The ace in the Arabs' sleeve is they have government and community support. If Rockstar tries some shit, there's a possibility of backlash from Arab nations that will simply ban Rockstar. And history has shown that these companies bow down to whatever the government wants because they only care about money (even this whole support for LGBT crap is just them thinking there's a market for this).
It's that you're trying to convince people who believe a 67yr old (at the time) magically became Conservative after spending his entire life being a NY liberal.
Personally, I didn't need a report to tell me he wanted to ban AR-15s when he made that clear before he was running for president.
The video resolution is retarded so for those who don't know what's happening, the ?mother? is repeating what ?her? son was saying word for word. The son even looks at ?her? when he's having trouble remembering his lines.
This is quite literally a fascist bill.
When you keep calling everything commies do, "fascist," at what point do you realize that it's communism and not fascism?
Side note: everything you know about fascism came from communists.
You weren't kidding
could you pardon for a crime they may have committed
The Supreme Court said as far back as 1866 that the pardon power applies “to every offense known to the law, and may be exercised at any time after its commission, either before legal proceedings are taken or during their pendency, or after conviction and judgment.”
That means a pardon can be issued before someone is investigated, charged or convicted.
Yet another excuse shot down.
Reminder that the Krassenstein's accounts were suspended by Twitter for buying likes/retweets, but then Elon Musk reinstated them.
Sorry, here's the link
Oh, you mean like not parading the fact that you're a degenerate like the server rules state?