This has sparked outrage in Japan. Lockey, a UK white man, wasn't just lying; he was supported and covered up by Nihon University. They allowed a scammer to gain prominence, and now everyone is distancing themselves as more information emerges. They truly wanted to erase history. Japan started a petition to demand Nihon University and Thomas Lockley to correct the misconceptions of Yasuke. The truth always wins.
Japan's universities are as screwed as ours it seems
Yasuke wasn't just not a samurai. He never even existed. This whole thing is a scam made by jesuits both historical jesuits and modern jesuits
Whether you like it or not the "failed" political ideology from 80 years ago is the only known ideology that successfully overthrew the degeneracy that is Weimar (the same degeneracy that we are facing today) and successfully removed the communists in their country. The only thing they "failed" at was losing the war
If you have a better political ideology that is proven to be able to overthrow the current fuckary going on today than go ahead, but as it stands the "failed political ideology" from 80 years ago is the best bet for being able to overthrow the madness going on right now
he "helped" people by trying to quell the rage of young White men, so they "don't go too far to the right" according to his own words. He's a leftist trying to moderate the right.
There seems to be 3 camps i'm seeing when i see Japanese reactions. (Japanese twitter being the most cucked , Japanese youtube reactions seem more based from what i've seen. i mean the Japanese song that went viral on youtube, absolutely made fun of Yasuke) And Japanese comments i've seen that pop up on English anti woke videos, seem to be the most based.
One camp is the one that fully admits, that Yasuke is the main problem, .
The second camp says "They don't mind a black samurai protagonist if its considered fiction but they have a problem with it being passed off as historical fact"
the 3rd camp pretends "it's not to do with Yasuke and more to do with Ubisoft's disrespectful behavior in regards to everything else. "
The first group is the only honest camp. Unfortunately the fully honest camp is in the minority as with all things. The second camp seems to be the majority. The anger with this game is too large for leftists to control so it wouldn't be surprising that leftists are trying to subvert the movement against the game by claiming its not the black samurai that's the problem.
You're retarded. And you need to brush your knowledge up a bit on recognizing the features of different races. And it's not the original point i was trying to make so it doesn't matter either way. My point is you can tell just by looking that a person is an Asian and you wouldn't need evidence for it.
No . She's 100% Asian. A mixed person would look like this
If you saw this person would you need evidence to prove that she's Asian?
it wasn't enough to shadow ban my comments without telling me, , now you need to leave this lovely warning for me is it?