Stallman, the autist he is, opposes "they" as an epicene, but endorses "per" and "pers" as gender-neutral pronouns. He's also got proto-woke ideas on branding, in the sense that artificial or pointless divisions must be presented and accommodated. His argumentation is indeed very robust and honest, but often with a few very flawed premises.
I've got nothing personal against him, but instead cliquish SV grifters who upheld him as principled, but turned on him or went silent when he wound up in the Feminazis' cross-hairs.
Of the top of my head, Greenspun, Palmer Luckey, Brendan Eich, and Carmack are examples of successful conservative/right-libertarian engineer-entrepreneurs.
Even before the cancel-cult broke him, he was infatuated with Barrack because of his emphatic rhetoric. Never trust a European who isn't explicitly anti-left.
I can't stand her M.O. and avoid her casual content, but I just went through the documentary on recommendation. Only thing I can say is that it's rather tragic that the status quo is 30-80% of the country not being able to preempt BLM embezzlement and other grand grifts.
That's a factor, but I'm talking across-the-board decay, emblemized by Corporate Memphis, which is much lamer than the iPod silhouette. Or even passable examples of modern urban aesthetic, as in The Finals or Xdefiant, just don't appeal as much as Viewtiful Joe / Gurren Lagann, or whatever the 1991-2011 Western equivalent was called.
Of course gradual decay extends beyond movies and urban aesthetic, but I can't be rambling on all day. My point that aside from sequel churn and international blunting, I expect a systemic drop in product palatability because the average creator, consumer, support staffer, etc being less sophisticated. This same phenomenon enables wokism/pc, but is discrete from it. Do we have the capacity for another Disco Demolition Night?
The movies can be accused of being tweaked to hold the attention of superstitious room temperature IQ folk (not that that's all the franchise is or only appeals to) as part of mass appeal, but that includes toning down agendas (not that this production rationality can be taken for granted). Broader, apolitical culture has decayed over the past decade, which could have had an inadvertent effect on the final product. I've only seen the first or second, so I can't confirm.
Just responding to the title at face-value, without the context of the body, men are perfectly capable of missing the bigger picture IRL. For every entrepreneur busting 70 hour weeks for years on end until they reach success, you have 30 wagies busting the same hours for table-scraps, whether it's software engineering or construction. Women are sometimes vindicated for bailing out of absurd scenarios where men (some) are too prideful and manipulable to say no in time.
Relate that to imaginative awareness as you will.
The 1950s-2006 left-leaning alt/counter-culture used to passionately scorn three-channel television as part of the uber-conformist, inauthentic, brainwashing, and hypocritical post-industrial culture (some post-modernist intellectualism was about rejecting both the consequences of both modernism [according to this comment] and conventional traditionalism, hence post-modernism). Leave it to this Nobel War Prize snake to pay lip service to anti political-correctness then play defense for the worst offenders.
Reposting my comment from r/½kia.
Carmack has a great track record of principles and heterodoxy, including rejecting powerplay on technical merits, rejecting software patents at ID to where Creative Labs strong armed them with Carmack's Reverse patent (John should have patentlefted), donating to Ron Paul's 2012 campaign, and a one-time donation when ESR had some medical bills. A nice contrast to some other successful tech founders who cowardly or enthusiastically support Current Thing.
Pre-1917 USA had a distinct German speaking culture, whether it was bilingual families living among others, or separate communities of which only the Amish persisted past the World Wars. Taking Native Americans out the equation (they're a separate topic), early America was compatible with multi-culturalism since it was underpopulated, harsh, and scarce (i.e. underdeveloped). As with fashion, pop-culture, wealthy families (2nd and 3rd generations often squander wealth), etc; pioneers and first adopters are stronger, more independent, and intrinsically motivated. Multi-culturalism doesn't work when postive-rights and other forms of social weakness and hard coercion take root. Blacks weren't an endemic problem until Great Society welfare, along with weaponized identity politics; one of many tactics malicious extroverts use to acquire power. American Indian reservations suck only because they have no sovereignty. Legal Mexican immigrants don't have the destructive effect on social capital (and socio-econoimc ecosystem) that illegals do.
If Twitter is purging likely bot accounts or empty accounts, pruning follower numbers, or freeing up inactive handles, fine. However, the modern web's scorn for historical and static content should never be lauded. This includes forum jannies who twist their panties when their users 'necropost'. Twitter, Reddit, and Youtube are preferable to TikTok and Instagram in that while they have a hard-on for fresh, low-quality content, old content is at least accessible from search engines, and without an account.
Mainly, this is just mass-produced-consumed filler content, with an appeal to the mode-avg standard (a.k.a lowest common denominator) of quirky. On the surface though, it's justified by a rather dainty, inauthentic slave-morality.
Did the second sentence not clue you in that I'm not a tradcon (at least not the authoritarian, conventionalist type) and think this is a pointless waste of govt. resources? Who's claiming anti-porn activism by either wing is about stopping women from exploiting men? I'm sure a healthy portion of this .win instance agree with the sentiment of your first sentence, but can't stand your chronic Red Pill Rage affliction.
You do realize that the de facto goal is to inconvenience adult porn consumption, and financially hinder porn companies? Even if it is just performative activism.
I always wonder when BGS will gimp modding, like DICE and Creative Assembly did. Sure FO4 (never played) and Skyrim got much needed polish over their predecessors, they've definitely reduced themselves to the lowest common denominator; inclusivity == lump-sum profit. Has Micrsoft made any good games from non-recent acqui-hires in the past decade?
Don't get me wrong, I'd rather stick a nail up my nasal cavity before doing either. But consumers of low-tier normie content are the less visible, more ubiqutous bloc that ensure the Romneys and Bidens of our world win primaries, and drive 5 mph below the speed limit. They tolerate, enable, and shield extreme nonsense (and other common vices but I'd be going off-topic) through their virtue neutral ways. Absurdly proselytizing media allow us to spot the enemy and their dupes more clearly.
I'd rather read one of these corporate-woke comic books before hyper-normie trash like Family Circus or Marmaduke. Bill Waterson was a unicorn of artistic integrity.
Anyone else notice how the progressive stack (+ clique/cult behavior) has them encourage teenage brattiness, while being comfortable with prison-like social structures like public/compulsory schooling and state/federal welfare. The next day, they're attacking Republican officials who support alternative schooling and vouchers, or easing child labor laws. These policies make it ever slightly easier for a minor to emancipate, and likelier to make responsible life decisions.
Deep down Leftists crave hierarchical authority, so long as it's the anti-familial, centralized, top-down variety. Similarly, they obsess about binary gender roles more than 95% of of lib-lefts/centrists/righties/apoliticals; doubling down on sex/gender over truly rejecting it. That would require not being a whore for attention and validation.
Anywhere that can delay Eternal September and entryism is of interest to me.
Some leftists and post-modernists make profound insights into sociopolitical phenomenon, which is why I bothered in the first place. Even then, I always see their preferences making their findings undependable.
A week ago, I was looking up min. wage stances both for another post and to judge which subreddits to ditch. I found one decent upvoted take directly addressing why such pollicy is dumb. The rare economically (or socially) literate socialist would favor basic income over min. wage. For reasons you've better explained, I find any further enlightenment from stupidpol limited.
Too much general tech expertise has been confined to reddit and hackernews for me to give them up, despite woke monoculture leakage worsening annually. I should spend more time on other tech/geek communties like, Matrix chat. If there are other active general tech/geek communities out there, I'm not finding them
I support the Mises Caucus but they have an uphill battle, with the libertarian brand diluted in the common lexicon, distinct from LP-USA shenanigans. MBA fuckwads (Bobby Kotick) who read the cliff-notes to Atlas Shrugged, wooks in love with their heavily taxed pot (IIRC only 1 or 2 states did it properly).
Tongue in cheek, but I do genuinely ascribe some merit to neo-Malthusian observations, if not their statist proscriptions. I find it consistent with other philosophers who find human societies fragile. It is worthwhile to consider the natural limitations of our planet, but without the premature conclusions, fakery, and double-standards the establishment elites subscribe to. The only claim I'll make is that it would be disastrous if we had 1950's birthrate with elvish lifespans.
For example, I find anthropogenic global warming inconclusive and adherents inline with the oversimplictic unconstrained camp mentioned in Unknownsailor's comment. My concern is more about Fermi's Paradox; what's the upper-bound of our planet's depletion versus ideal population range, and how do we minimize risk of a nuclear extinction before, and if interstellar travel is feasible.
I'm going through Basic Economics, although the start is a bit of a slog since it repeats essentials I learned in my teens. If I get through my backlog, I'll add Conflict and its sequel to my list. Sowell rephrases the constrained vs unconstrained as right vs. left in originally linked video. The expanded point I would have made if I wasn't trying to fall back to sleep is that Sowell's summary describes political intellectuals, and doesn't adequately account for low-info voters, and other authoritarian personalities. Hence "average person isn't intellectually/logically coherent or interested", and I apply that both to their ideologies and everyday unadaptible decision making.
In old, related news, git (the original command line tool) following in github's footsteps in depreciating "master" in favor of "main".; this change wasn't even popular amongst the HN crowd (except for that self-aggrandizing first comment branch). If this was 1990-2007, Linus and co. would have loudly protested this as corporate and political interference.