I mean, what is more traditional than British officers hiring out to various nations to train their soldiers? Shit used to be the norm back in the good old days.
Someone also claimed many didn't come direct from the UK, but were flying commercial jets in Asia until covid killed air traffic and a lot of pilots lost their jobs.
I honestly hope they keep antagonising him. There's "fuck you money" and then there's "I can literally pay to have you taken out back and shot, and get away with it" money, and he's the latter.
Just do the old Biden "fire both barrels into the air".
Shotgun mags are to small for situations like this though.
This is why 50 round drums and glock switches need to be legal
Update your resume and start looking for openings.
Either they did it intentionally, or they knew it was loose and they knowingly allowed it to spread to make sure everyone got funked.
And I still believe the videos of people being welded into their homes or collapsing in the street was a targeted psyop to get our governments to overreact.
Yay, ive made it onto a block list somewhere cause ive never seen this person before, but I'm blocked.
I still remember when Norwegian media used terms like "mysterious" and "sinister" to describe those sloppily painted Z's
1989 Rangers (US Army, not FC) vs. Cripps. https://youtu.be/Z4iQxpwYhAg
Based Polish anti-communist
Holy shit, did they nuke every tweet he's ever made?
And it would be real funny to see them fight it
Why has no one suggested to ban building/rebuilding habitation in coastal areas. If the risk of destruction is higher, and sea level change is going to take it soon anyways, society at large should prevent people from living there.
Crucify is nothing, they cooked and ate parts of one of their leaders once. And they weren't even starving.
You can see the stark difference in the lighting between pics of him and pics of the judge.
Same shit they did to make Trump look Orange.
Similar shit with uppers and lowers happened here in Norway, the police flip-flopped on which part was the gun, so for a period one or the other was essentially unregulated. It has resulted in at least one court case where someone bought both unlicensed and built a working AR.
Dude is involved in the auto keycard case, ATF is trying to fuck him. He either kills the NFA or they send him to jail for 10 years.
His entire thing was "let's stop fighting and do business", that's how he got most of the ME to normalise relations with Israel.
They also get to defer payment while the buildings stay empty, so there is no incentive to do anything at all to get a tenant. An empty building is preferable to cutting a single dollar off the rent.
It's nuWomen, pencil skirts make their cock bulge to obvious.
Rebecca is best girl and I reinstalled 2077 to kill Adam Smasher.
When the NY bubble bursts, its going to be fucking epic.
They would have left Jody Plauche with Ducette today.
Mens mental health options are suck it up or take a hunting trip with the shotgun and one shell.