who bitch about woke marvel and dc while still consuming their products,
tO bE fAiR, I see tons of that shit on reddit kia2. Loads of dudes wanting to eat their cake and have it too. But eh, it's a lost fight. Whoda thought people obsessed with mass media would be too weak-willed to avoid the media doing stuff they don't like.
It's a miracle gamergate even got as big as it did when you think about it.
This is basically their GG for movies, they're just how people were in the beginning and not willing to take the black pill. They still think things will change and this is just a temporary fad and with enough pushback it'll change, even though they passed the TLOU2 winning everything at the VGA's point in time months ago and still have hope.
EFAP is full of furries and retards who bitch about woke marvel and dc while still consuming their products, why you in their discord? Dengerate.
Yeah, one of the main "guys" is an actual furry faggot. I only watched the ones with E;R.
BTW, I have to say that your username is absolutely 1000% gigabased. Don't spoil me, though, I'm still watching the series.
E;R is based.
Degeneracy is fun, stop being such a church lady.
tO bE fAiR, I see tons of that shit on reddit kia2. Loads of dudes wanting to eat their cake and have it too. But eh, it's a lost fight. Whoda thought people obsessed with mass media would be too weak-willed to avoid the media doing stuff they don't like.
It's a miracle gamergate even got as big as it did when you think about it.
This is basically their GG for movies, they're just how people were in the beginning and not willing to take the black pill. They still think things will change and this is just a temporary fad and with enough pushback it'll change, even though they passed the TLOU2 winning everything at the VGA's point in time months ago and still have hope.
The what discord?
No idea what EFAP is, but they can argue any position, and never give ground. It's old knowledge.
Sounds like a coomer agency
Are you the one they keep calling the Storm Front operative?
What kind of time do you have where a 12-13 hour weekly podcast isn't enough
Why are you on an efap discord? Why would you want to watch people masturbate?
It's "Every Frame a Pause," a reference to an old Youtube channel called "Every Frame a Painting."
I'm assuming this isn't a troll comment. it's spelt EFAP in capital letters. It's a youtube channel.
It was a joke comment.