Too many of the elites lose too much if they just lock out the internet.
What you will see is countries moving towards a china system where a real id is required, all transactions are recorded, and censorship at national borders.
Crypto isn't really as anonymous as people believe, especially when someone needs to convert crypto into widely used national currency. The crypto system depends on large scale operations that still have to answer to the government.
I have none. I'm self-sufficient if need be. Although I would miss certain things.
If you mean ethically, then once mandates are passed my bottom line is crossed. Plain and simple.
There's not a person alive that can convince me that this isn't purely globalist agenda shit. It's not going to stop here either. This will continue on for years, with the goalpost ever moving.
If you really want to at least try to make a difference, be sure to sign up to be a poll worker/watcher as soon as possible. You have primaries coming up and as we know, they're not above stealing elections.
Make their life more difficult in every conceivable way at every single opportunity. Even if it seems petty and stupid, be like an itch that won't go away. A constant source of irritation and annoyance. Make them earn their miserable dystopian hellhole wasteland every step of the way, so that if they ever actually achieve it, they're so worn out and exhausted that they never get to enjoy it.
Don't ever submit.
You're right — it's better to just be an edgy nihilist who simply gives up and hopes his doomer/blackpill dreams comes to fruition because he doesn't think of anything but himself.
My bad.
If you hate the system then change it; expose it. Don't just sit around feeling sorry for yourself.
"I refuse to do any group activities like political activism and working as a poll watcher"
"Why don't I know of any groups doing anything in real life, I've done everything from sitting alone on my computer to bitching at the drying paint! MUST BE BECAUSE THEY DON'T EXIST!!!!"
No matter how many times I see this argument from them it's funny every single time. How do they think groups form, magic?
I'm guessing so? It's honestly quite bizarre. It's something that I thought many of us learned many years ago: the best way to disrupt a system is from inside.
Anyone who says "that doesn't work!" must either be blind or stupid, honestly. It's literally taking place right now and the people perpetrating that are the same people so many people dislike here.
Do people really think the best option is to just sit online in niche communities screaming about things and yelling about how it's all over, so who cares?
Maybe they don't have anyone in their lives they care about, but I do. I want to do my best for them. Absolutely nothing has ever been accomplished by sitting around doing zero.
What "points"? Those aren't "points," they're literally just your imagination. You didn't specify literally anything at all, nor make any "points" — all you did was ask pointless rhetorical questions and make blanket statements.
You want to talk about childish? Look at how you've spoken from your very first post. That's the very definition of childish. You even follow-up with silly make-believe in your head of an imaginary version of me to make your nonexistent point.
You made a post mocking mine — cool, no big deal — then I make a post mocking yours, and what do you do? Play the wounded victim.
Yeah, totally sick points there.
There goes their scam industry.
Hello, I am a Nigerian Prince and I require your help to unlock my bank account...
Not enough spelling errors
On the plus side this will only speed adoption of crypto
Too many of the elites lose too much if they just lock out the internet.
What you will see is countries moving towards a china system where a real id is required, all transactions are recorded, and censorship at national borders.
One massive solar flare and all electronics are toast. Though I guess that would fuck up the banks pretty good too.
SWAT raids on crypto server hosting sites in 3... 2...
Crypto isn't really as anonymous as people believe, especially when someone needs to convert crypto into widely used national currency. The crypto system depends on large scale operations that still have to answer to the government.
I have none. I'm self-sufficient if need be. Although I would miss certain things.
If you mean ethically, then once mandates are passed my bottom line is crossed. Plain and simple.
There's not a person alive that can convince me that this isn't purely globalist agenda shit. It's not going to stop here either. This will continue on for years, with the goalpost ever moving.
If you really want to at least try to make a difference, be sure to sign up to be a poll worker/watcher as soon as possible. You have primaries coming up and as we know, they're not above stealing elections.
Make their life more difficult in every conceivable way at every single opportunity. Even if it seems petty and stupid, be like an itch that won't go away. A constant source of irritation and annoyance. Make them earn their miserable dystopian hellhole wasteland every step of the way, so that if they ever actually achieve it, they're so worn out and exhausted that they never get to enjoy it.
Don't ever submit.
You're right — it's better to just be an edgy nihilist who simply gives up and hopes his doomer/blackpill dreams comes to fruition because he doesn't think of anything but himself.
My bad.
If you hate the system then change it; expose it. Don't just sit around feeling sorry for yourself.
"I refuse to do any group activities like political activism and working as a poll watcher"
"Why don't I know of any groups doing anything in real life, I've done everything from sitting alone on my computer to bitching at the drying paint! MUST BE BECAUSE THEY DON'T EXIST!!!!"
No matter how many times I see this argument from them it's funny every single time. How do they think groups form, magic?
I'm guessing so? It's honestly quite bizarre. It's something that I thought many of us learned many years ago: the best way to disrupt a system is from inside.
Anyone who says "that doesn't work!" must either be blind or stupid, honestly. It's literally taking place right now and the people perpetrating that are the same people so many people dislike here.
Do people really think the best option is to just sit online in niche communities screaming about things and yelling about how it's all over, so who cares?
Maybe they don't have anyone in their lives they care about, but I do. I want to do my best for them. Absolutely nothing has ever been accomplished by sitting around doing zero.
Ahh, yes, because such a stupid statement warranted a deep and thoughtful response.
Sounds like a whole lot of projection there. Stay salty.
What "points"? Those aren't "points," they're literally just your imagination. You didn't specify literally anything at all, nor make any "points" — all you did was ask pointless rhetorical questions and make blanket statements.
You want to talk about childish? Look at how you've spoken from your very first post. That's the very definition of childish. You even follow-up with silly make-believe in your head of an imaginary version of me to make your nonexistent point.
You made a post mocking mine — cool, no big deal — then I make a post mocking yours, and what do you do? Play the wounded victim.
Yeah, totally sick points there.
And the folks behind this: MasterCard. Their national ID has banking attached and managed by MasterCard.
Im investing in gold . The global bank's fiat money backed by nothing and keeping our countries in perpetual debt, can go fuck itself
moneychangers getting uppity again
How does the bank know if vaxed??
Your bank account is part of your national ID all run by MasterCard.
So if you have money in the bank... what happens? The banks just keep it?
Bitcoin fixes this
Fucking Corpos can have their shortened lifespan
Ye best start believing in Biblical prophecies lassie... YER IN ONE!
Every country on Earth has a central bank except for the following three: Iran, Syria, North Korea