The art direction for Lawbreakers seemed uninspired, derived from other post-2009 MOBAs, royales, and avatar shooters instead of '90-'06 Id/Epic/similar. I didn't know CliffyB was intentionally embracing woke weirdness.
Arena shooters have a problem with the core-gamer market of demanding constant alertness and more veterancy than other multiplayers to enjoy.
Presumably[1] UT03/04 were able to live past the late 90's by having casual servers and mods to satisfy PC gamers who want to chill after school or work. Starcraft 2 had a similar fun vs. competitive issue where the 1st had player-driven variety. Even if Lawbreakers had better art direction, it would have failed since it didn't find a way to vary its gameplay loop. I'm undecided on whether a multiplayer needs to be freemium (which Lawbreakers wasn't) these days to sell.
I didn't have a properly setup gaming PC until 2005, and played CS:S, BF2, Guild Wars while UT would have had a population. Not having first-hand experience with the heyday player-base dynamics, I can only extrapolate how much enjoyment casuals got out of the era. Q3 forks were more fun than UT3, but the playerbase was so damn small even 15 years ago.
Edit: I'm getting deja vu of making this comment before. Lawbreakers is shockingly unremarkable.
The art direction for Lawbreakers seemed uninspired, derived from other post-2009 MOBAs, royales, and avatar shooters instead of '90-'06 Id/Epic/similar. I didn't know CliffyB was intentionally embracing woke weirdness.
Arena shooters have a problem with the core-gamer market of demanding constant alertness and more veterancy than other multiplayers to enjoy. Presumably[1] UT03/04 were able to live past the late 90's by having casual servers and mods to satisfy PC gamers who want to chill after school or work. Starcraft 2 had a similar fun vs. competitive issue where the 1st had player-driven variety. Even if Lawbreakers had better art direction, it would have failed since it didn't find a way to vary its gameplay loop. I'm undecided on whether a multiplayer needs to be freemium (which Lawbreakers wasn't) these days to sell.
Edit: I'm getting deja vu of making this comment before. Lawbreakers is shockingly unremarkable.