Taking what he says as some kind of revelation is a sad, sad symptom of the context we live in. Common sense is now faux pas.
I think there is such a thing as being blackpilled, but still wanting to be a player in the game - or having professional boundaries that make it to where your thoughts rarely drift to the real discomforts. The knowing that all of your peers, even your family, the woman you love, your family, your friends, they would all drop you in a heartbeat if they heard the real truth of what you really think.
Your life would be destroyed so what you really think hardly ever makes it past the cognitive barriers of what allows you to justify staying afloat in this veritable hellscape relatively unmolested and employable, but again these pervasive thoughts are still there chewing at your psyche, so you settle for the next best thing wherein you hope that by fixing young men they might come to their own conclusions; all the better they hate you in the end because you hate yourself for being so weak. You get addicted to benzos and shut off until the narrative moves forward, and you let a little more slip. Hoping, dreaming of the day that you can finally be free of being utterly tongue-tied and hopelessly cuck-caged. I think there are a lot of people exactly like this.
I think people should pay attention to him with maybe a bit of a queer eye, but we often try to make heroes of people who even so much as wink at the "alt-right". As a result you have people who are very disappointed in any attempt at self-preservation or having pieces on the board. You'd think by now hero worship would be dead, but for some reason that optimism still exists. I think the pessimism is equally unwarranted.
There are no more heroes, simply, players in the game.
I think the main problem with them is that the identity rarely comes from an actual love of their own so much as it comes from a reaction to the modern cesspool of identity politics - the problem with which is that if you are constantly reacting to things you might aswell be in a sociology petry dish.
A solid identity cannot be formulated on these terms. It becomes mere aesthetic, pedantically ornamental, as you are made potent or impotent on a whim, moved around and dissoluted likewise.
Yeah, haha, what a whackjob...
Excuse me but it's gunPERSON you chud! T-"THEY" were white!
They prune, even at the ground level you are surrounded by this shit. Nobody on the other side of culture so much as gets a foot in the door without keeping their mouth fucking shut, because for every one basedboye there is a veritable crowd of fullblown leftist faggots. This is true for every artform, this is what has been cultivated within our collective aesthetic.
Among these crowds of many thousands who have a semblance of a chance or have been met with small successes, there is bound to be a handful of them who are really busy selling an agenda and they tend to be good and favored - this is the product of grooming, prioritization, and incentivization. The "right" is lightyears behind and they hardly know it but are now just finding out how deep these malignant roots burrow.
This is why they, the left, are as smarmy as they are.
I like how this can be summed up as "We have pilpulled and kvetched since the 80's and have determined that you cannot live in a high trust society because that is mean to people who will never appreciate it - or rather, all the people we invited who are virtually incompatible with you and your values. No identity for you, goy."
This is what happens when you ask Mr. Shmulevitz Goldstein permission to be white.
Oy vey! Muh narrative!
The vistas of imagination, if not well-nourished, can become captivity of the mind. We live in a strange time where the mental landscapes have collided and the higher narrative is unable to take seed.
What can speed things up? A new story that extends beyond cyberpunk and the like. How are politics affected? 2020 is an existential collision point for several generations who a century ago would have otherwise died of colera or at the receiving end of a musket barrage. We are in an meta-imaginative primordial soup where no form can take place to shape the generations to come. This is a clear stalemate within the collective consciousness and politics will continue to be a recursive, self-serving shitshow. Everything technological is rapidly evolving on autopilot with no context or direction, as if it has a mind of its own, approaching a singularity of its own.
Why are so many people and fields caught in years gone by? It all happened faster than certain fields could evolve, and people aren't dying fast enough. These fantasies shape what kind of a person is created and what kind of future is manifest - storytelling is not irrelevant or mere entertainment like we treat it, it has definitive manifest destiny (and a direct connection to by biology) and we are stagnant, preoccupied with our own timelines and narratives to really take notice. It is an inefficacy of our very design - we cannot outpace the serpent of materialism itself as it winds around us with its infinite coils of strata offering another yet fruit which will plunge us deeper into the hypermaterial.
There is a creative spiritual evolution that needs to take place to really make use of these "cooler" things, because one day we're going to fuck up and create or rather summon Rokko's Basilisk with the exact same retard consciousness we have now.
Sometimes they're right. I have come to find that I have more and more in common with Al Qaeda than I do with this modern debauchery.
Of course such a post glows, which to reiterate for all the wonderful folks at the FBI and CIA getting absolutely erect viewing this thread, no, I do not agree with their generally terroristic ambitions. In minecraft.
Anyone could have anticipated his middling stance, which is 'bout as good as he was going to do. I guess he wants Twitter alive. There is a seed in all this however that I hope grows over the coming years, and so long as people like him piss a little trickle every now and again it'll grow.
The long and short term are things we ought to keep an eye on and strive to grasp control over. If unironic piss-play furfags and transexuals can do it, so can you.
Elon's batting for globalism but hell if the man doesn't put on a good show from time to time.
To see twitter get gutted and catty, upjumped barristas stomp and steam their way back to the starbucks coffee grinder redfaced brushes a very special place in my heart.
I can stand to see more of this type of IRL shitposting and I would love to see more than just twitter get run into the ground.
I for one am glad that these evil, evil men were caught and brought to justice. Never again will these criminals heinously and ILLEGALLY distribute free copies of Black and Decker: DIY Carpentry and Backyard Essentials for Beginners like this is some gradeschool bookfair. The vile and, dare I say, criminal construction of backyard ponds at the expense of honest home improvement retailers and their fairly priced services will finally be a thing of the past.
Look at the effort they have to put in to mimic even a fraction of our power.
Even still, I'll bet not one of them in their lives, including the teacher, has been legitimately menaced by a white person but of course that doesn't matter. They're pawns, the smallest but some of the most important pieces on the board.The broad plan seems to be - replace whitey, foster contention against the remainder of what is left, cut off all upward mobility in the lower classes so that no billionaires may crop up and that the elites may go uncontested as they move onto their next phase, elites and their lines marry quietly into judaism as the goyim remain self-obssessed, easily commodified and corraled overgrown 8th graders. That's where commoncore intended to keep them and where this rhetoric is bound to keep them. K-12, this is generational control in a very one-sided battle. The communist infiltration of our educational system paid off exquisitely.
I'm amazed anyone is surprised by this, about a century and a half ago we were clam-diggers, shit-shovellers, and chimney sweeps. Between then and now no one intended on power fomenting within the individual with this much class mobility. No one counted on the internet doing what it did. The old wealth fucking hates it. They want this peasant-king experiment to be OVER and they're fishing for the best possible answer to this problem, and all the way down the ladder whitey creates the most problems for them and he must therefore be dispersed and perish so as to stifle a peasant revolt. This is why the whites must be humiliated and why their identity must be destroyed. White collectivization has a scaffold and a history that they are scared shitless of and must be quelled at every point of entry; so they meticulously constructed/tweaked this ideology, first stemming from efforts in population reduction and the expansion of federal powers, but now they just want to poison the well entirely and they have all the money and the minds to do it.
It's strange how the one redeemable thing that is so pushed within the programming of modern society, the power of friendship, family, and generally the power of keeping your word is seen more as a negligiable guideline or something that is so unimportant that it comes second to an almost ubiquitous urge to just lie, no matter how important your word was to the person you gave it to.
At times it seems like we don't even speak a common language, we communicate with a surface level facade with confused, idiosyncratic babble underneath - connect at enough points of the molecule and you might hold together briefly, but the factor of cohesion through collective values just isn't in the pudding. Cohesion through manipulation and emotional or hierarchal blackmail seems to be much more successful.
I think that the main ingredient that is missing is the concept of self, the deeper kind. The self-concept is lacking in that we don't abstract these things as a part of ourselves anymore where we ought to and the unseen part that promulgates lies is a much more important faculty than the one that tells the truth. We value our word superficially because we live in a very superficial world, and are not equipped to think of our ability to keep our word as an extension of our character - and whenever you do, you are seen as autistic or get taken advantage of.
I think it is noble to atleast try and think of it as your own arm or leg, but that is just lost on most. How can anyone preach self-love if they let such a thing rot?
You have killed thousands of Syrian children without blinking.
and somehow, suddenly, ejecting shells and rechambering semi-automagically is the worst thing that ever was. Evil. Just evil, gun manufacturers. Those casings could have been used to trip grovelling syrian children, instead they litter plebian shooting ranges.
A gun purchase doesn't pertain to social value, zero, none. It pertains to keeping you and your pets in line because this country isn't fucking stable.
See how well that goes pussy. I sincerely hope that third rail gets touched.