Here’s one of the articles this dumb bitch writes for Healthline, which was “medically reviewed”:
OK, an explanation of the difference between sex and gender - seems innocuous enough?? Except this bitch doesn’t even accept the reality of biological sex either:
Society typically tells us that there are two sexes: male and female. You may also be familiar with the fact that some people are intersex, or have a difference of sexual development (DSD).
“Society typically tells us”?? Fuck off you stupid bitch. Also she calls DSD “differencec” of sexual development, but the site she links to calls it the proper term - “DISORDERS” of sexual development. Because they are DISORDERS, not a different sex, you stupid fuck.
With some research reporting that as many as 1 in 100 people are born with a DSD, more biologists are acknowledging that sex may be far more complex than what the traditional male-female binary accounts for.
So a lot of people are born with a deformity/disorder?? NO SHIT! Doesn’t mean sex isn’t binary.
The most important thing to remember is that it’s up to each individual to determine their gender, and indeed, sex.
FUCK… and this is a mainstream “medical” site… the first one in the google results most of the time.
Stupid fucking vile cunt
Yeah, the Germany New Year’s rapes or something in 2014/15
Wrong… here’s a post from the 3rd place runner up
Wrong…what’s your source on that claim? Here’s a direct source to the contrary
Amazon? WTF lol
Well I’d believe that if they were just asked their opinion and then lied about it to keep their social standing, but at least one of them took it upon herself to write an entire op-ed at Newsweek:
What’s so ironic is that if this chick would’ve had to compete against men her entire career, she never would’ve made it to the Olympics in the first place and no one would care about her opinion.
I was gonna say… isn’t Tiktok Chinese?
This shit proves they now have an American branch, for sure....
That movie pissed me off so badly. Two minutes into the movie they shotgun to death the main straight white male character and then present this frumpy Latina chick on a silver platter. I think they even had a cringy line in the movie that literally said “You’re the new John Connor”
Basically every new Disney movie is just “let’s make brown people feel good about themselves”
Yes, their disdain for trans isn’t based, it’s just a coincidental byproduct of their man hate.
Yes, the feminists who pushed or supported the idea “trans women are women” are sure gonna regret what results from it...
Feminists reaping what they sowed
Reddit is run by diaper fetishist molestor men in wigs, gtfo of there
**FEMALE genitals😂
Didn’t ADL change it to INCORPORATE Jews as being white?? Why are you saying it was the other way around?
The real question is why the FUCK did they use Gofundme in the first place? That shithaven has cancelled literally EVERY non-leftist political fund, even if it was for a black person with the wrong opinions. The Convoy had no chance.
She thought her “black female” card trumped all.... she thought (((wrong)))
The real problem is an ideology that designates some people, by identity or experience, as victims entitled to destructive behaviors.
A man going to prison for a long-ass time for a bad-ass crime has absolutely no reason NOT to identify as female now.
It’s nothing but net benefits for him, all the way down the line.
I’m surprised they’re even allowing a debate like this on Dr. Phil at this point
Suddenly they LOVE the cops when they are doing their bidding
Ofc, her bio...
They would never… that takes balls and a spinal column
It’s a female