Here’s the rub, Rachel has no room to talk either because the only reason they both have a job is because of their genitalia. When both are equally useless of course the most diverse one wins out. Having glanced at espn when I work out or the occasional football stream, I can’t remember the last time they had an actual straight male majority lineup of reporters, the game announcers are the last bastion because they actually require in game knowledge.
White women have recently started to feel the tides turning on them in the Woke Tsunami, and a lot are trying to switch sides by calling things out, or just finally "noticing."
And most people will fall for it, because simpin' is a society wide problem.
Weak people seek to deify a race because they need a reason to feel morally significant.
Even if it's their own.
Very true
who the fuck wants to listen to a woman talk about sports
Let me introduce you to
I think you can figure out why she's popular.
Stonkin' great tits?
Your eyes are working.
exactly, women as sports casters are already affirmative action quotas.
They're both diversity hires.
One's more diverse than the other, however.
True, but this is like a millionaire's daughter crying that someone was given the same overpriced designer dress as her.
She didn't earn it either. They were both hired because Disney is the owner of ESPN.
I mean she isn’t wrong. Not sure why this is controversial. Well I understand in today’s climate but she is not wrong.
Being correct is racist.
Joke is on them, I didn't watch one second of that shit, or even know/knew when it aired, or who won, etc.
its not a lie. Even women as sports casters are affirmative action hires.
A token? I would like hear Jalen Rose's thoughts on this...actually no I wouldn't.
Here’s the rub, Rachel has no room to talk either because the only reason they both have a job is because of their genitalia. When both are equally useless of course the most diverse one wins out. Having glanced at espn when I work out or the occasional football stream, I can’t remember the last time they had an actual straight male majority lineup of reporters, the game announcers are the last bastion because they actually require in game knowledge.
White women have recently started to feel the tides turning on them in the Woke Tsunami, and a lot are trying to switch sides by calling things out, or just finally "noticing."
And most people will fall for it, because simpin' is a society wide problem.