yeldarb1983 2 points ago +2 / -0

probably the same reason they don't make counterstrike 3, half-life 3, or portal 3, lol.

I'm guessing it's an internal policy of some sort, though I could only speculate on what that might be or why they have it.

yeldarb1983 1 point ago +1 / -0

good point. I'll have to rethink it, though maybe I'm thinking in terms of a great war or massive recession like the depression. (the great recession was bad, but it could have been a hell of a lot worse...)

yeldarb1983 5 points ago +5 / -0


their version of battle hymn of the republic somehow makes me laugh manly tears of patriotism...

all of their stuff is good, and the visuals are earnest, looking at the songs from the perspectives of the peoples the songs represent, rather than grandstanding about them.

yeldarb1983 2 points ago +2 / -0

Kwanza and hanukkah, not christmas

well, clearly Christmas needs a candlabra


yeldarb1983 1 point ago +1 / -0

there's also the victims of success problem to consider... I think we got too comfortable, too estranged from hardship,, and human beings weren't meant to be as comfortable as we've been for as long as we have been...Struggle is necessary to personal growth and development, or to tl;dr all that bullshit, "adversity is our srength."

yeldarb1983 6 points ago +6 / -0

speaking of emission laws, ever wonder why pickups all of a sudden got so big and boxy a decade or two ago?

emission laws

yeldarb1983 4 points ago +4 / -0

The biggest problem with cities, the one that overshadows and contributes to every other problem, is population density, at least in my layman's opinion. Human beings weren't meant to live in sardine cans, able to smell their neighbor's fart from three apartments over...

yeldarb1983 1 point ago +1 / -0

more or less my point. avoid war where it the cost is less than the harm to your own people the war would cost. in the case of the white army, fighting off the communists would have been far cheaper (had they won) than letting them suffer under the boot of the communists or be displaced from their homeland. I'm not saying the Czarist regime didn't have it's flaws. It absolutely did, but Lenin and his fellows were far worse, and even if they had broke even, the severe disruption to people's lives would have been devastating in and of itself.

yeldarb1983 2 points ago +2 / -0

War is an ugly thing that should be avoided whenever (reasonably) possible...

yeldarb1983 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ironically, in spite of their "counter-culture" attitude, they're also victims of their own press releases. it's why it was such a shock to so many of them that the culture had turned away from their bullshit.

yeldarb1983 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not just in Alaska, I know of least two st petersburgs in the lower 48 (one in florida, the other in Iowa).

yeldarb1983 3 points ago +3 / -0

not really that surprising when you consider lenin was trying to overthrow the Czar at the time (and later succeeded). Anyone not onboard with the plan, or who just wanted to avoid the conflict probably Noped the fuck outta there. I don't doubt other nations saw massive numbers of Russia immigrants at the same time...

yeldarb1983 3 points ago +3 / -0

Sidenote: you think the IRS is dotting their T's and crossing their eyes with the Trump Admin inbound?

yeldarb1983 2 points ago +2 / -0

...okay, now I gotta check...

yeldarb1983 2 points ago +2 / -0

Honestly, I think they knew all along that it was a bad idea, but the DEI money was too juicy to pass up, so they coped by putting all the onus on the audience for not fawning over their hipster bullshit.

yeldarb1983 2 points ago +2 / -0

I haven't, maybe I'll take a look.

Like I said, just picking on you, lol

yeldarb1983 3 points ago +3 / -0

mirror darkly

a plot device every generation of star trek has played with since the original.

standalone story.


sorry, had to give you a hard time about that one, lol

yeldarb1983 13 points ago +13 / -0

It’s the best thing Trek has done since Archer’s Enterprise.

...maybe it's because I grew up with TNG, DS9 and, to a lesser extent Voyager, but that seems like a low bar to limbo under...

To be honest, though, If you haven't seen the OG series, I strongly recommend you binge watch it at your earliest convenience... The humor in that show alone makes it worthwhile(never seen that particular flavor of comedy anywhere else...it's hard to describe, honestly), and that's before you even get into the stories, the writing, the acting...I'll stop here, but yeah... the original star trek is hard to appreciate as a kid, but as an adult...wow...

yeldarb1983 9 points ago +9 / -0


...Why must you invoke the name of That Which Does Not Exist And Never Did!?!

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