Yeah, that's the one, lol
I always forget about Diogenes. Didn't he once, when asked what the man could do for him, tell the Emperor at the time something like, "yes, you can move, you're blocking my sunlight..." ?
Dude, I'm not a catholic, I'm a wannabe philosopher like everybody else on the interwubs, lmao.
Fair enough, lol.
Glad there's people who know what I'm talking about, because it clearly aint me, lol.
To be fair, it's a very nice hat, lol.
not the first time the Church has suffered through an immoral Pope
the 'whore' pope comes to mind...
Sorry, don't know a whole lot, honestly, but I've picked up a handful of things here and there, and occasionally, I can even line them up, lol.
fair enough, but how many churches will carry catholic doctrine minus the Pope?
I dunno, maybe I'm full of shit here, lol.
Yes, but would it be entertainingly bad?
Yugo with a hammer and sickle on the roof and a horn that plays "let every voice" or w/e it's called.
Calls it the "chairman mao"
I'd go by self description, in which case it's like ten percent or less
for when they go, "DEfinE WoKe!!!" after you point out their agenda actually exists, lol.
I mean, they do seem to like corporations as long as those corp. do their bidden, so that checks out...
Penis see willing pussy, want pussy. Penis go in pussy?
This board needs a shitpost flair, lmao.