When I was in the Marines, you could set your watch by a hairstyle change. Wore it long, cut it short? Dyed it a different color (dangerhair was forbidden, but natural colors were allowed)?
50/50 divorce or non-judicial discipline (less than two months confinement to barracks and lost salary, no jail time). Something in her personal life had gone tits up (and not in the fun way) and she wanted to re-assert some measure of control via the only method she had. She was "reinventing herself" or some bullshit.
I don't think this is new. I think drastically changing hairstyles is what women do to act out when they feel out of control.
I think drastically changing hairstyles is what women do to act out when they feel out of control.
You would be correct in that assumption. One of the things women will do during times of stress is drastically change their hair - because it's one of the things they can have control over. When online dating first started becoming a thing, back in the early days of the web, someone wiser than me warned me about that: "If her hair doesn't look like her profile pic or the color doesn't exist in nature, run the other way." Adage still holds true to this day, possibly even more so in this age of dangerhair.
The only time colored hair is if you’re dressed as an anime Character and 99.9% of these people sure as shit don’t look like there from your favorite weeb obsession
The thing on the left looks at least close enough to a woman that at a glance one might just presume it's a woman in day to day business. The thing on the right demands pronouns because it looks like a man with leftist hair.
At least make a good job of colourful hair. But no, it has to look shoddy as well.
I thought it was a guy until I saw the picture from 2 years ago before the creature got the dangerhair.
It does kinda look like Randy from That 70's Show...
Is dangerhair shit the new sign of a female mid life crisis?
How's life in 2012?
Life in 2012? more sane
If you've got the keys to the time machine, I suggest getting out in 1985 and enjoying a nominally peaceful 20 years.
When I was in the Marines, you could set your watch by a hairstyle change. Wore it long, cut it short? Dyed it a different color (dangerhair was forbidden, but natural colors were allowed)?
50/50 divorce or non-judicial discipline (less than two months confinement to barracks and lost salary, no jail time). Something in her personal life had gone tits up (and not in the fun way) and she wanted to re-assert some measure of control via the only method she had. She was "reinventing herself" or some bullshit.
I don't think this is new. I think drastically changing hairstyles is what women do to act out when they feel out of control.
You would be correct in that assumption. One of the things women will do during times of stress is drastically change their hair - because it's one of the things they can have control over. When online dating first started becoming a thing, back in the early days of the web, someone wiser than me warned me about that: "If her hair doesn't look like her profile pic or the color doesn't exist in nature, run the other way." Adage still holds true to this day, possibly even more so in this age of dangerhair.
Colored hair has always been such a huge turn-off for me, I’ve never seen someone (man or woman) pull it off.
I miss when we only had natural hair colors (including the gray!)
The only time colored hair is if you’re dressed as an anime Character and 99.9% of these people sure as shit don’t look like there from your favorite weeb obsession
buffalo bill lookin ass
The thing on the left looks at least close enough to a woman that at a glance one might just presume it's a woman in day to day business. The thing on the right demands pronouns because it looks like a man with leftist hair.
Theyre the same person.
The second bio says "she/her"
And it went and dyed its blonde hair a bizarre colour not found on mammals in nature.
Are there mammals with pink or green hair?
Can't think of any. Mammals aren't so flamboyant as those bird things are.
Somewhat related, there is no blue birds. The birds you see as blue have no blue pigment. Is mostly an optical illusion.
Anya is weird name for a man.
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