it.
When vaccine mandates became popular on the left they were shocked when my response was “good we can use that as precedent to overturn Roe V. Wade now that medical decisions are now the business of the state and not between you and your doctor”.
A few got that glazed over “oh shit” look on their faces.
I drove through a small college town this weekend and there was a protest. Immediately I saw the chick in the red robes and knew it was a reproductive rights protest. I'm assuming they're protesting Texas. I couldnt really tell since the signs made no sense, didn't actually say what they were protesting, and we have no bills for them to be angry about in our state.
PA state rep. I know it's not clear from the single tweet, but this is just a stunt being pulled because leftists don't like that Texas has banned abortion after a heartbeat is detected, so they're proposing a bunch of 'parody' bills that really just show how demented they are (along the lines of "abortion is a satanic riteand can't be prohibited under the 1st Amendment.")
I'd suggest you repost with the title corrected since as of yet I appear to be the only commenter, so we aren't losing much discussion.
I didn't call it a stunt to belittle it, I called it a stunt to belittle the person that pulled it. As I said these people are demented and have no business being public servants.
As an aside, I think that the pro-life movement is one of the few on the right that (by their nature) has had to not only take leftism seriously, but has had to accept and understand exactly how evil leftism is, and still goes about fighting it (often, if not always, successfully) through essentially entirely peaceful means. I don't know whether I'd consider that to be the best solution (after all, if abortion is murder, and you know who the murderers are, allowing them to continue to murder is morally questionable), but it is one of the few things that could possibly convince me that there is a political solution to our current societal problems, at least at some scale. You aren't going to reprogram the demented left overnight, or even in a generation, but you might be able to take away some of their institutional power, and perhaps convince others of their evil by forcing them to publicly state such demented positions.
Muslim: It's my religion that if you don't convert to Islam I can kill you.
They are trying to ridicule the Texas abortion bill. The difference is that the equivalent would be not to allow men to get vasectomies not force them to have one. It is one thing to force a medical procedure and a different thing to deny someone a medical procedure.
And there is also the small debate around the fetus being killed. But Leftist think this is some kind of own.
The other difference is that men already have no legal reproductive rights, and have never had any reproductive rights. If you get a woman pregnant, she has total control of what happens next, but men sure as hell have legal responsibilities in the form of child support, which is commonly enforced even when the man cannot pay, resulting in prison time.
You'd think at some point thinking through "Hey, what would be the equivalent of men being unable to terminate a pregnancy?" they'd realize they already can't, and would avoid drawing attention to it, but I guess not.
This is the grand truth of it. If a pair get pregnant she can decide, without his consent, to kill the kid, and he'll never be the wiser if nobody tells him. If she decides to move away and have the kid, then give it up for adoption, he's shit out of luck if she doesn't name him as the father. If she decides to keep the kid, then he's on the hook for 18 years. His rights in regards to the unborn child? Jack shit. If she gets the right to try and kill the kid if she doesn't want it, then the least they could do is give the man the legal right to disown the bastard and sever all parental rights and responsibilities to it if he doesn't want it.
From personal experience, they don't realize this, and if you tell them men have no reproductive rights they just laugh and say you're crazy.
Women literally think men can decide to give up their parental rights to a child and not have to pay child support if they waive said rights lmao
I'm starting to think the funniest thing about this parody is the bits that they don't even realise are parodies
Honestly, that sounds like a bit of farm equipment or something.
The radical left doesn't regard people as humans, but as pieces on a chessboard.
I'll take that. That sounds like a terminator porn parody. Much better then people with a cervix or birthing people.
Bonus points if the porn parody guy makes the appropriate Arnie "Aaaaghnaaaghnaghnn" sounds at the appropriate point.
i am here to impragant you . ill come back
-People who refer to pregnant women as "birthing people"
Mom, what's a turkey baster?
He's a Pennsylvania representative, not a US representative. But maybe AOC will pick it up from him and make it national.
When vaccine mandates became popular on the left they were shocked when my response was “good we can use that as precedent to overturn Roe V. Wade now that medical decisions are now the business of the state and not between you and your doctor”.
A few got that glazed over “oh shit” look on their faces.
I am content to slaughter and cannibalize whoever tries this on me.
It's the only civilized response really.
I drove through a small college town this weekend and there was a protest. Immediately I saw the chick in the red robes and knew it was a reproductive rights protest. I'm assuming they're protesting Texas. I couldnt really tell since the signs made no sense, didn't actually say what they were protesting, and we have no bills for them to be angry about in our state.
Gender traitor POS.
Not a woman this time.
I assume you're keeping a running tally or a blacklist of some sort.
I really should start doing that.
if hes not, it will be rather disappointing when he blames all the lezzies again but doesnt have an itemized list of the said anti - male commenting.
Honestly, this is the most moronic part.
Is this not excluding lesbians that have sex with "women". That sounds very bigoted, it assumes lesbians only have sex with biological women.
Good point, this guy is LITERALLY HITLER.
And I propose it be legal for society to abort politicians as they never achieve sentience.
Post Reported for: Rule 12 - Falsehoods
So, I'm not sure that OP knows this is false, but the comment about this is basically covered in the top comment.
Hahahaha is funny because they think not granting on demand abortion is the same kind of bodily autonomy violation. Hahahaha honk honk