The first 2 years of activity of the reddit kia2 had higher quality discussion than both current iterations, but I find that parallel to a good multiplayer game having a better spread of players (smoother skill distribution) during its first 2 years and more willing to explore and experiment. This community still converses in good faith, with the exception of some misuse of the downvote button, but the reddit-like sorting mechanism just has its limits.
The country (along with Belarus and Ukraine) has had too much brain drain to be redeemable. Maybe if there was a break away state some part of Siberia to enact Atlas Shrugged. Despite inertia of repression, the rest of Eastern Europe has potential to a relative haven before the West collapses, but NATO/EU really has them underneath their thumb.
My additional thoughts:
His lore videos are entertaining, if you don't mind his rehearsed accent, but frequently enough inaccurate. When he did a video with Sargon, I didn't quite agree with his takes on how to fix the TW franchise, although I'd have to rewatch to give a fair assessment.
The way CA/GW and their current pop-tart fanbase treated Arch and Volound were the nail in the coffin for me. I'll still get WH3 years later if game+dlc is discounted under $60 since SFO mod makes the game fun enough for me.
I was on that subreddit for way too long. All I can say is that before 2016, I never came across weak-minded guilt-trips of anyone not wanting a casual-fest, with double-digit upvotes.
Sh0e sorta went off the rails and inserted herself into twittertube dramafests. I've never known sfo to gravitate towards a scandalous demeanor.
Anyone who's done any research into security/privacy matters or social psychology should understand that security through obscurity is a widespread reflex that only works under very limited and expensive circumstances. Creative Assembly and Games Workshop have also been gas-lighting the shit out of their fanbases The interesting part to me, and what I think is most relevant to this community, is consoomers who apologize for dogshit companies tend to be very dense people in general. The type that get mad that their coworker makes 10% more than them rather than find a new job when the c-suite shits all over them.
Edit: Another example of denseness is in the comment section. The mod author was being tongue-in-cheek by stating "supported by CA" and some superminds just had to correct it
Crazy that marketing can be 3-4x of already bloated production budgets. Even if Hollywood contracted or collapsed under these market conditions, they've already conditioned audiences to consume utter shite.
It would be nice to know if all 10 minutes were filler that was gonna be cut anyways. Some of the characters are lacking any depth or development, and there were many missed opportunities for any kind of social nuance.
Does anyone more familiar with Hollywood accounting know if this movie is breaking even or a loss?
Remember HR departments exist only because of good sounding government legislation that had the opposite effect of helping employees.
I hate parroting cliched narratives, but John Carmack has always been focused on the engineering side of products, to the partial neglect of workplace dynamics or market awareness. I could recall interview/presentation examples from him and other ID ID founders if anyone is interested.
John characterizes the Meta/Realitylabs failure as a workplace efficiency problem, when he knew full well that the company was antithetical to the hacker/hobbyist ethic when they bought out Occulus. VR is much more enthusiast than a smartphone or social-media site, thus the FAANG post-startup mentality doomed their VR venture just as with Amazon's games and high budget TV shows. Valve and GabeN have had much more success paying some respect to the hacker mentality or otherwise respecting the userbase when applicable.
I wonder if the Zenimax lawsuit was the reason for Carmack sticking around after the acquisition.
A lot of that is due to simple economic illiteracy among politicians and proles, which compound and enable whatever wealthy parasites setup. STEM degrees are pursued by millennials and zoomers since liberal arts bachelors no longer serve as general IQ tests for entry-level positions that pay more than unskilled labor. This started when morons thought restricting IQ tests, and other wishfully rationalized regulations necessitated the creation of HR departments in the first place, wouldn't result in a ballooning overhead and other poor tradeoffs.
Proles are always the most culpable for whatever dysfunction overtakes civilizations.
The oft repeated point about GNU, such as in the video, glosses over the important part that Unix is really about having an accessible and fully fledged computing environment. Most Androids have locked bootloaders (usually because of carrier-bundling restrictions) and thus gimp user-controlled computing, which is at minimum being able to install an adblocking Youtube app without fuss.
Other non-GNU open-source userspaces such as Alpine Linux and the BSDs, or the now niche proprietary Unices like Solaris are more compatible with each other than with Android, but that's a lesser point derived from the important part.
This blogpost I think captures what the top comment alluded to. Comparitively minuscule capital from Linux Foundation, Cannonical (Mark Shuttleworth mismanaging top-tier talent), Red Hat, etc went towards making Desktop Linux competitive and distinguished against Microsoft and Apple for semi-technical users; novice programmers, artists, and scientists/engineers alike.
"Alt-right" larpers love to brand anyone who questions Kanye's version of antisemitism as normies, but Kanye's business and social decision making is dumb-neurotypical as they come.
Habit. If I'm decompressing it's on Youtube since there's not enough non-political content on Odysee. Shame that Gab's dissenter plugin didn't go anywhere to give some hope of organic casual commentary.
All I gained from that airing is a reminder that Youtube's newish comment section algorithm (2017? there's a tech article somewhere about the ML overhaul) is as obnoxious as the 2007-2014 era. On non-polarizing popular videos, it's one-track cliches and vapid sentiments getting voted up that fail the inverse turing-test. On drama-bait videos it's the most obvious excitable takes from frat rejects that at best have better grammar than the 2007-14 comments. Extroverted NPCs deserve heaps more effectual derision for ruining everything great in the modern era.
Amen to breaking free of behavioral programming in spite of social pressure. I'm not gonna pretend to be an easily likable extrovert, but I've found investing in not being a push-over, with some ethical deception (personal motivation is filtering out literal-minded aspies and normies alike) pays off in the long run.
Western culture has become soft and evasive of consequence over the past 60 years. There's a deficit of purpose and causal reasoning that's a primary factor in obnoxious behaviors being normalized. Adopt a constant mindset of your time being valuable, try to gauge if someone actually interested in a plan upfront, and appropriately scold them if they still want to do shit after flaking.
Unfortunately a useless middle-layer is an essential ingredient to the modern corporation. Until glaring wokeness becomes career suicide, all we can do is milk the corps and seek out smaller employment settings.
I based that off a debatable quote, but he at least was known as a pop-culture icon while he was breathing. Hawking is the better example, having published books intended to be consumed by those without physics degrees.
Sure, many people are helpless if earnest, or afraid to step out of line, but just as many gleefully adopt primitive personalities (i.e. what leads to the doublethink I quoted).
It's semantics, but I utterly refuse to call anyone that doesn't have a full belief in the first and second amendments liberals. I do use 'shitlib' because that's fewer syllables than 'regressive leftist'. It's alright if you object to enlightenment era liberalism and it's unforeseen consequences, but the casual Republican calling Democratic-progressives 'liberals' is committing a tactical mistake (in the tribal affiliation, culture-war sense).
Divide and conquer tactics that lead to the marginalization of groups like Golden Dawn is something I intend to write a high-effort essay on, but my summary is this: class-solidarity is axiomatically bullshit, if at least not evil like identity politics. My plain example; the working-class faring better after the black death culled Europe's peasant population. Another reason why compromising with socialists of any brand isn't worthwhile. There is no unity with those of the same SES with those that fall for DaC tactics, such as the genuinely woke, for they are liabilities towards peaceful, productive coexistence.
Prima donas like Arthmoor, who double-dip off open-collaboration/free-culture achievements, are not our friends. Frankly, Nexusmods should have required CC-SA like permissions from the get-go for file hosting, and had pages linking to mods hosted on other websites.
Filtering through tards who can't operate their computer, but expect others to hold their hand, was already bad enough before the DEI wave of the last decade. Creators really need to be drilled into their heads what a sampling bias is, and seen vs unseen in general (vocal minority that whines on mod pages vs silent majority). Platforms could do a lot to signify reputation before being allowed to hassle creators.
I was a kid, so all I remember was left-leaning teachers ragging on Bush, Iraq War, and NCLB + standardized testing, years later piecing together that they ignored how NCLB was very bipartisan. Right now, I'm mad having just learned that it had a limited provision for vouchers that was gutted out of the bill. Regressives never want to be like Europe when it's inconvenient to partisan orthodoxy.
Social security reform was one of the few authentic things a recent president has attempted, and the NPCs of both parties just gulped the propaganda down. Even George Carlin, who can be characteristically contrarian, just repeated the cliches in his otherwise great segment about the big club. I get the indirect point about Wall St. power brokers not giving a shit about us, but not even allowing younger Americans to take some of their own money out of the Social Security Trust is so parasitically two-faced.
Better than helping pass unconstitutional legislation, but that's more normal, and thus less vivid and less rhetorically blameable. Let's go suck Lincoln's and FDR's cocks because they were so active in pushing and passing legislation.
Economists play their part in masking the transfer of wealth from the productive to the parasitic.
The bigger failure was the both the production company(s) not rigorously enforcing redundant safety standards (cast+crew double checking weaponry after the armorer), and crew not reporting unsafe conduct to a regulatory body or insurance company, if there was a mechanism with real consequences to do so. Frankly, the film industry should require firearm competence certification for anyone handling a gun or realistic prop. All the above are much more important than the 2nd rule by itself.