I would agree completely, but what really got me is just how genuinely good the FF14 community is despite the fact that it's censored. My assumption is that this is the case because the game is designed to make the players happy.
I was an asshole in other games but FFXIV made me full of positivity and it's so weird.
I think it's not because of censorship, though, I think it's because the game systems encourage positive interaction and give very few reasons to have negative interaction. Combined with the fact that it's made by the Japanese, so they don't censor based on political lines - you literally just can't talk about politics in public channels AT ALL. Any politics. You also can't be an asshole. I'm surprised it actually works...
Serbia has a motto so ingrained that its acronym became a large part of Serbian symbolism. I don't know how they aren't listing it.
"Only Unity Saves the Serb", SSSS (СССС in cyrilic).
https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/ff/Flag_of_Serbia.svg/1200px-Flag_of_Serbia.svg.png The crest has the СССС motif.
https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/turtledove/images/2/2c/Serbian_Cross.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20150127222255 Also called Serbian Cross.
That's one thing I noticed I hate the most, parasites who claimed to be on our side but now act like they "regret" everything they said "back then". Those people deserve to end up on the streets and unloved. I despise people with no principles.
I'm sorry but you've been indoctrinated into believing abortion is something it isn't. You shouldn't be angry at abortion doctors (obviously excluding those that abort later term, potentially viable pregnancies), you should be angry at the people who indoctrinated you into believing that abortion is murder, or whatever you believe. It's a sad, unfortunate event, but it's in no way equivalent to killing a human. You committed a moral wrong, but not a moral wrong that should haunt you for the rest of your life.
I understand and respect the idea behind total, principled non-compliance, but if you want a no-bullshit, real vaccine, take the one China gives to its CCP members - I kinda doubt I have to explain why, seems obvious. Plus it's a deactivated virus type vaccine. We had that one for my grandmother, but we aren't getting any until they're fully cleared as safe (so it's unlikely that we'll get them).
the left essentially has no principles beyond "opposition" of what they perceive to be the right
Not wrong, but then you realise that the right is almost identical in this sense, and you realise why politics are spinning out of control - it's like a propeller not anchored to a base anymore, so it just flies off and destroys itself. The propeller base is reality, and both sides abandoned it, and are just arbitrarily spiting each other, driving each other farther and farther away from reality and farther into insanity.
That's exactly what I meant, though. Compared to WoW's and FFXIV's millions, that's... basically you and your buddies. Which is okay, it's not like you're forcing other games to make the same mistake, but still. It's never gonna be profitable now that companies know that people hate it.