tehzoonee 13 points ago +13 / -0

Lmfao are you serious? How would anyone find that fun?? GTA driving tests.. smh.

tehzoonee 11 points ago +18 / -7

A lot of good hearted people were duped. Fuck off with that attitude of black and white worldview.

tehzoonee 9 points ago +9 / -0

I’ve been saying this since April 2020. When we found the R0 (R naught) was about 2, and watching the spread map show it on all continents.

The sheep still don’t realize it’s not a matter of if you get covid, it’s a matter of when. And it’s not even that bad, definitely was never worth crippling the country for.

by HypJii
tehzoonee 7 points ago +8 / -1

I read the abstracts of those papers and I don’t see it saying anything about the vaccine destroying your antibodies

tehzoonee 8 points ago +8 / -0

Same. That and this is a bit slower and clunkier in interface. But I’m bullish on the future of .win communities and NNN.