You cannot grasp what a hellhole downtown Seattle has become, I have to go down there all the time.
Almost no retail left alive, everything is boarded up and grafittied over. Street gronks burning trash for warmth on the sidewalks, open drug markets and peddling of stolen stuff from Target (which is rumored to be closing). Last week some retard was filmed struggling to steal a big screen TV out of Target, his umpteenth bust for the exact same theft, no charges.
Property crime here is out of control and our great poobahs on the city council weep for the poor homeless criminals who attack pedestrians, vandalize anything that doesn't move, hoist the tires and catalytic converter off your car, and wander the place naked and screaming on drugs.
I've never seen such warp speed decline in a city; from crappy but ok, to a hellscape in a Heironymous Bosch painting.
when you get a narcissist that cannot tell themselves apart from an idea, pretty soon, it all boils down to this:
there is a truth, known to you because you possess superior virtue or intellect or vision that will make society better and serve the collective good.
you cannot convince others because they lack your vison and the more they push back, the more special you realize you must be.
so you coerce. if they cannot see, they must be shown. it is, after all, for their own good.
those who resist are reactionaries. they are fighting against the collective good that you are so sure that you can see. this makes them, wittingly or no, evil and thus you are just to vilify them and to wage war upon them.
and when things start to go bad, as all collectivist and authoritarian schemes to make the ant farm run as it should always do, you cannot blame the ideas without invalidating yourself and sense of identity, so you blame the victims.
I've been to Canada a number of times, I thought it was paradise found and the top best passport to carry, brilliant place. I cannot grasp how this is happening.
I tend to blame the pajeets elitist social construct they brought with them from asia which cannot coexist with principles of individual merit and liberty. They got into government and are absolutely trashing the place. just like home
This is alarming. Frei needs to needs to hook up his voice with the angry truckers headed his way, these trucker convoys will be a Big Thing. I've heard tens of thousands of truckers are headed into Canuk central for a powwow.
Now is the time Canada ,, do it NOW
Bravo, very very well said, thanks for posting.
I really see NATO as the aggressor here running up and down their eastern border taunting Putin incessantly and without provocation, NATO is the bully who keeps poking the bear and won't leave it alone. Putin is a very clever man and I doubt he can be tricked into making any drastic mistake that would allow the west to claim the high ground for an invasion, which is what they've been attempting since Boris Yeltsin kicked the bucket and Putin threw the western hordes of carpetbaggers out of his country.
Speculatively I see Belarus as more of a geographic weak spot than Ukraine. Belarus is the wide buffer zone between Russia and Europe and sparsely populated. Lukashenko is a wild card, old, corrupt, and he had to lock up the last guy who beat him in an election in order to stay in power. When Lukashenko goes after 30+ years I would place no bets on what happens after that.
But I think this current brouhaha over Ukraine is a distraction to keep the western masses in fear and not noticing how much they have been ripped off, imprisoned, manipulated, and bankrupted by their own western leadership over the last 25 years, and particularly as a distraction from the consequences of the coof lockdowns and medical tyranny.
The EU is the real evil here and NATO is their army.
Oh my god no wonder
In January 2018, Kadlec testified to the U.S. Congress that the US was dangerously unprepared for a pandemic.[7] Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, Kadlec had heavily focused the office on preparing for a response to bioterror attacks
Such prescient timing.
Why do you keep posting your flotsam here? All of it gets downvoted. A normal person would interpret that as complete rejection.
In case you are not normal let me spell it out for you - We.don' At all; ever. You can stop now.
Support TruckersForFreedom
Massive Canadian trucker convoy on its way to Ottawa against trucker vaccine mandate -
Also this,
it will sell to the highest bidder no matter the price, but Sotheby’s says it expects to fetch between $4.1 million and $6.8 million, given today’s robust market for gemstones.
In a twist on typical auctions, Sotheby’s will accept cryptocurrency for the diamond -
The NYT? Ranting about VvlaDdimiR Puutine? Oh noes let's all evacuate to the nearest bomb shelter.
Meanwhile in Beijing everything is surely smelling like roses to the news commanders at the Times.
You might know you're being manipulated when you post ginned up international rubbish from the NYT, purveyors of all things straight from the horse's mouth at the CIA.