If Twitter is purging likely bot accounts or empty accounts, pruning follower numbers, or freeing up inactive handles, fine. However, the modern web's scorn for historical and static content should never be lauded. This includes forum jannies who twist their panties when their users 'necropost'. Twitter, Reddit, and Youtube are preferable to TikTok and Instagram in that while they have a hard-on for fresh, low-quality content, old content is at least accessible from search engines, and without an account.
Mainly, this is just mass-produced-consumed filler content, with an appeal to the mode-avg standard (a.k.a lowest common denominator) of quirky. On the surface though, it's justified by a rather dainty, inauthentic slave-morality.
Did the second sentence not clue you in that I'm not a tradcon (at least not the authoritarian, conventionalist type) and think this is a pointless waste of govt. resources? Who's claiming anti-porn activism by either wing is about stopping women from exploiting men? I'm sure a healthy portion of this .win instance agree with the sentiment of your first sentence, but can't stand your chronic Red Pill Rage affliction.
You do realize that the de facto goal is to inconvenience adult porn consumption, and financially hinder porn companies? Even if it is just performative activism.
I always wonder when BGS will gimp modding, like DICE and Creative Assembly did. Sure FO4 (never played) and Skyrim got much needed polish over their predecessors, they've definitely reduced themselves to the lowest common denominator; inclusivity == lump-sum profit. Has Micrsoft made any good games from non-recent acqui-hires in the past decade?
Don't get me wrong, I'd rather stick a nail up my nasal cavity before doing either. But consumers of low-tier normie content are the less visible, more ubiqutous bloc that ensure the Romneys and Bidens of our world win primaries, and drive 5 mph below the speed limit. They tolerate, enable, and shield extreme nonsense (and other common vices but I'd be going off-topic) through their virtue neutral ways. Absurdly proselytizing media allow us to spot the enemy and their dupes more clearly.
I'd rather read one of these corporate-woke comic books before hyper-normie trash like Family Circus or Marmaduke. Bill Waterson was a unicorn of artistic integrity.
Anyone else notice how the progressive stack (+ clique/cult behavior) has them encourage teenage brattiness, while being comfortable with prison-like social structures like public/compulsory schooling and state/federal welfare. The next day, they're attacking Republican officials who support alternative schooling and vouchers, or easing child labor laws. These policies make it ever slightly easier for a minor to emancipate, and likelier to make responsible life decisions.
Deep down Leftists crave hierarchical authority, so long as it's the anti-familial, centralized, top-down variety. Similarly, they obsess about binary gender roles more than 95% of of lib-lefts/centrists/righties/apoliticals; doubling down on sex/gender over truly rejecting it. That would require not being a whore for attention and validation.
Anywhere that can delay Eternal September and entryism is of interest to me.
Some leftists and post-modernists make profound insights into sociopolitical phenomenon, which is why I bothered in the first place. Even then, I always see their preferences making their findings undependable.
A week ago, I was looking up min. wage stances both for another post and to judge which subreddits to ditch. I found one decent upvoted take directly addressing why such pollicy is dumb. The rare economically (or socially) literate socialist would favor basic income over min. wage. For reasons you've better explained, I find any further enlightenment from stupidpol limited.
Too much general tech expertise has been confined to reddit and hackernews for me to give them up, despite woke monoculture leakage worsening annually. I should spend more time on other tech/geek communties like 8chan.moe, Matrix chat. If there are other active general tech/geek communities out there, I'm not finding them
I support the Mises Caucus but they have an uphill battle, with the libertarian brand diluted in the common lexicon, distinct from LP-USA shenanigans. MBA fuckwads (Bobby Kotick) who read the cliff-notes to Atlas Shrugged, wooks in love with their heavily taxed pot (IIRC only 1 or 2 states did it properly).
Tongue in cheek, but I do genuinely ascribe some merit to neo-Malthusian observations, if not their statist proscriptions. I find it consistent with other philosophers who find human societies fragile. It is worthwhile to consider the natural limitations of our planet, but without the premature conclusions, fakery, and double-standards the establishment elites subscribe to. The only claim I'll make is that it would be disastrous if we had 1950's birthrate with elvish lifespans.
For example, I find anthropogenic global warming inconclusive and adherents inline with the oversimplictic unconstrained camp mentioned in Unknownsailor's comment. My concern is more about Fermi's Paradox; what's the upper-bound of our planet's depletion versus ideal population range, and how do we minimize risk of a nuclear extinction before, and if interstellar travel is feasible.
I'm going through Basic Economics, although the start is a bit of a slog since it repeats essentials I learned in my teens. If I get through my backlog, I'll add Conflict and its sequel to my list. Sowell rephrases the constrained vs unconstrained as right vs. left in originally linked video. The expanded point I would have made if I wasn't trying to fall back to sleep is that Sowell's summary describes political intellectuals, and doesn't adequately account for low-info voters, and other authoritarian personalities. Hence "average person isn't intellectually/logically coherent or interested", and I apply that both to their ideologies and everyday unadaptible decision making.
Personally, I find it very distasteful that a mod would reflair me after I voluntarily went through their self-identification processs, since it prefers name-calling over reading comprehension. That and not reserving lolbert for libertarians who believe in BLM and open-borders.
I was on Crowder's side back during LWC v. TDW, mostly because 3/4 of the points made against him were irritatingly shallow (Kapernick wage-slave) or of crab-mentality (friends don't record private calls bro! [1]). While I won't be on his side while he's smoking cigars that close to the house during wife's pregnancy (nicotine gets everywhere), we don't have preceding context into whether wifey intentionally baited this situation. I'll reiterate that I find barking out rigid familial roles is stupid and distasteful, that you do not commit to someone that doesn't prove like-mindedness. Still, I'm spotting potential of prior antagonism (the 2 minute mark has Steven paraphrasing), and habitual ineptitude (not acknowledging concern over gloves and lingering topical treatments), on the wife's part, at least when I'm not primed by a news headline emphasizing right-wing abuser. Wait for further evidence, not allegations, that Crowder did worse.
The more respectable pieces of mgtow/red-pill material will tell you to keep an eye out for when a woman engages in womenese; speaking in social relationships instead of objective thought. The stress of newborns and heart disease, combined with his type-A personality, likely caused Crowder to drop his guard and dignity.
One thing I noticed is that for a founder/owner and political lightning-rod, he does seem to defer and dismiss too much responsibility of business and personal operations. I would never suggest being your own accountant or lawyer past a certain scale (inefficiency and inexperience), but you should definitely take 101 biz-admin courses before engaging in real business. Admittedly I'm a wagie providing armchair commentary on a successful business owner, however getting suckered by CRTV/Blaze with Mug Club mailing lists is nigh inexcusable. Same thing with home IT setup; YOU ARE FAILING AT ALT-NEWS/ALT-TECH IF YOU USE RING CAMERAS! Use a CCTV setup only streamable through an encrypted connection to a self managed Unix server. If any company exists that provides E2EE home-security, like Proton provides for email and cloud storage, they'd be fine too. Choose a vendor without obligatory law-enforcement sharing agreements if you need cloud doorbell answering.
https://www.privacyguides.org/en/ if any of the last paragraph didn't make sense.
- I did find it distasteful that the intro to Steven's response video hooked with the "wage-slave" soundbyte. That was only tolerable since the shitty term sheet corroborated Crowder's intent. However, it was a qausi-business call with reasonable expectation of dirty-play and due-diligence on both sides, so pretending otherwise is a capricious, dense, and negligent avoidance of consequentialism/causality; a shockingly common sentiment. Even if you find recording phone-calls distasteful, Murphy's Law implores you to assume that even your friends and family are recording.conversations. It might be a tad fantastical to reference a spy show, but I think these 2 quotes concisely state skepticism of rules dictating bargains and societal relationships; variations on the 'trust but verify' proverb.
"Explaining the rules of covert ops is always a challenge. It's a world where good guys look like bad guys, and two wrongs do, in fact, make a right." - S1E07
US agency fiefdom building, including restrictive Intel sharing before 2002, and in-fighting is already well established. Involvement of Saudi Arabian officials with 9/11 was also an open-secret, presumed to be the redacted portion of the 9/11 commission. Where it's already uncontroversial that US inefficiency caused us to overlook actionable intelligence, this just adds accusations of active incompetence.
The rural deep south wasn't the entire West, and the key word I used actively homophobic. The laws went untouched since there was a valid (and since vindicated) unconscious concern that societal acceptance of buggery would risk other societal norms and institutions. There wasn't widespread fear of god reenacting Sodom and Gomorrah for overlooking a bit of vice. Note that when I say "never left the bedroom", I meant that depending on circumstances, it wasn't even an open secret that an individual(s) was homo. Here's a expounded upon case of the progressive agenda revising the public's collective memory of recent history.
Type 2 discrimination was beginning to fracture in the South until states enacted Jim Crow laws. The blowback from that era, titles II/VII of Civil Rights Act and Great Society welfare, has done an impressive job of breeding latent racism and steadily dragging American society towards collapse.
And the Christian right (at least the most vainglorious of the bunch) did such a crack job at being such insufferable, hypocritical busy-bodies that they got broader society to loosen its distaste for realized debauchery. The pre 60s sentiment was what you do behind closed doors is tolerable if it never leaves the bedroom; active homophobia was isolated at best. The next generation had this collective memory erased in the 70s-90s counter-cultural blowback, supplanted by the big scary lie that there were clans of homo-hunters over the previous centuries.
I deleted my second Facebook account a month ago because of contagious vapidity; should have stuck with my decision 9 years ago. Anyone close already has my email address, phone number, or can track down my website when I get around to deciding on a tech stack. Are you getting enjoyment out of whatever social media platform you share with IRL acquaintances?
If anyone unironically repeats the right-wing snowflake soundbyte in person, firmly ask them if coherent language matters. Make sure the topic stays flipped, and ditch them if they get their panties get bunched.
Thanks, those two fuckers outpace their late-night host peers with American Psycho esque cookie-cutter personas.
Really, the longer a large corporation is in business, the more likely it is to succumb to the Gervais Principle.
Not the first report of moderator impropriety out of that subcommunity, but my mind might be misattributing that out its ass. A red flag to me was the userbase's willingness to latch on to thought-terminating slogans like AWALT; I've never seen that phrase applied or interpreted in a precise, dispassionate context. I also took issue with the various mgtow communities borderline embrace of enjoyment/consumerism as the highest virtue in life, which I personally find effeminate; that's a disagreement rather than a organization issue.
I did have an effort-post about clingy beta optics (techlead comes to mind) on the backburner, but I'll save that for somewhere else.
Edit: As a sidenote, why does this website remove the content of posts instead of delisting? If that's not just c/mgtow policy, that's somehow gayer than how Reddit does things.
Pre-1917 USA had a distinct German speaking culture, whether it was bilingual families living among others, or separate communities of which only the Amish persisted past the World Wars. Taking Native Americans out the equation (they're a separate topic), early America was compatible with multi-culturalism since it was underpopulated, harsh, and scarce (i.e. underdeveloped). As with fashion, pop-culture, wealthy families (2nd and 3rd generations often squander wealth), etc; pioneers and first adopters are stronger, more independent, and intrinsically motivated. Multi-culturalism doesn't work when postive-rights and other forms of social weakness and hard coercion take root. Blacks weren't an endemic problem until Great Society welfare, along with weaponized identity politics; one of many tactics malicious extroverts use to acquire power. American Indian reservations suck only because they have no sovereignty. Legal Mexican immigrants don't have the destructive effect on social capital (and socio-econoimc ecosystem) that illegals do.